
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Police Don’t Suspect Foul Play In Anchorage Woman’s Death

Anchorage police say there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of a woman in a tent pitched in the woods late Friday. Janet Eikemo, 54, was reportedly suffering from cancer and died while sleeping with some other people in the tent, including her son.
an airliner

Boeing pays Alaska Airlines $160M after 737 Max door-plug blowout over Oregon

Alaska Airlines says Boeing has paid $160 million in initial compensation for losses that the airline suffered after the January blowout over Portland, Ore.

After BP leak report, state calls for review of all North Slope wells

The emergency order comes after BP blamed an April oil and gas spill on a piece of a flawed well design and melting permafrost. Listen now

Yukon Fishermen Prepare For Summer Of Conservation

Fishers on the Kuskokwim River are expecting unprecedented restrictions to bring more king salmon to spawning grounds. On the Yukon River, fisherman can expect a similar set of restrictions. Download Audio

Ask a Climatologist: Will May gloom bring summer doom?

May weather can't tell us much about what the rest of the summer will hold in Southcentral Alaska. Listen now

2nd Murkowski Energy Bill Has Controversies Lacking in 1st

Yesterday Sen. Lisa Murkowski introduced an energy bill that steered clear of hot-button issues to ensure Democratic support. Today, the Alaska Republican sponsored a separate energy bill of just hot buttons. Download Audio
The Best Western Golden Lion Hotel

This former Anchorage hotel is weeks away from reopening as permanent, low-income housing 

It’s been the subject of local controversies and shifting plans since the city bought it in 2020.
A white woman in red sits behind a screen with her finger on her lip

Petition to recall Anchorage Assembly member Jamie Allard certified, signature gathering can begin

In order for the recall against Allard to move forward, petitioners must gather 2,530 signatures in her district. The signatures must be turned in to the municipal clerk’s office by January 17 of next year. 

As the U.S. moves to open ANWR to drilling, Canada says ‘not so fast’

As part of their strategy going forward, opponents to drilling in ANWR are looking beyond Washington, D.C. and across U.S.-Canada border for support. Listen now

Juneau water fluoridation on the ballot

If money talks, then the most controversial item on Juneau's October ballot is Proposition 2. It aims to put fluoride back in Juneau's drinking...
the kenai courthouse

Former Soldotna teacher accused of sexually abusing student to be released on house arrest

Nathan Erfurth is to have no contact with the victim or unsupervised contact with any minors but his biological children, a judge ruled Thursday.
a river

Man dies in helicopter crash near King Salmon

The helicopter crashed into the Naknek River. One passenger died, and three others plus the pilot were rescued.

State Department to hear transboundary mine concerns

U.S. State Department officials are in Southeast Alaska this week to talk about transboundary mines. The Environmental Protection Agency also has sent representatives. Listen now

Sockeye wildfire defendants ask for delay

The state's case against the two defendants in the Sockeye wildfire may not go to trial until sometime next year. At a court hearing in Palmer Thursday, attorneys for defendants Amy DeWitt and Greg Imig asked Judge David Zwink for more time to prepare their case.

Lawmakers Honor Alaska Territorial Guard Members

One of the busiest rooms in the Capitol Building now doubles as a tribute to thousands of Alaskan heroes. Rebecca Sheir, KTOO - Juneau Download Audio...

Melting permafrost changes Yukon River

A new study shows melting permafrost is changing the chemistry of the Yukon River, just one of many climate-related changes affecting the Yukon and beyond. Listen Now
An entryway to a building

Petersburg ranks as fourth-worst spot for COVID-19 in US

The Southeast Alaska town ranks fourth of any counties in the U.S., according to a New York Times analysis.
an aerial image of a storm

Western Alaska residents urged to brace for what could be one of the worst storms in recent history

“In 10 years, people will be referring to the September 2022 storm as a benchmark storm," said a climate specialist.

ACLU sues state on abortion regs

The ACLU of Alaska Wednesday filed suit against the state challenging restrictions on second trimester abortions. Planned Parenthood Votes of the Great Northwest and Hawaii and the Center for Reproductive Rights joined ACLU as plaintiffs. Listen Now

Bethel Man Recovering From Gunshot Wound After Altercation With Police

A 31-year-old Bethel man is recovering after being shot by a police officer during an altercation Friday. The man, Aaron Moses, was stabilized in Bethel and medevaced to Anchorage. One officer was also treated for minor injuries. Download Audio