
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Kitty Douglas selfie

Families, activists question why so many people in Alaska’s jails and prisons have died this year

Kitty Douglas is the youngest of 15 people to die in custody in Alaska this year. It's the most since 2015.
Tall sitka spruce trees seen from withing the foreset

‘Another broken promise’: Tribes say feds ignored their input on Roadless Rule exemption for Tongass

““We refuse to endow legitimacy upon a process that has disregarded our input at every turn.” reads a letter written by nine tribes to the U.S. Agriculture Secretary.

Alaska, British Columbia detail transboundary mine pact

Alaska and British Columbia are working out details of how they will handle transboundary mine concerns. They’re figuring out how to coordinate the work of monitoring and permitting on both sides of the border. Listen Now

Army Investigating Stryker Brigade For Allegations of Racist Behavior

Army investigators are looking into a Stryker Brigade soldier’s allegations of racist behavior by some members of his unit. A U.S. The allegations were outlined in a story posted today to the Army Times’ website. The story cites an NCO with the 25th Infantry Division’s 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team at Fort Wainwright. According to the Times’ story, the staff sergeant says soldiers with the platoon created a weekly opportunity to racially slur fellow soldiers during a weekly event the sergeant says was known as "Racial Thursdays."
a tundra swan

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seeks feedback on new Alaska Native relations policy

The agency hopes that the new policy, more specific than its Native American relations policy, will help improve relationships between federal employees and Alaska tribes.
A yellow school bus parked with its door open

Training requirements for new commercial drivers in Alaska got tougher this week

The new regulations call for more thorough instruction for anyone seeking a new class B license or higher.

Murkowski and Sullivan recommend federal judge nominees to President Trump

Alaska may soon have a new federal judge. There are only three full-time U.S. District Court judge positions in Alaska, and one of them has been vacant for nearly a year and a half.

Wasilla Fire Claims Child's Life

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage A child died yesterday in a fire in Wasilla.  Neighbors saw the fire and were able to rescue a woman...

300 Villages: Egegik

This week we’re heading to Egegik, a small fishing community on the Egegik river and Bristol Bay. Roberta Alto is the tribal secretary in Egegik.

Several Mat-Su schools close after increase of COVID-19 cases tied to maskless sports, activities

Several Matanuska-Susitna Borough schools remain closed this week amid an increase in COVID-19 infections that the school district attributes mostly to student athletes going maskless while playing indoor sports.
an entrance sign to Providence Alaska Medical Center with arrows pointing to various buildings

Alaska’s COVID hospitalizations still climbing, 1 in 5 patients now fighting virus

Alaska’s already overwhelmed hospitals took on another 20 patients with COVID-19 over the Labor Day long weekend, with more than 180 people hospitalized with the virus.

Comments show support of hydroelectric dam in Juneau

Federal, state and local agencies haven't found any major obstacles to a plan to build a hydroelectric dam on Sweetheart Creek southeast of Juneau.

Fairbanks airfields convert to alternative firefighting foam over contamination concerns

Fairbanks International Airport and Eielson Air Force Base no longer use a type of firefighting foam containing a chemical compound that’s contaminated groundwater around the city, and that poses a potential threat to human health. Listen now

Murkowski Adds Federal Land Disposal Measure to Budget

Environmentalists are saying a budget amendment authored by Sen. Lisa Murkowski could lead to a plundering of treasured federal landscapes. Murkowski’s amendment on federal land disposals was part of a national budget resolution the Senate passed early this morning. Senators offered hundreds of amendments that don’t have the force of law but often serve symbolic or political purposes. Download Audio

Sitka prepares for a new wave of electric vehicles

While many Alaskans are paying fuel bills with their energy checks from the state, others are trying to leverage the temporary relief into something...

Tribal Reprsentatives to Meet with Interior Officials in Anchorage

Tribal representatives are preparing for tomorrow's gathering in Anchorage with Interior Department officials. It will be the first meeting in a series with tribes...

$8.5M In Cuts to Troopers Spread A Thin Force Event Thinner

Rural residents already complain that state troopers are slow to respond to serious crimes and dangerous situations. But as of July first, 30 state trooper positions have been eliminated. With more lay-offs coming, it's going to get worse -- in both urban and rural Alaska. Download Audio

Obama Appoints Alaskan to National Tourism Advisory Board

President Obama has appointed an Alaskan to an advisory board for U.S. Travel and Tourism. He chose the CEO of Alaska Wildland Adventures. The appointment is part of a push to boost the tourism economy.
Fishing boats in a harbor

State data shows 2020 Southeast salmon harvest was among worst on record

For sockeye, the harvest was the second lowest since 1962, while the king salmon harvest was in the bottom five.
Bartlett Regional Hospital

Juneau hospital’s CEO and CFO resign

The resignations come after a board member said management and staffing problems led to inadequate care of behavioral health patients.