
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Deadly Virus Found in Alaskan Sea Otters

A virus that has killed thousands of harbor seals in the Atlantic Ocean has been discovered in sea otters in Alaska, and it may...

New pipeline film showcases the builders

The trans-Alaska oil pipeline stars in a new film compilation that looks at the history of the 800-mile project through the experiences of five people who helped build it. The Consumer Energy Alliance partnered with the Alaska Support Industry Alliance to produce Pipeline Pioneers. The short, 11-minute series of profiles, recently debuted in Anchorage.

Top Oil CEOs Meet With Gov. Parnell In Anchorage

A meeting characterized as historic took place at the Dena’ina center in Anchorage on Thursday, bringing the top CEOs of ConocoPhillips, BP, Exxon and Governor Parnell together for a first ever meeting to discuss a new approach to building a gasline for getting North Slope gas to market.
A woman wearing a bathing suit pushes a walker down a tie hallway.

The day after her 100th birthday, an Anchorage centenarian is back in the pool

"I come every Monday, Wednesday and Friday," said Maurine Loopstra. She has been a member of the Y since the day it opened over 50 years ago.

Murkowski Names New Fisheries Aide

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski has hired a new fisheries aide.Murkowski’s office says Stefanie Moreland will start next month. Moreland will replace Arne Fuglvog , who pleaded guilty this summer to one count of violating the Lacey Act for falsely reporting where he caught sablefish that were intended for interstate commerce. Fuglvog’s sentencing is set for November.

New bill seeks to address conflicts of interest within Legislature

When Alaska legislators or their immediate family members financially benefit from bills, the lawmakers declare they have a conflict of interest. Listen now

Lt. Gov. Mallott says he and Gov. Walker will run for re-election

Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott said Wednesday that he and Gov. Bill Walker will run for re-election next year. He also said they’ll run together. Even for incumbents, that may be an uphill fight. Listen now

Trans-Pacific Partnership nixes sockeye tariffs

A new Pacific trade deal could make Alaska sockeye a little more affordable in other countries. Download Audio

House lawmakers view prison stats

Data gathered by the Pew Charitable Trusts is aimed at guiding Alaska's legislators in making policy changes that could lead to reducing state prison populations. The state House committee heard the numbers Monday morning. Download Audio
Several white crosses in the trees

Bill protecting Unangax̂ cemetery in Southeast Alaska passes Legislature, awaits Dunleavy’s signature

When the Japanese military invaded the Aleutians during World War II, the U.S. government forced Unangax̂ people to live in two internment camps in Southeast Alaska. They were held there for two years and were not provided with basic necessities like clean water.

Candidates for governor differ on how to pay for government, PFDs

During a Juneau Chamber of Commerce forum, Gov. Bill Walker asked former state Sen. Mike Dunleavy about $1.1 billion in budget cuts he said he would make in January 2017. Listen now

High Winds, Big Waves Wreaking Havoc On Sea Travel

High winds in Southeast this winter are wreaking havoc on land and at sea. The state ferry Kennicott postponed a scheduled cross-gulf voyage earlier in February due to heavy weather. The Kennicott is rated for open-ocean travel.

Alaska DOT: Epic avalanche cascade shuts down Hatcher Pass Road for days

Forecasters with the Hatcher Pass Avalanche Center say that five different avalanches crossed the upper stretch of the road, and one of those extended so far that it hit a second, lower stretch of the road, beneath a switchback. The center said that was the first time such a slide had taken place since the 1980s.

‘Devastating’ and ‘significant’: Educators react to Dunleavy’s budget proposal

Education leaders are deeply worried about how the cuts will affect schools.

One of Alaska’s youngest convicted murderers won an appeal, opening door for others to be resentenced

A decision in an appeal by Winona Fletcher means other young defendants sent to prison for life can ask to have their sentences reexamined.

Sen. Meyer: Savings can mitigate budget overhaul impacts

The Majority Caucus in the State Senate has one priority this year: restoring fiscal stability to Alaska. And Senate President Kevin Meyer, of Anchorage, says Permanent Fund earnings will have to be part of that mix. Download Audio

Walker hopeful plan to pay off oil tax credit debt with bonds will pass this session

What the state owes in tax credit payouts varies wildly from year to year. By paying off the tax credit debt with bonds, the repayment rate would theoretically become predictable. Listen now
an airport

Broken wings: Complaints about U.S. airlines soared again this year

Flight cancellations this year have fallen from levels last year, according to federal data, but delays have increased heading into the holiday travel season.

A new hydropower project for Juneau

A new hydropower project set to go online in 2009 could wean Juneau from expensive diesel fuel supplements and serve as a back up...

Native Group Challenging Eastern Yukon Territory Mine Permits

Vic Istchenko, CBC - Whitehorse Tuesday in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, a Native group went to court to challenge the permits for a mine on the...