
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Consultant Paints Bleak Picture of Alaskan Economy

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Officials shared sobering data on Alaska’s economy at meetings this week in Fairbanks. A study commissioned by a statewide...

ASPCA Looking For New Location

The Alaska Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is looking for a new building. The only no-kill shelter in Anchorage closed its adoption center six weeks ago following a gas leak. The leak was one of many problems that ultimately convinced the SPCA board of directors to abandon the rickety old building.

Teacher turnover costs state’s school districts around $20M per year

Alaska schools hire about 1,000 new teachers each year to offset the annual turnover of staff. And it's a process that doesn't come cheap. Listen now

US Missile Defense Agency Reports Successful Test Launch

Dan Bross, KUAC – Anchorage The US Missile Defense Agency and contractor Boeing report a successful test launch.  They say the interceptor test from Vandenberg...

AK: Cordova Fungus Festival

The Mushrooms we love to eat are usually found in the produce section of the grocery store. But that approach is too easy for a group of mushroom lovers who gathered in Cordova earlier this month.

Redistricting Battle Goes To Trial In Fairbanks

The long battle over redistricting finally goes to trial next week in Fairbanks. The case involves proposed voter district maps that plaintiffs say are the result of politically motivated design, or gerrymandering.

Alaskans beginning to look at alternative energy solutions

The emergency fuel assistance measures passed by the Legislature yesterday may be just the beginning of a major public policy adjustment to the high...

State Sets Contamination Threshold For Sulfolane

The state has set a contamination threshold for sulfolane in North Pole ground water. The standard reflects years of research on the chemical which has polluted the aquifer in an area surrounding a local oil refinery.

Dillingham investigates alternative energy sources

As energy prices rise, Dillingham community members are looking for alternative sources of power. Geothermal is one possibility. Dave Bouker, a former general manager...

Juneau’s cruise ship head tax spending pitches due next week

Proposals to spend Juneau’s cruise ship passenger fees are due January 2, and so far, the city hasn’t received many pitches. Listen Now

15-Year-Old Plane Crash Survivor Honored By Coast Guard

The 15-year-old survivor of a plane crash near Juneau was recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard Thursday for helping to save the other three passengers despite his own injuries. Download Audio

Arctic Research Consortium focuses on climate change tipping points

The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States wrapped up its annual Washington, DC meeting today. This year scientists and others attending the conference...
Young girl holding a duck

Without arrest, girl’s murder in Quinhagak prompts village curfew

A Quinhagak girl whose body was discovered Monday is the victim of homicide, according to Alaska State Troopers.

Proposition 1 Opponents Declare Victory

A referendum to repeal Gov. Sean Parnell's signature oil tax law is trailing by nearly 7,000 votes, and its opponents are now declaring victory. When the first returns came in, the referendum was up by exactly five votes. The Vote Yes Repeal the Giveaway team marched into Anchorage's Election Central cheering enthusiastically and believing momentum was on their side. Listen now:

Gov calls for permanent fund overhaul, income tax, cuts to PFD

Gov. Bill Walker released his plan for dealing with the state's mammoth budget deficit. It includes Alaska's first income tax since 1980, and a complete overhaul of the permanent fund -- effectively cutting PFD checks in half next year. Download Audio

State pushes safety "rules" during Safe Boating Week

The onset of warm weather means more people are out boating, and the State of Alaska wants them to be careful.  This is “Safe...

Evacuations and several missing after rains prompt large landslide in Haines

The Haines Borough declared a weather emergency as heavy rains washed out roads throughout town, and landslides took out at least two homes.
Dude Mtn

‘We just kept playing and kept playing’: Ketchikan trio Dude Mtn recaps Juneau Folk Fest tour

KRBD sat down with the Ketchikan-based psychedelic rock trio Dude Mtn, who played four Juneau shows during the weeklong Juneau Folk Festival.

Deadline Set; Southeast Wolves To Undergo ESA Review

The federal government has agreed to a deadline of the end of next year for an endangered species review for wolves in Southeast Alaska. Listen now: