
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

An image of President Biden in front of microphones

6 political takeaways from Biden’s decision to step aside

President Biden is passing the torch to Vice President Harris, which changes the narrative of the race against former President Donald Trump.

Sen. Sullivan: Alaska one Family, Obama not its Friend

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan returned to Juneau and today gave his first speech as a senator to a joint session of the Alaska Legislature. The first-term Republican established an “us versus them” theme – a united Alaska up against the Obama administration.

Scientists Still Searching For Cause Of ‘Unusual Mortality Event’

Investigators say this year’s subsistence seal hunters are being very helpful in the ongoing effort to find the cause of a mysterious ailment that is bringing about hair loss and lesions. In the Nome area, about 20 animals with signs of the illness have been reported, but they don’t appear to be new cases.

Cold Case Remains Unsolved

Diana Gish, KMXT – Kodiak A murder that took place almost 30 years ago in Kodiak remains unsolved. Fisherman Thomas Carbine was found dead...

State Asks Supreme Court to Hear Tribal Adoption Case

The state's attorney general's office is asking the US Supreme Court to examine an appeals court decision in a tribal adoption case. The case...

Lanier Takes Iditarod Lead

Veteran musher Jim Lanier took the lead in the Iditarod late Wednesday night leaving Ophir just before midnight. He was being trailed by Trent Herbst. Lanier was racing with 13 dogs, Herbst with 15. Neither musher had taken a 24-hour required stop. Mitch Seavey, Aliy Zirkle and Dallas Seavey took their 24-hour stop in Ophir and were following the leaders Thursday morning. Past champion Jeff King and defending champion John Baker also had taken their long stop in Ophir and were trailing Dallas Seavey. Fan favorite Lance Mackey was out of Ophir about 6:30 this morning and was racing to catch up with the leaders.

Shay Charged With 81 Additional Child Pornography Counts

Authorities have charged a former Ketchikan city councilman with 81 additional counts of possessing child pornography.

TIED UP: 2 Port Alexander Ballots Close Gap

The race for House District 34, between Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins (D-Sitka) and Rep. Bill Thomas (R-Haines), is now tied. KHNS reports two questioned ballots were counted from Port Alexander, closing the gap. The Division of Elections now says it will not count any more ballots until Monday, with the final count still slated for Wednesday.

Senate’s Contingency Language Fuels Debate

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Nine days into the special legislative session, there has been no visible progress on the major issues that...

Alaska News Nightly: April 24, 2015

Republican Lawmakers Looking To Avoid Constitutional Budget Reserve Vote; More National Guard Records Released; The Blind Spot: Beyond No-Man's Land; Testing Refusals Hit Haines, Put Star Rating And Funding At Risk; Southwest's Healthy Sea Stars Could Shed Light on Wasting Disease; AK: Small Town Newspaper; 49 Voices: Tom Irons of Homer Download Audio

$100 Million Added to Fish and Game Budget

Mike Mason, KDLG - Dillingham As the Legislature grinds away at the state operating budget, a few eyebrows were raised late last week in a...

Governor Palin to call for special session on oil profits tax

Tomorrow Governor Palin will announce her plans for calling a special legislative session this fall on action needed to deal with the Petroleum Profits...

Talk of Alaska: How Do We Feel About Gov. Palin’s Resignation?

Gov. Sarah Palin shocked Alaskans by announcing she was quitting and leaving as governor. Her decision reverberated throughout the state and the national political...

Tuckerman Babcock retires from Dunleavy administration

Tuckerman Babcock's resignation letter went out late Friday along with a media release with a statement from Dunleavy thanking Babcock for his service.

Three mayors combine efforts against Beluga habitat proposal

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan met yesterday with the mayors of the Kenai Peninsula and Matunuska-Sustina Boroughs to discuss their response to the proposed federal...

How little organizations make a big difference through collaboration

Solving community problems can be hard, unless you tap into the power of collaboration. This is how Chickaloon does it.
A bicycle parked with oil rigs visible in the backfroung

Bike shortage keeps Alaskan cyclists from hitting the road

Disruptions from factory closures in China and high demand for bicycles means that new bicycles are hard to come by.

A dog camp atop a Juneau glacier keeps mushing afloat during Alaska’s summer tourism season

Mushers say the sport has become more expensive. Many of them are turning to tourism to pay the bills.
Red billowy objexxt with blue rods latching onto them

In the Mat-Su and on the Kenai Peninsula COVID-19 case rates are doubling every week

The Matanuska-Susitna and Kenai Peninsula boroughs are seeing the most rapid increase in coronavirus cases in Alaska.

Restrictions Planned For Northwest Alaska Caribou Hunters

For the first time in 30 years, hunting restrictions are planned for Northwest Alaska caribou. The Western Arctic and Teshekpuk herds lost half their numbers in the past decade. But this caribou crisis has spurred a unique collaboration, where user groups across the state chose to share the burden of hunting reductions. Download Audio