
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Spending Bill Includes $75 Million For Fisheries Disaster Assistance

Alaska’s congressional delegation has been churning out press releases to trumpet Alaska-bound funds in the trillion-dollar spending bill President Obama is expected to sign Saturday. Download Audio

US, Russia Drafting Voluntary Bering Strait Passage Regulations

Vessel traffic is increasing through the Bering Strait, and no regulations exist to monitor that movement. The United States Coast Guard wants to change that. Download Audio

Early Bills Tackle Lawsuits, Medical Care

With the legislative session getting ever closer, lawmakers have released another batch of bills for consideration. Download Audio

Signatures Submitted for Minimum Wage Initiative

Sponsors of an initiative to raise Alaska's minimum wage have turned in their signatures. They submitted 43,000 names to the Division of Election's Anchorage office on Friday morning. Download Audio

Is Alaska’s Economy Grounded?

Alaska’s economy slowed in 2013. On Thursday, two economists offered different takes on what that means for this year at the World Trade Center Alaska‘s annual statewide economic forecast talk in Juneau. Download Audio

Senate Passes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill

The U.S. Senate this evening passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill that includes substantial funds for programs important to Alaska, including fisheries disaster relief and military spending. Download Audio

Tribal Councils Express Opposition To Permitting Bill

More than 30 tribal organizations have come out in opposition to a permitting bill championed by Gov. Sean Parnell. Download Audio

EPA Releases Watershed Assessment For Bristol Bay

A government report indicates a large-scale copper and gold mine in Alaska's Bristol Bay region could have devastating effects on the world's largest sockeye salmon fishery. Listen Now

Mixed Reaction to EPA Assessment

There was mixed reaction to the EPA’s release of its Bristol Bay watershed study. For the tribes, fishermen, and environmental groups who’ve lobbied the EPA to involve itself in the Pebble Mine debate, Wednesday’s announcement came as an reaffirmation of long-held beliefs: Listen Now

Begich Introduces Izembek Road Bill

U.S. Senator Mark Begich today introduced a bill to allow a road from King Cove to Cold Bay, just weeks after Interior Secretary Sally Jewell rejected the idea because it would run through a wildlife refuge. Begich says he picked one of the options scrutinized in a recent environmental assessment. Listen Now

State Releases Terms Of Pipeline Deal

Last week, Gov. Sean Parnell announced he was cutting a deal to make the state a partner in a large-diameter gasline. Now, the terms of the agreement with the North Slope producers and TransCanada have been released. Listen Now

“Irregularities” Found in State Crime Lab Drug Samples

It looks as if somebody tampered with drug samples at the state crime laboratory in Anchorage. The state Troopers put out a short press release today saying that new equipment has shown small amounts of foreign materials in the so-called "reference" samples used to compare with and estimate evidence in drug cases. Listen Now

Former DNR Commissioner Dan Sullivan Raises $1.2 Million For Senate Race

The U.S. Senate campaign of Dan Sullivan announced today how much money he collected in his first three months of fund-raising – $1.2 million. Download Audio

Shishmaref Delegation Meets With Climate Change Task Force

A delegation from Shishmaref is visiting Congress to explain how their world is changing. Shishmaref Native Corporation President Tony Weyiouanna told lawmakers at a climate task force meeting the village used to have so much beach they played baseball on it. Now, with the water level rising and the island eroding, they don’t have enough shore to dig clams. They’re finding tumors and hair loss on the marine mammals. The ice isn’t thick enough for safe travel. Download Audio

Juneau Businesses Take The Bitcoin Lead

Bitcoin is a digital currency not backed by any country’s government. The currency only exists on the Internet and has been growing in popularity over the past year and a half. Now, a few businesses in the capital city are starting to deal in bit coin and accept it for payment. Download Audio

Federal Spending Package Secures Funds For Tribal Health Care Facilities

In Congress tonight, a massive spending package has emerged after weeks of intense negotiations among lawmakers, and it contains good news for Alaskans. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, top Republican on the subcommittee for Interior Department spending, has announced that she’s secured $66 million to staff the state’s six new tribally operated health care facilities. Download Audio

Alaska’s Affordable Care Act Enrollment Remains Low

The federal government released numbers today that give an idea of who is signing up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. In Alaska, about 3000 people selected marketplace plans before Dec. 28 and 83 percent qualify for a subsidy to help pay for premiums. But Enroll Alaska has seen a steep drop off in the number of people signing up for insurance in the New Year. Download Audio

Refinery Owner Seeks Lower Cleanup Level For Tainted Groundwater

The operator of the North Pole refinery wants the state to set a lower standard for cleaning up the sulfolane groundwater-contamination problem in the North Pole area. Flint Hills Resources Alaska has asked the head of the state Department of Environmental Conservation to set a less-stringent cleanup level for the industrial solvent that leaked into the groundwater for more than a decade before Flint Hills bought the refinery in 2004. The requests could delay cleanup for several months. Download Audio

Treadwell slams Begich for the company he keeps; Dems call it hypocricy

The Senate campaign of Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell has issued a series of press releases attacking incumbent Mark Begich for allegedly receiving support from Outside politicians working to lock up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and enact gun control. But the Treadwell campaign was apparently unaware that a listed host for a Treadwell fundraiser in Chicago is one of the Senate’s biggest advocates for those same two issues.

Parnell Announces New Pipeline Plan, Changes AGIA Agreement

Governor Sean Parnell announced Friday the state is taking a new approach to a large-scale natural gas line in Alaska, and is terminating the agreement signed with TransCanada under AGIA. Download Audio