
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Oil Companies Buy Two Leases Near NPR-A

Two lease sales on Wednesday showed that the oil and gas industry is still very interested in the North Slope. Just two days after the way was cleared for a pipeline into the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, the industry snapped up all the available acreage near it Wednesday.

Kuskokwim Silver Salmon Run Underway

Silver salmon are running up the Kuskokwim River and managers say the coho at the Bethel Test Fishery will soon be more abundant than chums.

Legislature busy churning out bills for the session

This year’s legislative session is starting to ramp up in Juneau. Lawmakers today  released the first batch of bills available for consideration...

This Yukon River village is on lockdown and has already approved its own small coronavirus stimulus

Tribes are scrambling to order supplies and step up local measures designed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

Alaska troopers: No plans to intervene in village dispute

Alaska State Troopers say they don't know who the rightful tribal leaders are in a western Alaska village, and they've taken no action weeks after a federal judge said the agency could use force to evict former leaders involved in a prolonged power struggle there.

Coming to Soon to SE Alaska: Not Murkowski

A spokesman for Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) says there’s not much chance the senator will make it to Southeast Alaska in the near future...

Big Storm Moves Off Coast, Smaller One Moving In

The Bering sea storm hammering Alaska's western coast has moved off toward Russia, but Don Moore with the National Weather Service says a smaller storm is rotating around it.

Voter Turnout Varies Around State

Workers with the Alaska Division of Elections called around the state this afternoon to get a sense of how voter turnout was going. Gail Fenumiai is the Director of the division of elections. She says turnout is varying across the state.
(Photo by Scott Burton/KTOO)

AK: New art piece in Juneau brings awareness to homelessness

A new plywood cut-out of a person in front of city hall is part of a national effort to bring awareness to homelessness. The social art project began in Charleston, South Carolina where the city collaborated with a design firm to create 430 plywood figures—the estimated number of homeless people in the city at the time. The figures were then placed in park in front of their City Hall. Now, the project has gone national and every state capital has been asked to put a figure in front of their city hall in solidarity.

Legislature Rejects Pay Raises For Top Officials

The legislature has rejected proposed pay increases for the governor, lieutenant governor and main department heads. Download Audio

Senators Honor Vets, Help Pass Job Legislation

Alaska’s senators honored veterans in Washington on Friday and were part of a successful effort to pass legislation aimed at getting more veterans jobs on Thursday. There are an estimated 240,000 unemployed vets from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
ranked choice ballot with a pen

Signature drive begins to rid Alaska of ranked choice voting

Organizers have a year to collect 27,000 signatures to put ranked choice voting on the 2024 ballot for repeal.

Business as usual for marine mammal deterrence

In Southeast Alaska, populations of some marine mammals, like humpback whales and Stellar sea lions, are on the rise. Some subgroups of these species have recently been removed from the Endangered Species list, leaving many commercial fisherman wondering what this means for them. Listen now

Board of Fish Discussing Cook Inlet Salmon Issues

This week the board of fish is dealing with the contentious battles over Cook Inlet salmon. In both the Kenai and the Mat-Su Boroughs many are fighting over fish that are disappearing. Download Audio

Microplastics in the Arctic | Line One

Why are microplastics so prevalent in the Arctic, and what is known about how they affect human health and development?

Mysterious Bering Straits seabird die-off enters fourth year

Most of the dead birds reported last month were murres and horned puffins.
A boy sitting up in a hospital bed with his parents on either side of him

An Anchorage boy is waiting for a life-saving stem cell transplant, but Alaska Native donors are scarce

It’s harder for Alaska Native and mixed-race people to find donors because they’re underrepresented in the donor database.

Murkowski Votes Against Budget Plan Passed by House

Alaska’s Senator Lisa Murkowski was one of only five Republicans to vote against a GOP budget plan to privatize Medicare. It failed last night on a vote of 40 to 57, with no Democratic support. The plan, crafted by Wisconsin Republican Representative Paul Ryan, previously passed the House on GOP support.

Many Awarded Special Honors at Memorial Service

Libby Casey, APRN - Washington DC About 100 people were listed in the memorial program for Senator Ted Stevens as honorary pallbearers. Not all...

Alaska Post Office Closure List Shrinks to 11

The list of post offices in Alaska being considered for closure has shrunk down to 11. The announcement came from Senator Mark Begich 0n Monday, who said all the bush post offices off the road system - some 25 of them - have been taken off the list.