
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Alaska E-Health Network Defends Privacy Protections Of Medical Records

The company contracted with the state to manage Alaska’s new on line medical records data base is defending its privacy protections. The Alaska E-health Network, like many across the country, resulted from state and federal mandates designed to improve efficiency and privacy of health information transfer. It was piloted in Fairbanks, and went live this summer statewide. Alaskans are required to opt out of the system if they don’t want their medical records in the data base. The American Civil Liberties Union is critical of that, and has also raised concerns about access by hackers and government agencies. Download Audio
An aerial view of one of the exploration pads and wells that ConocoPhillips drilled during the 2018 exploration season at its Willow prospect.

Alaska’s largest oil producer asks judge to block release of drilling info from NPR-A

ConocoPhillips Alaska is asking a judge to issue an injunction against the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission that would maintain the confidentiality of records the commission has from Conoco’s wells in the NPR-A.

ERA now, Murkowski says

Sen. Murkowski is pushing for the Equal Rights Amendment. Yes, she knows that sounds like 1972 is calling and asking for its protest sign back.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Short $1B, Icebreaker Advocates Consider Leasing, Sharing; State Raises Concerns Over Costs As Anchorage Hospitals Vie For More ER Beds; Barge Arrives To Courier Alaska's Marine Debris To the Lower 48; Ocean Acidification: A Grim Reaper For Wild Shellfish Stocks?; Walker OKs Further Work On The Juneau Access Project; UAF To Acquire HAARP Science Program Download Audio

Land Into Trust And The Future Of Tribal Sovereignty In Alaska

Alaska tribes can now ask the Interior Secretary to take land into trust, a legal designation called Indian Country. What would this mean for the future of tribal sovereignty? How would Indian Country status affect Alaska Native Corporations and the relationship between tribes and the state? APRN: Tuesday, 4/21 at 10:00am Download Audio

Kobuk 440 Rebounding After Tough Financial Times

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Organizers of the season’s final mid-distance mushing race says things are shaping up after some rough financial times....

AK House passes military code of justice reforms

The state House today passed a bill designed to strengthen the state's Military Code of Justice. It passed on a 39-0 vote with one member absent, and now goes to the state Senate. Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux, a Republican from Anchorage, says the revisions create a state code which is similar to the federal code. The code would apply to military members in Alaska not covered by federal regulations, such as many members of the Alaska National Guard. Download Audio
a Seattle police officer

Seattle and Justice officials seek to end most oversight of city’s police

Much of the Seattle Police Department has been overhauled since a 2011 federal report found officers too often escalated situations and used force.

Begich Frustrated Over Lack of Gas Line Project Progress

Senator Mark Begich cited his frustration at the lack of progress on getting an Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline built as he introduced legislation on Monday in Washington.
An aerial view of green farmland with a mountainous backdrop.

Palmer pilot who flew with revoked credentials claimed to be ‘free citizen,’ feds say

Prosecutors say William Marsan argued that he is a "free citizen" so he did not need a pilot's license.

Crystal Ball for Ferries Shows Many Options

A look into Southeast Alaska's crystal ball shows more ferries and roads ... or maybe less. Options for an updated Southeast Alaska Transportation Plan...

Miller Upset With Decision to Move Up Ballot Count

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Joe Miller is upset with the Division of Elections’ decision to move up the ballot-count of the...

Court of Appeals Affirms Lower Court in Yup’ik Fishermen’s Case

The Alaska Court of Appeals has affirmed a lower court’s decision that Yup’ik Fishermen who fished during a state closure should be charged. The decision was issued today. Download Audio

Your budget-gap solution might be more complicated than you think

With the state’s fiscal woes looming over the next legislative session, there is a lot of talk about how to fill its multi-billion-dollar budget gap. Among the many suggestions are taxes, and communities are weighing several options.

Forest Service and employee sparring over whistle blowing and possible retaliations

U.S. Forest Service officials have been considering whether to fire a whistle-blower employee who successfully challenged some of the agency's road building and timber...

Herring Gillnetters Have Fast and Furious Season

It was a fast and furious season for southeast herring gillnetters this year. Their two sac roe fisheries opened a lot earlier than...

New Clearinghouse Provides Alaska Specific Stimulus Information

Municipalities and non-profit organizations around the state, as of today (Friday), have a single source of information on funding available under the federal economic...

UA Presidential Candidates Tour the State

Candidates vying to become the next president of the University of Alaska are on a 3 day tour of the system’s main campuses....

Eklutna tribe seeks gaming rights

Tribal leaders near Anchorage are seeking a federal gaming permit to enhance economic opportunities. Eklutna officials want to operate bingo and pull tabs on...

Game Board Votes Down Bear Snaring Proposal

The state game board voted down a bear snaring proposal before adjourning from a week-long meeting in Fairbanks Friday. The state proposal, which would have allowed black bear trapping in areas of the interior, to reduce predation of moose, was unanimously rejected by the board.