
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Anti-Panhandling Campaign has Mixed Success

In early May, Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan and Police Chief Mark Mew announced a campaign against illegal panhandling at city intersections. This week Chief Mew described how the municipality's enforcement effort was going.

RUNNING: Democratic U.S. Senate, Alaska

Scott McAdams (D) and Frank Vondersaar (D) are running for U.S. Senate in the primary election on August 24, 2010. Here is...
woman in brown sitting on a chair

When committee devolves to ‘bickering,’ Alaska congresswoman takes her exit

U.S. Rep. Mary Peltola says she’s seen too much inflammatory rhetoric and too little action.

Baker Leads Heading into Final Stretch

Diana Haecker, APRN - Nome & Tim Bodony, APRN - Anvik It is John Baker, with a solid lead as teams head for Elim, White...

Salvation Army needs 600 more volunteers for next week’s gift distribution event

Neighborhood Gift is happening a week early this year, and the organization is far behind on volunteers.
Man in car. Subtitle quotes him saying "you aren't held to your promises"

Alaska’s US attorney is investigating something about Pebble, but the target is unclear

The mining firms suggests the case involves the "Pebble tapes." But is the alleged crime the recordings, or what executives said on them?

Alaska's 'El Capitan' offers view into 420 million years of natural history

Hopping into a hole in the ground isn't everyone's idea of a good time. But for some, it's an out-of-this-world -- or under-this-world --...

House Ethics Committee Extends Probe of Rep. Young

The House Ethics Committee is extending an investigation into possible violations by Rep. Don Young of Alaska. Today’s announcement was the first public confirmation that the ethics panel is probing into Young. The Congressman's office says the investigation centers around donations made to his legal defense fund and whether they exceed the legal limit.

Human skulls found near Sinuk River

The bones were first reported to Alaska State Troopers on Oct. 10.

Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal In All 50 States

States cannot keep same-sex couples from marrying and must recognize their unions, the Supreme Court says in a ruling that for months has been the focus of speculation. The decision was 5-4.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Dec. 13

Last month, Ruth Botstein argued Alaska’s case at the Supreme Court. This month she was fired.; Napakiak seeks outside funding to alleviate erosion; State and police investigating accident that led to North Slope worker’s death; Arctic Report Card: 2018 was the Arctic’s second-warmest year on record; Dutch Harbor remains nation's top port for 21st consecutive year; Republicans choose candidates for Alaska House seat; How pertinent are tsunami warnings to Anchorage?; New warm ocean Blob could affect Southeast winter weather, fisheries; Mushers prepare for 40th annual Kuskokwim 300 race; Despite past medical issues, Lance Mackey still eager to run Iditarod

Blizzard keeps flights to Bethel on hold

As of Friday morning, officials say AlaskaAir, Ravn and Yute airlines flights have been placed on hold due to the severe weather conditions.

Fairbanks Soldier’s Court Martial Trial Enters Third Day

The court martial trial of a Ft. Wainwright based soldier is through a third day at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Sergeant Adam Holcomb is accused of physical and verbal abuse that drove a fellow soldier to suicide in Afghanistan last year. Holcomb of Youngstown, Ohio is charged with negligent homicide, assault and other offenses. He’s one of eight Fairbanks based soldiers charged in the death of Private Danny Chen.

Crashed plane's failed latch gets scrutiny

The make and model of the airplane that crashed Saturday killing 6 in Kodiak has a history of problems with the latch on the...

Talk of Alaska: Lisa Murkowski, Write-In Candidate for U.S. Senate

For many Alaskans, it appears to be a difficult choice between the three candidates for the U.S. Senate.  Joe Miller won the Republican...

Election Law Revision Before Assembly

A new version of Anchorage Election law, or Title 28, will be before the Assembly at their next meeting. Officials began reviewing the law after problems with an election in 2012. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has more.

Environmental Group Emphasizes Danger of Coal Ash in New Report

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Alaska environmental groups sound the alarm about the danger of coal ash in a new report.  The report cooperatively produced...

Homemade Caribou Summer Sausage

summer-sausage My brother and I had a terrific hunt last fall where we were both lucky enough to harvest a caribou. Because we harvested big bulls, and it was after the rut, we decided to make most of the meat into sausage. See the recipes.

Lawmakers add funding for public defenders

Anchorage Republican Rep. Lance Pruitt opposed the added money. He proposed firing higher paid lawyers and replacing them with lower cost, less experienced lawyers. Listen now

New York in Late Spring, an Aesthetic Bonus

The High Line, Brooklyn. It’s June and I’m studying for PhD art-philosophy orals coming up mid-July. I’ve told everyone in my life to scram/skedaddle until August. I’m at my desk, five hours daily, yellow highlighter on textbooks, in front of my wide screen computer, pounding keys, and looking things up on Wikipedia. Read more.