
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Juneau immersion classroom aims to teach new generation of Lingít speakers

Haa Yóo X̱ʼatángi Kúdi opened briefly this spring and again this September, with 14 students enrolled in the program and more on the waitlist.

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, July 10, 2020

Hospitalizations in Anchorage more than doubled this week as positive coronavirus cases continue to increase. And, more Alaskans are visiting outdoor spaces and leaving a mess behind. Plus, Wasilla High School's administrators grapple with debate around the school's Native American mascot.

Rhetoric Heats Up in Advance of “SOS” Vote

The ‘Save Our Salmon’ Initiative goes before voters in the Lake and Peninsula Borough tomorrow, and the information war around the proposed Pebble mine that the initiative is aimed at stopping, is heating up.

History Detectives, Season Premiere

Watch Season 10 Preview on PBS. See more from History Detectives.

In the season premiere episode, Elyse Luray and Wes Cowan investigate whether they have found rock’s Holy Grail, the long-lost electric Fender Stratocaster Bob Dylan plugged in at the ’65 Newport Folk Festival, changing rock ‘n’ roll forever. Tukufu Zuberi tracks down some autographs allegedly signed for two brothers in Miami Beach during the Beatles’ legendary 1964 “British Invasion” tour of the United States. Finally, Gwendolyn Wright investigates a $5 thrift store find and unearths a little-known artistic side of musical iconoclast Frank Zappa. Alaska Public Television. Tuesday, July 17. 8:00 pm

Dunleavy administration to spend $600,000 on Outside law firm to help with union lawsuits

The state posted a request for proposals for a law firm that has experience arguing cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.
the Mendenhall River

Scammers posing as a local contractor are targeting Juneau flood victims

At least one Juneau resident has lost more than $50,000 after paying fraudulent bills sent by someone posing as a local contractor.

Begich Addresses State Legislature

Alaska’s new U.S. Senator Mark Begich made his first address to the state legislature this morning, discussing his Congressional agenda, but mostly he...
A man with his hand in a foot trap

Half a dozen dogs and one person were accidentally caught in traps or snares last year, Alaska wildlife group says

Several submissions described close encounters with traps or snares near trails and roadways, and one man said he was pulled off his motorbike after a snare caught his foot on a trail in the Mat-Su.
A woman sits on the witness stand in a courtroom.

Providence investigating Alaska CARES workplace complaints against medical director after ‘mass exodus’ of staff

Anchorage Daily News reporter Michelle Theriault Boots says the complaints were about Alaska CARES medical director Dr. Barbara Knox.

Anchorage voters opt for bonds, more liberal Assembly

Progressive candidates and incumbents win, along with former law-maker in Eagle River and an upset in south Anchorage. Taxi proposition and ambulance bond measure fail. Listen now
Juneau Fourth of July fireworks

What does freedom mean to you? We want to know!

Share your ideas for an upcoming Talk of Alaska episode. Your answers may be shared on-air or on our website.

Senators Prepare for More Budget Battles

If the Congressional Super Committee in Washington had reached agreement over how to tackle the federal debt, this week would have been one of announcements and negotiations.

Kodiak monk arrested for sexual abuse of a child

The state Department of Law says Evan P. Nicolai turned himself in to the Kodiak Police Department and reported he had sexually abused an 8-year-old child.

Murkowski: OCS Revenue-Sharing is ‘Simple Fairness’

Sen. Lisa Murkowski wants Alaska to get a share of the federal revenues from oil and gas development off Alaska’s shores. Alaska’s congressional delegation has tried before, but this time Murkowski hopes to harness the support of other coastal senators. The idea proved controversial at an Energy Committee hearing Tuesday morning. Download Audio:

Walruses are skittish. That’s why this scientist is using drones to count them.

USGS research biologist Tony Fischbach says drones have proven to be safer, and they've helped with a long-running problem of understanding how many walruses just happen to be out of view underwater when researchers fly over.

Climber Killed On Denali Identified

The identity was released yesterday on the climber who died in a fall on Denali. He was Steffen Machulka, 49.

House Majority Leader Chris Tuck pushes reforms to improve voter turnout

In the last Legislature, a Democrat-sponsored bill aimed at increasing voter turnout in Alaska, especially in the Bush. It didn’t get a single hearing in the Republican-led House of Representatives. Now, Rep. Chris Tuck, an Anchorage Democrat, is in a powerful position leading the new House majority, and has reintroduced the legislation and the bill is making some progress. Listen now
A pin of the pink ribbon used for breast cancer awareness month.

Line One: Treating and detecting breast cancer

Breast cancer is a complex and wide-ranging class of cancer, with many different types, treatments, and detection methods, but as with any cancer, it’s best to catch it as early as possible. October is breast-cancer awareness month, but monitoring for the signs and preventing risk is a year-round job. On this Line One host Dr. Jillian Woodruff and her guest discuss screening for, and treating, breast cancer.

Saxman’s main water source freezes, officials urge conservation

City officials in Saxman are asking the community’s 400 residents to limit water use as temperatures remain well below freezing. That’s because the small...
A white paper sign that says "COVID-19 vaccine" with an arrow pointing into a large white room

Here are the first 2 winners of the state’s $49K COVID vaccine sweepstakes

Carin Kircher of Valdez won $49,000 in cash while Kodiak student Ethan Benton received a $49,000 scholarship.