
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

A woman shows a flash card of two figures hugging to a room of toddlers.

New Anchorage daycare teaches children in Hmong and English

Chue Hang opened the Hmoob Cultural Center of Alaska in November to help support and educate Hmong people like herself. 

What Will We Be Thanking Alaska Natives for in the Future

Scientists working in Alaska have come to value the knowledge of Native Elders, but do new generations of elders have that same knowledge? With Thanksgiving Day approaching, “Talk of Alaska” takes a look at the current state of cross-cultural communication. The Natives helped the Massachusetts colonists survive. KSKA: Tuesday, 11/22 @ 10:00am

Hoonah Murder Trial Goes To The Jury

The jury started deliberations Friday in the case of John Marvin Junior that’s now underway in Juneau. The defense rested its case and closing arguments were held Thursday, the tenth day of a trial in which prosecutors allege that Marvin killed two Hoonah police officers.

With assembly approval, Central Council expands plans for 3-acre Immersion Park

The Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska has a new target date for opening its cultural immersion park at the old Thane Ore House. Listen Now

Officers Study Science Behind Deadly Force

Law enforcement officers from across the state have spent the past two days in a training on the use of deadly force. The workshop comes after two deadly, high-profile suspect shootings by Anchorage Police officers in 2012. As KSKA's Daysha Eaton reports, the training is focused on science.

How much could electric vehicles put the brakes on Alaska’s oil economy?

As more people move away from gasoline powered cars, the big players in the oil industry have started to pay attention -- and that includes Alaska. Listen now
A gray-white wolf looks toward the camera from a snowy background.

Death of Alaska Zoo’s lone wolf, Windy, signals end to resident wolf pack’s reign

Windy was a gray female who came to the zoo in Anchorage in 2006, one of a half-dozen pups the Alaska Department of Fish and Game took from a predator control zone, where wolves were being hunted and trapped.

Alaska Territorial Guard solders receive WWII discharge papers

Many Alaskan soldiers who fought in World War II were never officially discharged until last week.  About 50 of these Alaska Territorial Guard soldiers...

49 Voices: Candidates for Alaska Zoo president

This week is an election special-- Zoo election, that is. Supporters of the Alaska Zoo will be electing a president of their own on November 8th. Today we’ll hear from three candidates -- Aphun the polar bear, Denali the wolf and George the Magpie—as well as their two campaign managers. Listen Now
(Logo via APICDA)

Aspiring business owners gear up for Aleutian Marketplace Competition

During the month of January, a non-profit program dedicated to nurturing small businesses is offering cost-free application reviews for the 2016 Aleutian Marketplace Competition.

What can unflappable geese teach us about the future of Arctic development?

Every summer, millions of migratory birds like the greater white-fronted goose descend on the National Petroleum Reserve, to lay eggs, molt their feathers and fatten up. A lot of the oil potential lies squarely in migratory bird habitat. Listen now

Fort Yukon Man Wins Presidential Citizens Medal

A Fort Yukon man has been selected as one of this year's winners of the Presidential Citizens Medal, the nation's second highest honor for a civilian. The award recognizes public service.

Mat-Su Creamery Gets State Loan

Matanuska Valley's Matanuska Creamery has received a $200,000 loan from the state Board of Agriculture and Conservation this month, but a legislative report questions...
A tan building with a parking lot in front and mountains behind, with a sign in front that says searhc

Seven women accuse former Juneau health consortium chiropractor of sexual abuse

Seven women have accused a former Juneau-area chiropractor of sexually abusing them while he was working at the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium, or SEARHC.

LISTEN: There are billions of dollars at stake in the 2020 Census, but Alaska response rates are low

The census is about understanding the country’s population, but it’s also about money. There are billions of federal dollars at stake. Yet, less than half of Alaskans have responded so far, with the lowest self-response rate of any other state in the country.

Voters: Should Alaska borrow cash for roads and more?

While choosing among the candidates on election day, voters will also decide whether the state should go into debt to pay for $315 million...
a hunter

Board of Game votes down education requirement for young hunters in Southeast

The state’s Board of Game voted down a proposal to require young Southeast Alaska hunters to complete an education course before hunting alone.

Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame: Karen Hunt

As part of Women’s history month, Alaska Public Media brings you the voices of influential Alaskan women who have helped shape and define the social, cultural and political discourse in Alaska. 15 women were recently inducted into the Alaska women’s hall of fame at a ceremony in Anchorage. Former Anchorage Assembly chair and hall of fame steering committee member Jane Angvik tells us more about one of the inductees-Anchorage Superior court judge - Karen Hunt. Download Audio

Alaska game board votes touch a menagerie of management issues

The Alaska Board of Game wrapped up its recent meeting in Anchorage on Friday after voting on some changes to statewide hunting regulations. Listen now

Two Charged With Selling Meth In Ongoing Trooper, Nome Police Investigation

First heroin, now meth—as two more Nome residents are behind bars after allegedly selling methamphetamine.