
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Fairbanks, Juneau air particulates well above EPA guidelines

Fairbanks and Juneau have been formally designated as non-attainment areas for fine particulate pollution by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Alaska communities are...

Looking (And Listening) For Alaska’s Rarest Whale

Researchers are cruising the Gulf of Alaska on the lookout for one of the world’s rarest animals: the North Pacific right whale. Download Audio

Risky, impatient climbers bring danger to US highest peak

In recent years, rangers said they have seen more climbers try to make Denali’s summit by climbing the 7,000 feet (2,134 meters) from the final base camp to the top in one day, which is almost impossible except for the most experienced climbers.

300 miles in, Iditarod mushers deciding when to “push” — or rest

Iditarod dog teams have travelled more than 300 miles down the trail in the last three days. Defending champion Dallas Seavey. Says they’ve reached a turning point in the race.

Alaska News Nightly: March 31, 2015

Feds Move Shell Closer to Chukchi Drilling this Summer; Gas Line Power Struggle Continues Between Governor, Legislators; Anchorage Democrats Offer ‘Emergency Fix’ For Alaska’s Oil Tax System; Kuskokwim Working Group Asks For Limited Setnet Openers; Yup’ik Fishermen Case Likely Headed for Alaska Supreme Court, Federal Court; ADF&G Online Store Streamlines Permitting Process; Public Comment Sought For Cooper Landing Bypass; Bill Would End Program Requiring Money For Art In Public Buildings; Official Day Of Remembrance for Good Friday Earthquake Becoming Law Across Alaska Download Audio

Rent is increasing rapidly in Anchorage, and experts say the trend will continue

Anchorage real estate broker Kassandra Taggart says rent "has been going up between 20, 30, 40 percent depending on what kind of rental it is.”

Ahtna Native Corporation Explores for Gold

Ahtna is partnering with a Canadian company to explore for minerals east of Glennallen. Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Download Audio (MP3)

FBI and police address Fort Lauderdale shooter’s ties to Alaska

Officials in Anchorage held a press conference on Saturday regarding what's known about Esteban Santiago, the alleged shooter in yesterday's attack at the Fort Lauderdale airport.

Fallen Tower In Willow Brings Attention To Tall Tower Regulations

A cell and repeater tower that was blown down by strong winds east of Willow late last month has brought the issue of tall tower regulations to the forefront in the Mat-Su Valley. The Borough currently has an advisory committee looking into what requirements should be put on companies that wish to build cell and broadcast towers. Download Audio

LISTEN: Mail carriers union president says pushback prevented Postal Service problems in Alaska

Pushback on comments by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy from postal workers and attention by the congressional delegation have prevented negative impacts in Alaska so far, a mail carriers union president says.

Air Force Confirms Delay Of HAARP Demolition

The U.S. Air Force is expected to slow down the demolition slated for Gakona’s HAARP facility. Wednesday, Air Force Research Lab public affairs representative Charles Gulick, emailed APRN saying, “Air Force Leadership is currently considering the option of deferring the dismantling for up to 10 months to allow time for a potential transfer to another entity.” Download Audio

Frank Kearns: American Correspondent

The documentary chronicles the life and work of the former West Virginia University journalism professor and CBS News Correspondent who was based in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Europe in the 50s and 60s. TV: Friday, March 22, 9:30 p.m.

Fast trail, fast teams in first full day of Iditarod racing

It's a very fast trail this year, and last year's winner, Lance Mackey, was among the first into Skwentna after the restart in Willow....
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Severed cable in Kansas hampers test grading in Sitka

Alaska’s star-crossed educational testing system suffered another setback Tuesday when a fiber-optic cable near the University of Kansas was severed at about 1:30 Central Daylight Time. Download Audio

Metlakatla’s Tourism Industry Blossoms

Metlakatla, the Annett Island town of about 1,400 has recently seen more visitors through the community’s tourism department. This year may be the first that tourism pumps some noteworthy money into the Tsimshian community, in Alaska’s only Native reserve. Download Audio
blue sign in front of observers

Justice Department watching Alaska election for language and disability compliance

The effort is aimed at maintaining compliance with the voting law’s minority language requirements and the disability act’s accessibility requirements, the department said in a statement.

Evironmentalists target Shell over Chukchi and Beaufort leases

 Environmental groups are gearing up for a public and shareholder pressure campaign aimed at getting Shell to back off from plans for oil and...

Petersburg Seafood Processor Testing Shrimp Market

One of Petersburg’s seafood processors is trying to make a go at shrimp. Tonka Seafoods is starting small to see if the market is there for their limited operation. They should have their answer in a few weeks.

Alaska Primary Election: August 28, 2012

Voting day is Tuesday, August 28 in Alaska's Primary Election. Polling places are open 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM. Besides the U.S. House and legislative races, voters also will be deciding two ballot measures. One would re-establish a coastal management program in Alaska. The other would allow a city or borough to raise the property tax exemption on a residence from $20,000 to up to $50,000. Voter Resources: State of Alaska: Primary Election Find My Polling Place Amended Proclamation Plan by the Alaska Redistricting Board District Maps

Tom Anderson prison date set

A prison date has been set for former-legislator Tom Anderson who was convicted of corruption charges in July. In an e-mail to...