
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

A woman shovels snow from a driveway.

‘Anomaly’ winter storm closes Anchorage and Mat-Su schools, slows traffic

The latest storm brought more than a foot of new snow. The snow again closed schools, tangled traffic and left residents frustrated about unplowed roads.

Valdez hosts formal visit from Ted Stevens as pipeline oil output slows

Senator Ted Stevens also spent a day in Valdez earlier this week.He visited city projects, hung out at a local ice cream joint, and...
a Russian aircraft intercept

U.S. fighter jets intercept, escort Russian aircraft off Alaska’s coast

NORAD scrambled Alaska-based F-22 and F-16 fighters and an AWACS radar plane for Thursday's "routine interception."
A hospital parking lot

Hospitals bring the ballot bedside

Kenai Peninsula voters with unexpected hospitalizations were able to vote, thanks to hospital staff and a state of Alaska rule.

Senator Concerned About Mine Permit Delays

Senator Mark Begich is pushing the Forest Service for quick action on permits for two Prince of Wales Island mining projects.

Renewable Energy Fund Seeking More Applications

The state's Renewable Energy Fund is taking applications for more money. Utilities, municipalities, tribes and other entities are eligible to investigate, design or...

A Trip to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

When driving along Turnagain Arm, you might miss the modest sign for the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center near Portage Creek. But if you do manage to find your way into the wildlife center, you’ll find some interesting animals with equally fascinating stories.

Weekend High Winds Rip Through Anchorage Hillside

Winds well over 100 miles per hour ripped siding and roofing off Anchorage hillside houses Saturday and Sunday, as a pineapple express brought warm air all the way up to the interior.

Man Found Dead Along Chester Creek Died of Natural Causes

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage Anchorage police say a man whose body was found in a tent in the woods along Chester Creek apparently died...

Leaner Times In Store For Alaska’s Budget

Governor Bill Walker’s State of the Budget speech made clear that leaner times are ahead for Alaska. His address was a somber departure from the optimistic state of the state address. He noted almost right away that managing the state’s finances into better standing will not be easy. KSKA: Friday, 1/23 at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, 1/24 at 6:00 p.m. KAKM: Friday, 1/23 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, 1/24 at 4:30 p.m. Download Audio

Former YKHC Network Manager Indicted for Child Porn Distribution

A former computer network manager at the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation is accused of possessing and distributing vast amounts of child pornography. Download Audio

State Feels Impact of Health Care Industry

One of the largest industries in Alaska is health care. It employs more people than state government and the oil industry and its impact...

Ask a Climatologist: Arctic sea ice at record low for the season

This late in the fall, Arctic sea ice should be forming near the community of Barrow. Instead, the ocean is open for hundreds of miles. Barrow also shattered its record for the highest average temperature for October. Listen Now

Curbside growlers? Industry groups push for change to alcohol sales rules to accommodate coronavirus

In an effort to help desperate businesses, regulators and lobbyists are asking the governor to relax rules barring take out and curbside pickup of alcoholic beverages.
A screenshot of a trial held by Zoom.

Former UAF students describe what they heard and saw in dorm in 1993 before Sophie Sergie was found dead

The former university students spoke at the trial of Steven Downs. Downs is charged with Sergie’s murder and sexual assault.

DEC looks into helicopter fuel spill in Jakolof Bay

State officials are investigating whether a charter helicopter spilled fuel near a Kenai Peninsula oyster farm in Jakolof Bay.

Fuel Spilled After Vessel Loses Power, Drifts into Channel Rocks

There is a fuel spill near the harbor in Nome. The Department of Environmental Conservation says a vessel was towing a barge Saturday when it lost propulsion and drifted into channel rocks.

Ahmaogak Contesting North Slope Election Results

George Ahmaogak is contesting the outcome of the special run-off election for North Slope Borough Mayor. Charlotte Brower won the election, the final tally was 1,022 to 960.

Groundbreaking Celebrates New Home for Disabled Elderly

The Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation held a groundbreaking ceremony for a care facility in Bethel this week.
a sign says "Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation"

Permanent Fund bosses vote to defy Alaska Legislature, keep Anchorage office

One dissenting member of the board of trustees warned that the vote could cause "a fight" with the Legislature.