
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

President Bush signs new Arctic policy

President George W. Bush has signed into law a new policy for the Arctic, just 10 days before he leaves office. The policy...

Homeless shelters and services to see reduced funding

With a state capital budget passed, the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation said it will dole out checks to charities that have been trying to keep Alaskans off the streets. But those checks will only go so far.
People take photos of a man in a red jacket.

Team Angry Beaver wins 5th annual Race to Alaska

Named after their local Seattle bar, this was Team Angry Beaver’s first time competing in the 750-mile boat race from Port Townsend, Washington, to Ketchikan, Alaska.

YWCA Presents 25th Annual Women of Achievement Awards

Tonight in Anchorage the YWCA will present the 25th annual Women of Achievement award to 10 Alaskan women who have helped others. Some as well known news makers and others, who have quietly gone about the tasks of improving the lives of those around them, without much attention. Hilary Morgan is the YWCA's CEO. She says the women's advocacy organization has a theme for this year's event of honoring the past, inspiring the future. Download Audio

Father, Two Sons Die After Snowmachine Falls Through Ice

Shane Iverson, KYUK – Bethel The village of Newtok suffered a great loss over the weekend. A father and two of his sons are reported dead...

Oil Taxes Key Issue In Fairbanks-Area Elections

Candidates for three State Senate seats representing portions of the Fairbanks area are on the Nov. 6 general election ballot. The candidates took questions during a Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce sponsored forum last week, and Alaska’s oil tax was a key issue.

These DC residents want to channel your voice

Washington, D.C. residents have no vote in Congress. Herd on the Hill sidles up to power by amplifying the voices of others, and on one recent day, they used a letter from Juneau as a ticket in.
blue sign in front of observers

Justice Department watching Alaska election for language and disability compliance

The effort is aimed at maintaining compliance with the voting law’s minority language requirements and the disability act’s accessibility requirements, the department said in a statement.

Sealaska Disbrituting Larger Dividends

Many Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian elders will get a larger check when Sealaska distributes dividends to its shareholders this week. The regional...

Mackey and King Battling as They Reach Norton Sound

Lance Mackey and Jeff King continue battling to reach Nome first. Mackey and King were out of Shaktoolik and making their towards Norton Sound. Mackey...

Congress May Let Some Laws Lapse

Congress is recessing for the Christmas holiday, but both chambers are likely to return Thursday. There many, pressing issues to complete before the year is out. Regardless of how far along the legislative process a bill gets, if it is not passed and signed into law by the end of one Congress, legislators must start over when a new Congress convenes. There is concern that Congress will let many laws lapse.
a swimmer

Juneau’s PJ Foy takes a shot at Team USA at Olympic Trials

The recent high school graduate and soon-to-be collegiate swimmer finished 49th out of more than 60 swimmers.

Randall Wins Two Medals In Weekend Sprint Events

Anchorage Nordic skier Kikkan Randall took home two world cup medals in the skate sprint events this past weekend in Duesseldorf, Germany. She won the individual event on Saturday and got second in the team event on Sunday.
Portrait of a man in a baseball cap

The end of Roe v. Wade has huge economic implications for male partners, too

Research is more limited, but shows that men who become parents younger than planned are less likely to go to college and have lower earnings.

Wrangell mayor resigns, citing messy politics

The mayor of Wrangell resigned yesterday in a surprise move. He made the announcement at last night's city council meeting. Lisa Phu, KSTK - Wrangell

With World Cup podium, Alaska skier Sadie Bjornsen qualifies for Olympics

It's official-- Sadie Bjornsen is headed to her second Olympic games. The Alaskan cross-country skier qualified over the weekend with a second place finish at a World Cup sprint race in Ruka, Finland. Listen now

Bethel woman arrested for killing 2-year-old daughter told police she ‘lost control’

Stephanie Olrun told an officer that she “lost control” because her child wasn’t listening to her, according to a police affidavit.

Young Wants More from Interior on Bristol Bay

Alaska Congressman Don Young, has signed on to a letter with other House Republicans demanding more information about a leaked Interior Department report.  The...

Juneau Residents Ask Next Governor to Live in Capitol City

Alaska’s incoming governor says he will not move to the capital city full-time for the remainder of Governor Palin’s term. But if he’s elected...

U.S. District Judge changes Joshua Wade's trial site

There's been a new development in the dual trials of Joshua Wade. The primary case is moving to Fairbanks. Judge changes Joshua Wade trial...