
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Hultberg Leaving Admin Commissioner Post

Gov. Sean Parnell's cabinet continues to experience turnover. Becky Hultberg is resigning from her post as commissioner of the Department of Administration.

Group Says State Taking Wrong Approach For Lowering Crime Rates

The bi-partisan Indian Law and Order Commission issued a report on Tuesday saying Alaska is on the wrong track to help Alaska Natives fight crime, but the state Attorney General says the Parnell Administration is doing a good job at tackling a mammoth problem. Download Audio

Fishing Industry Fights Back Against Proposed Set-net Ban

Commercial fishing groups are pushing back against a proposed ballot initiative that would ban a sector of their industry.

Western Alaska Communities Weather Storm

A storm that brought high winds, high water and high surf caused flooding to communities along the coast of Western Alaska this weekend. At least two communities have made disaster declarations. Download Audio

Alaska’s Filipino Community Plans Relief Efforts For Typhoon Haiyan Victims

Alaska’s Filipino community is pulling together to help the victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the country early Friday morning. Download Audio

GCI, KTUU Broadcast Agreement Expires

After months of negotiations, KTUU-TV and GCI were unable to reach an agreement by their midnight deadline on Friday to keep KTUU's programming available on cable in the more rural-areas of the state. Download Audio

Juneau Union Members Learn How To Talk About Right-To-Work

Nearly half of all states have right-to-work laws that prohibit contracts between employers and labor unions requiring workers to pay union dues. Alaska is not one of them. But with a Republican dominated legislature and executive branch, it is seen as a state where right-to-work legislation could pass. No bills have been introduced here since 2011, and the issue does not seem to be a priority for business or political groups. Download Audio

Warmer Temperatures Delay Bear Hibernation

Winter has been late in coming, this year. Temperatures are only now starting to get to levels near the seasonal norms. While that has meant extra time to split wood and change vehicle tires, it has also meant that bears have been active later in the year than usual. Download Audio

Senate Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill

Gay rights advocates are celebrating a win today in the nation’s capital. The U.S. Senate has passed a bill to ban workplace discrimination against gay and transgender people. Both Alaska senators voted for it. But, the bill is unlikely to become law. Download Audio

Shell Oil Works To Revive Arctic Drilling Program

Shell Oil is taking measures to revive its troubled Arctic drilling program. On Wednesday, the company filed an updated Arctic exploration plan with the Alaska office of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Download Audio

Groups Hail Court Ruling On Lease Sale Reviews

The Alaska Supreme Court is standing behind a decision it issued last spring, affirming that the state must consider cumulative impacts of exploration and development as it reviews oil and gas leases. Opposing sides in the case have differing views on the significance of the decision. Download Audio

Rodell Named Revenue Commissioner

After serving as acting revenue commissioner for the past three months, Angela Rodell now officially has the job. Download Audio

Fukushima Contamination Could Reach Alaska Waters Next Year

It’s been almost three years since a tsunami hit the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, releasing radiation into the ocean. Computer models indicate the contamination will reach Alaskan waters this year or next. But scientists haven’t been able to regularly sample Alaskan waters to check radiation levels. Download Audio

Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly Extends Emergency Declaration

The Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly extended an emergency declaration order at its meeting Tuesday night. The move allows for continued efforts for flood relief around the Peninsula.

Legislative Ethics Committee Says Senator Hoffman Failed To Disclose Income

Senator Lyman Hoffman failed to file complete financial disclosures, according to a decision by the Senate Committee on Legislative Ethics. The committee found that Senator Hoffman “knowingly” prepared and filed incomplete disclosures, leaving out a “substantial” amount of income.

Lawmakers Host ‘Competitive Energy Roundtable’

State lawmakers and the Alaska Independent Power Producers Association plan to host a "Competitive Energy Roundtable" in Anchorage next week. Senator Lesil McGuire will be hosting the discussion on Nov. 12.

Measure To Combat Sexual Assault Would Limit Military Commanders’ Power

A group of U.S. senators, including Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, is pressing to strip military commanders of the authority to decide how to handle accusations of rape within their units. Download Audio

Education Funding Lawsuit: What If Ketchikan Wins?

On Monday, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly affirmed that it is moving forward with a lawsuit against the State of Alaska. By voting to hire an Anchorage law firm and appropriate $150,000 toward the effort, the Assembly showed it’s serious about its effort to overturn what some local officials say is an unfair mandate requiring municipalities to fund a minimum level for local schools. The fairness issue aside, though, what will be the Legislature’s response if Ketchikan wins its argument? Download Audio

Sportfishing Advocates Push For Ban On Cook Inlet Set Nets

The Alaska Fisheries Conservation Alliance submitted signatures from 100 initiative sponsors to the Division of Elections on Wednesday, the first step in the application process. The Alliance is a newly formed group of sport fishermen, river guides and fisheries advocates.

Red Cross Shelter Open For Flooded K-Beach Homeowners

Roadwork continues along K-Beach Road south of Kenai to try and alleviate some of the flooding in residential areas there. The high groundwater is not only making it difficult to navigate several roads, it’s also left people without water in their homes.