
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Redistricting Board Adopts Final Plan

In a half-hour meeting on a Sunday afternoon, the Alaska Redistricting Board unanimously agreed on a new electoral map. Download Audio

Repeal Group Exceeds 45,000 Signatures For Referendum

Tomorrow is the deadline for a group trying to repeal a tax cut on oil companies. Yes Repeal the Giveaway need* at least 30,000 verified signatures to get a referendum on the August primary ballot. So far, over 45,000 people have signed the petition booklets. Download Audio

Tenakee Seeks Families To Keep School Open

The school in Tenakee Springs has less than a month to double the size of its student body or risk closing. School board members in the small Southeast city are hoping families will move to town and boost the numbers. If the school closes, Tenakee’s population may drop further as the few remaining students and their families look elsewhere for an education. Download Audio

Port Tours Highlight Positives of Expansion

The Port of Anchorage is the point of entry for 90 percent of all the consumer goods for the state of Alaska. It's been in the news a lot over the past few years -- mostly because of problems with an expansion project. But you may not have heard as much about the parts of the expansion that worked, and how they are changing the port. Download Audio

Union Files Class Action Grievance Over Office Space

The Alaska State Employees Association has filed a class action grievance over the state’s newUniversal Space Standards policy.

Native Corporations Concerned Over Dam Study Trespassing, Safety

A group of seven Alaska Native Corporations and associations are accusing the Alaska Energy Authority of trespassing as the agency does preliminary study work on the Susitna-Watana Dam project. Seven Alaska Native Corporations are expressing concerns over trespassing and land use by Alaska Energy Authority contractors working on the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric project. Download Audio

State Files Cross-Appeal In Fishermen Trial

The State of Alaska has submitted a cross appeal in the Kuskokwim fishermen trials. About two dozen fishermen were convicted in Bethel court in May for taking King salmon last summer when restrictions were in place. Fifteen fishermen are appealing that decision. Download Audio

Stalled Engine May Have Caused Soldotna Crash

Federal investigators are saying the plane crash in Soldotna could have been caused by a stalled engine. Agents with the National Transportation Safety Board have been on the Kenai Peninsula since Monday examining the wreckage. Ten people, including one local pilot and two families visiting from Greenville, South Carolina were on board when it crashed late Sunday morning. Download Audio

Stuart Creek 2 Fire 22 Percent Contained

The Stuart Creek 2 Fire is now 22 percent contained, but 770 firefighters and personnel aren’t ready to let down their guard yet. Download Audio

Begich Responds To Palin Challenge With Questions Over Residency

According to state documents, no one by the name of Sarah Palin applied for a PFD in 2012 or 2013. The last time someone with that name filed was in 2011. Download Audio

No Sheen From Sunken Tender Lone Star Thursday, Fishery Remains Closed

An aerial survey flown Thursday morning reported no sheen in the water around the vessel. Members of the Unified Command responding to the Lone Star intend to fly another survey Friday. The Department of Fish and Game stated the commercial sockeye fishing in the Igushik District will remain closed until there have been several consecutive days of no visible sheen in the water. Download Audio

Palin Talks Senate Run, But State GOP Hears Radio Silence

With Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell and former candidate Joe Miller in the race, the Republican Senate primary is already being watched closely. Now, it's gotten an extra dose of national attention with former Gov. and once-vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin saying she could be persuaded to run against incumbent Democrat Mark Begich. But while the news made a splash Outside, Republicans in the state still haven't heard from her. Download Audio

LGBT Protections Advance in Senate

Both Alaska Senators support the Employee Non-Discrimination Act. Download Audio

Investigation Continues For Soldotna Crash

The third and final NTSB press conference on the plane crash in Soldotna was held late Wednesday afternoon in Anchorage. Download Audio

Army Backs Away From Stuart Creek 2 Wildfire Statements

The Army says Fort Wainwright Garrison commander Colonel Ron Johnson might have been overstating it when he told residents of Pleasant Valley and Two Rivers last Saturday night that artillery training exercises had started the Stuart Creek Two wildfire. Download Audio

Progess In Plugging Lone Star Leaks, No Sheen Seen Tuesday

Port side vents reported plugged; now divers are turning their attention to the Lone Star's starboard side, currently buried in the mud. There was no fuel sheen spotted around the Lone Star during Tuesday’s overflight by federal and state officials. Divers are working to seal fuel vents on the starboard side which is buried in the mud. Despite the progress, the fishery remains closed.

Kodiak Woman Injured in Danger Bay Shooting Incident

The Alaska State Troopers are reporting a woman at Danger Bay on Afognak Island suffered a gunshot wound to her lower left leg on Sunday. The unidentified 43-year-old Kodiak woman is an employee of Evergreen Timber.

Sitka Enlisted Man Jailed, Discharged From USCG

A military judge sentenced a Sitka Coast Guardsman to nine months confinement in the brig and kicked him out of the service on Saturday. Petty Officer 2nd Class James Grover pleaded guilty at a court martial in Juneau to charges related to the possession of child pornography and making false official statements.

State Prosecutes Large Medicaid Fraud Case

The state is prosecuting the largest Medicaid fraud case in its history. The Medicaid fraud division filed charges today (Tuesday) against 28 personal care attendants, who take care of elderly and disabled people in their homes. It's part of a state effort to crack down on Medicaid fraud. Download Audio

State Presents New Plan For ANWR Development

After getting a “no” from the Department of the Interior, Gov. Sean Parnell has doubled down on a plan to conduct seismic testing in a section of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Tuesday, the administration offered a new plan, pledged more money to the effort, and argued that the federal government was legally obligated to consider their proposal. But already, there are questions over whether this is just another round in a decades-long game of chicken between the state and federal government. Download Audio