
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Deadline arrives for seniors Medicare drug benefits program

Tomorrow  is the deadline for seniors to sign up for prescription drug benefits from Medicare.  Under the system set up by Congress, if you're...
A village

After COVID-19 closes post offices for weeks, Western Alaskans suffer critical mail delays

The post offices in Kwethluk and Pilot Station have been closed for weeks because employees were infected with COVID-19, delaying shipments of essential medicines and supplies.
America's Best Value Inn and Suites

Treasury lays out options for city to move forward with controversial property purchases

Uncertainty over the city’s controversial purchase of four properties for substance treatment and housing services seems to be at least partially resolved after the Berkowitz administration met with U.S. Department of Treasury officials this week.

Anniversary of historic tsunami arouses vivid memories

62 years ago today, one of the 20th century's worse tsunamis hit the pacific ocean. It followed an 8.2 magnitude earthquake that was ecorded...
Ketchikan cruise ship berth

Missing Ketchikan man presumed dead after video shows fall into water, police say

Ketchikan police say a video shows missing man Rex Sowell, 32, falling into the water near a local cruise ship dock.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, May 2, 2017

State troopers leading efforts to recover pilot from crash site south of Chigniks; National omnibus bill contains Mental Health Trust-Tongass land trade; Alaska Native representatives offer support for income tax; Senate and House leaders provide different plans on addressing oil and gas tax credits; 17-foot python loose in Meadow Lakes, Mat-Su animal control warns; Northern Edge military exercise takes to Alaska's sea, air and land; Fairbanks North Star Borough looks to address F-35 deployments on community; How do retreating glaciers hit marine populations?; Haines master carver unveils carving honoring veterans; Alyssa London to showcase Tlingit design at Miss USA pageant Listen now

Committee Hears About Energy Crisis in YK Delta

The House Energy Committee held an official hearing in Bethel on Friday. Ten legislators listened to public testimony about the effects of the energy...
a group of women

High fashion at high latitudes: Event showcases Indigenous design

The fourth annual Far North Fashion Show held last Thursday drew a packed crowd to the Anchorage Museum of History and Art.

How the Princess Sophia grounded and sank with all aboard 100 years ago

What happened on Vanderbilt Reef in October 1918? And why was the sinking of the S.S. Princess Sophia quickly forgotten in Alaska and Canada? Listen now

Gambell, Savoonga Face Food Shortage

Gambell and Savoonga had their lowest walrus harvest on record. That’s created a food shortage and economic crisis in the Yup’ik villages as residents are unable to pay their bills and are worried about the coming winter. The region’s legislators are urging Governor Parnell to declare an economic disaster declaration for the Island to free up state money for relief. Download Audio

Hunting Interests Appear to Win Seats on Advisory Panel

All eight vacant seats on the Anchorage Fish and Game Citizen Advisory Committee have been filled, and indications are that hunting interests have...

Sealaska to hold annual meeting in San Francisco

Southeast Alaska’s regional Native corporation holds its annual meeting this Saturday. But this year, it’s in California, not Alaska. Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau

Mom, Tot Injured In ATV Hit-And-Run

A Mountain Village woman was arrested Wednesday after driving an ATV into a woman pushing a toddler in a stroller.

Bethel test fishery on the Kuskokwim gathering genetic data and more

The salmon season has started for much of the state, and in Bethel the start of the Kuskokwim salmon runs also brings the start...

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, June 15, 2017

With one day left in special session, little public progress on budget; Uber, Lyft cleared to launch in Alaska; Southeast tribal organization says it will support the Paris Climate Accord; Federal officials make formal apology for WWII internment of Unangan people; U.S. Senate committee advances bill to make Native tribes eligible for Amber Alert grants; Shareholders consider shrinking Sealaska board; Propeller problems postpone ferry Columbia’s return; Team Pure and Wild Freeburd wins 2017 Race to Alaska; Fiber broadband coming to Nome by year’s end, Quintillion says; Longevity crucial to teachers' impact in classroom; After over 40 years at Prudhoe Bay, general store manager to retire Listen now

Ohio rookie to go out first for Yukon Quest race

The order is set for tomorrow’s start of the Yukon Quest. The 23 mushers, slated to begin the race in downtown Fairbanks, drew numbers Thursday night to determine the running order. The first person to leave for Whitehorse on Saturday will be a 19-year-old rookie from Ohio.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, July 19, 2018

USFWS quietly allows land survey in Izembek; Enviros call foul; Endangered Species Act overhaul could put Alaska’s polar bears in crosshairs; Feds join governor in ending Juneau road extension; Anchorage officials employ new methods to clear away illegal homeless camps; Feds request public input on National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska oil leasing; DNA shows Eagle River bears shot after maulings were not to blam; Tlingit & Haida tight-lipped about project near Eaglecrest; Anchorage pilot dies, two suffer injuries in Willow plane crash; Panel finds Alaska lawmaker violated ethics law; A woman seeks Don Young's seat in Congress. And she's never been to Alaska; How bold? Governor’s climate action team talks emissions reduction goals and education Listen now
downtown Anchorage

Alaska’s working-age population on decline since 2013 peak, and recovery chances seen as dim

Alaska’s working-age population peaked 10 years ago, and the rate of loss since then is among the nation's highest, according to state officials.

Sitka High School converts cars to electric

High gas prices won’t be an issue for at least two more Sitka motorists. Right now in the auto shop of Sitka high school...
the Anchorage pioneer home, a five-story blocky building with a red sign in front and flower beds

Another resident at Anchorage Pioneer Home dies of COVID-19

Its the second COVID-19 death tied to the Anchorage Pioneer Home.