
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Election Logistics Highlight Unalaska’s Diversity

If you go to vote in today’s primaries, you’ll see signs that say “Bumoto Dito” plastered on the doors of city hall. That’s not the name of a candidate running for elected office. It means “Vote Here” in Tagalog.

Rockfish survival rates could rise with recompression tech

Scientists in the lower 48 say they've found a way to help increase the survival of released rockfish. It's called re-compression, and it could...

Fairbanks Ghost Hunters Tracking the Paranormal

Today’s the day to be on the lookout for ghosts but for members of a Fairbanks group, seeking out apparitions is a year round hobby. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports the local ghost hunters are serious about tracking the paranormal.

Assembly Holds Off Tennis Court Decision

A decision on whether the Anchorage Assembly will accept money from the legislature to build a rec center with indoor tennis courts was put off at Tuesday's regular assembly meeting. Dozens testified mostly in favor of building the facility.

Juneau Homeless Shelter To Be Closed At Least A Month

Juneau’s nonprofit homeless shelter, the Glory Hole, will be closed at least a month after a burst water pipe caused major flood damage last weekend. Download Audio

Alaska Democrats start campaign against Don Young online

The Alaska Democratic Party has begun a full campaign against Don Young's re-election next year. Party leaders showcased a new website today called

Tanana River flood waters begin to recede

Waters on the Tanana River near Salcha have dropped several feet, reducing the risk of flooding in the area.  But National Weather Service Hydrologist...

State fund for renewable power falls prey to budget woes

Since 2008, the state has set aside a pot of money for renewable energy projects like small dams and wind turbines. Called the Renewable Energy Fund, the projects it's backed have replaced tens of millions of gallons of expensive diesel in communities from Skagway to Nome. Listen now

High Tech Maps Help Assess Potential LNG Pipeline Routes

The state is releasing high tech survey data for proposed gas pipeline routes. The Division of Geological and Geographical Survey’s project employed Light Detection and Ranging technology.

Police continue search for missing Nome woman last seen in August

Florence Okpealuk went missing from Nome over two months ago. But the Nome Police Department isn’t ready to let the case go cold yet.

Murkowski Campaign Urges Broadcasters to Refuse Tea Party Ad

Associated Press Lawyers for U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski's campaign want Alaska broadcasters to refuse a national Tea Party ad. The campaign says the TV ad is...

Alaska soldier earns prestigious medal for heroic fishing rescue

A soldier stationed at Joint-Base Elmendorf-Richardson is set to receive one of the nation's highest military awards on Friday. According to Army officials, it's the first time the Soldier's Medal has been awarded to a troop in Alaska for a rescue that happened in state. And it started with a fishing trip. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Apr. 4, 2016

Criminal justice bill amended to reduce benefits to sex offenders; Senate Finance Committee pulls various bills from hearing; Alaska Air buys Virgin America, and may keep a hint of its bling; Retired EPA ecologist Phil North speaks out; Eielson chosen to base the F-35; avalanche fatality at Summit Lake; State calls off student testing; Seawolves fall to Lubbock Christian in NCAA Division II championship game; Juneau seawater heat pump more than a pipe dream? Download Audio

Questions surround Walker’s gas line plan

Gov. Bill Walker is making the case that his new gas line plan will get the project off the drawing board and on to Alaskan soil. But it’s not hard to find skeptics who say Walker is just creating more paperwork.

Fast-ferry Chenega struggles with winter weather

Winter weather has stopped the Chenega from sailing again. Gale-force winds kept the fast ferry from making today’s Juneau-Haines run. Wind also blocked Thursday’s...
A man in a gray t-shirt with black hairs stares ahead.

Subsistence users, scientists seek answers for chum salmon declines

Why are the chum numbers so low? The short answer is that no one really knows for sure. But there are a lot of theories.

Alyssa London to showcase Tlingit design at Miss USA pageant

In less than two weeks, Miss USA will be crowned and one of the hopeful contestants is from Southeast Alaska. 27-year-old Alyssa London touched down in Las Vegas earlier this week to prepare for the beauty pageant. She was crowned Miss Alaska USA earlier this year and is the first Tlingit woman to hold that title. Listen now

Anchorage Assembly member wants to ban the city from using of facial recognition technology

“Oftentimes, facial recognition algorithms and the databases they use end up having inaccuracies," said Assembly member Joey Sweet.
a midair refueling

Air National Guard changes in Alaska could affect national security, civilian rescues

The Alaska Air National Guard flew 159 civilian medical rescue missions last year, often during vicious storms that kept air ambulances grounded.

Bug Attacking Alaska Willows

The lush green of summer in Fairbanks is being marred by dying willow leaves. The browned out willows are the victim of a bug...