
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Inventory Turns Up Hundreds of New Lichen Species

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park is one of the world’s richest areas for lichen diversity. A new inventory...
A satelite image with the red outline of Alaska.

Bering Sea storm could set low pressure record

The storm will likely spare the populated Aleutian Islands, but climate scientists say tracking the data is important for studying the effects of climate change.

49 Voices: Ivan Simonek of Wrangell

This week we're hearing from Ivan Simonek in Wrangell. Simonek emigrated from Czechoslovakia in the 60s. Listen now
A steaming lake in front of mountains.

Pilgrim Hot Spring’s new garden to provide veggies for Bering Strait residents

The hot springs staff recently received the “Gather Grant” from the First Nations Development Institute, and it allowed them to plant a produce garden to distribute fresh vegetables throughout the Bering Strait region.
St. Lawrence Island

2 Russian boaters detained on St. Lawrence Island

The boaters reportedly told Gambell residents they were fleeing the Russian military, which is drafting up to 300,000 men for its failing invasion of Ukraine.
An Alaska State Trooper cruiser parked on Nome’s Front Street in January 2015.

North Pole woman dead after house fire traced to chicken coop

A North Pole woman was killed Tuesday in a house fire, which firefighters say started near a chicken coop.

Troopers Recover Body From Mountain Near Bird Creek

Associated Press Alaska State Troopers are recovering a body off a mountain near Bird Creek between Anchorage and Girdwood. A spokesman for the Alaska Mountain...
Red billowy objexxt with blue rods latching onto them

State announces four new COVID-19 deaths over weekend

10 deaths were announced by the state since Friday, though most aren't considered 'recent' and were found through data review.

Oil Tax Battle Wages On Through Regulatory Process

After a bill gets signed into law, coming up with the regulations to implement it is supposed to be the boring part. But when it comes to oil taxes, the way regulations are written could mean millions of dollars for either the state, or for oil companies. Now, both supporters and opponents of the recently passed tax overhaul aren't totally pleased with how the regulatory process is going. Download Audio
a musical cast

The rain never bothered us anyway: Ketchikan becomes Arendelle for Alaska debut of ‘Frozen’

Mayor Dave Kiffer has temporarily renamed the city in honor of the play, at the only high school in Alaska authorized to perform it.
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Wood River towers: where sockeye salmon are counted

Commercial salmon fishing in Alaska is closely regulated, with the Department of Fish and Game opening and closing fisheries based on calculations of the fish population. But where do they get the information to make those calls? Listen now

49 Voices: Omega Smith of Anchorage

This week we’re hearing from Omega Smith, who manages the UAA planetarium in Anchorage. Listen now

Alaska Communities Join Forces To Prevent Domestic Violence And Sexual Assault

Community members from Alaska towns as large as Anchorage and as small as Allakaket are in Juneau for the second annual Prevention Summit sponsored by the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

Legislation Introduced To Repeal State Funds For U-Med/Northern Access Road

Two Anchorage Democrats introduced legislation Friday to repeal $20 million in state funds allocated to the planned U-Med/Northern Access Road. The road would slice through the center of the congested University district in Anchorage. Download Audio

Election Officials Dispute ‘Latino Voter Disenfranchisement in 2012’ Report

State elections officials are denying findings in a national report. Entitled “Latino Voter Disenfranchisement in 2012″ the write up comes from a Washington, DC advocacy group, and it charges that Alaska is one of 23 states that make voting difficult for Hispanic citizens.
Couple sitting on the same count looking in opposite directions

LISTEN: The number of couples divorcing late in life has more than doubled since the 90s. Why?

Since 1990 there has been a 250% increase in divorce rates for people older than 50. What are the reasons behind this rising trend? What are the mental health implications on both divorcees and their adult children?

New Marine Vessel Christened

A large group of dignitaries, local residents and guests from around the state celebrated the christening of the Motor Vessel Susitna at Alaska Ship...

Tlingit elder, minister, teacher Rev. Dr. Walter Soboleff turns 100

At 100, the Reverend Doctor Walter Soboleff is still active and revered as a Tlingit cultural leader and Presbyterian minister. He is known statewide...
The Best Western Golden Lion Hotel

Anchorage finalizes purchase of Golden Lion for substance treatment center

Anchorage officials finalized the purchase of the Best Western Golden Lion Hotel in Midtown on Tuesday. The hotel will be converted into a drug and alcohol treatment center.

Yakutat High Schooler Named Gates Millennium Scholar

Robert Woolsey, KCAW – Sitka A Yakutat high school senior will have her way paid to the college of her choice – for...