
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Arctic is Top Priority for Homeland Security – But One of Many

Sen. Lisa Murkowski today pressed the Secretary of Homeland Security to make the Arctic a priority for the Administration, particularly for the Coast Guard. She got no disagreement. Download Audio

SHARP-II Program Under Fire

A State House committee has eliminated funding for a state program that helps medical professionals repay their student loans if they serve poor or rural patients. It’s called the SHARP-II program and clinics say it’s an essential tool to convince physicians and other medical professionals to care for patients in under-served communities. Download Audio

Low Income Sitkans Fall Through Medicaid ‘Donut Hole’

The Affordable Care Act is a big law with plenty of ripple effects, but at its heart is a pretty simple premise: Americans who lack health insurance should be able to go online and pick a plan, and if their income falls beneath a certain threshold, then the federal government will cover part of the cost. That is, unless you live in Alaska, or one of the other states that has opted out of the federal Medicaid expansion. Then, you can actually make too little money to qualify for help. This is what some are calling the “Medicaid donut hole.” And falling into the donut hole can be a frustrating experience. Download Audio

Alaska Senate Committee Supports Native American Veterans Memorial

The Alaska Legislature could join the chorus of voices calling for an American Indian Veterans Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. An Alaska Senate committee on Tuesday passed a resolution supporting the project. Download Audio

Ketchikan-POW Ferry Aids Seafood, Retail, Tourism

A small southern Southeast Alaska ferry line is of large value to the region’s economy. That’s according to a new report studying the Inter-Island Ferry Authority.
2014 Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey celebrates his victory in Nome. (Photo by David Dodman, KNOM Radio Mission)

High Winds Battering Iditarod Mushers During Final Stretch To Nome

The 42nd annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race proved to be one of the most dramatic from start to finish. Dog teams were lost, ganglines were broken, mushers were injured – some severely. The trail from Anchorage to Nome threw everything possible at mushers from rocks to tree stumps to hurricane force winds. Download Audio

House Committee Discusses State Of Alaska Native Law And Order

Tuesday, the State House Community and Regional Affairs Committee heard from several people about the sorry state of law and order for Alaska Natives. Legislators asked them why they think the state is the source of the problem, but the person in the best position to answer that question couldn’t make it to the hearing. The Attorney General had a scheduling conflict. Download Audio

Anchorage’s National Archives Office Closing

The government’s top archivist, David Ferriero announced today the Anchorage branch of the National Archives will close this year. Download Audio

Dallas Seavey Takes Iditarod Lead

UPDATE: Dallas Seavey overtakes Aliy Zirkle for the lead, checking out of Safety at 1:16 a.m. Denali musher Jeff King scratched near Safety at 11:50 Monday evening as he closed in on front-runner Aliy Zirkle - who remains in the checkpoint. King told race officials he was having difficulty navigating the trail due to severe wind in the area.

Bill Arming VPSOs Passes House

A bill providing funding and support for some Village Public Safety Officers to carry firearms passed unanimously in the house this morning. Download Audio

King, Zirkle Leave White Mountain

Iditarod mushers Jeff King and Aliy Zirkle are on the final stretch into Nome. King left the White Mountain checkpoint after eight hours of mandatory rest at 3:02 this afternoon. Zirkle followed just under an hour later. Dallas Seavey will leave about two hours behind Zirkle and his father Mitch will leave about two hours after that. Download Audio

Sarah Palin, Superstar, Rocks Conservative Faithful

Sarah Palin fired up thousands of conservative activists who came to hear her give the closing speech of the Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington, D.C. this weekend. Palin hasn’t held elected office since she resigned as Alaska governor in 2009. But at this gathering of 11,000, she was an A-list celebrity.

Uneven, Icy, Snow-Free Trail Challenges Iditarod Teams on Their Way to Koyuk

Mushers were met with an unforgiving trail as they pushed up the coast from Unalakleet to Koyuk, Sunday. They battled wind, miles of glare ice and more snow free trail. They’re also battling extreme fatigue and grappling with how best to cut rest and maintain speed as they close in on Nome.

King Takes Iditarod Lead from Zirkle; Dallas Seavey Bolts into Third

Jeff King overtook Aliy Zirkle early Monday morning in the 2014 Iditarod. King took off from Elim about 1 a.m. and Zirkle, who had battled King and Martin Buser for the lead, left less than 10 minutes later. Dallas Seavey, who won two years ago, jumped into third place and was out of Elim about 2:52 this morning. While Zirkle, and King had spent more than an hour in Elim, Seavey was in and out of the checkpoint in minutes.

Zirkle Maintains First in Iditarod; King, Buser in Pursuit on Sunday

Aliy Zirkle maintained her lead in the 2014 Iditarod Sunday, leaving Shaktoolik about 7:12 a.m. She was fighting off challenges from former champions Jeff King and Martin Buser who followed her out of Shaktoolik on Sunday morning.

Zirkle Maintains Iditarod Lead; First Out of Unalakleet Saturday Night

Aliy Zirkle continued her lead over Martin Buser and Sonny Lindner Saturday night in the 2014 Iditarod. She arrived in Unalakleet first and left first. Buser, Lindner, Jeff King and Aaron Burmeister were still in Unalakleet at 10:00 p.m.

Mushers and Sled Dogs Start to Show Signs of Fatigue on the Yukon River

Iditarod mushers kept volunteers in the Nulato checkpoint busy overnight. Some teams that weren’t expected to stay grabbed a few hours rest in the sleepy Yukon River village, while others who could have used the rest decided to blow through.

Zirkle Overtakes Buser in Iditarod

Aliy Zirkle, hoping to end her streak of second-place finishes, was the first out of Kaltag early Saturday morning. She left about 3:18 with 11 dogs in her team. She spent just a few minutes at the checkpoint before darting off for Unalakleet.

Buser Keeps Iditarod Lead; First Out of Nulato

Martin Buser, racing with 14 dogs, kept up his bid to win the 2014 Iditarod, leaving Nulato about 9:34 Friday night. Still in Nulato were Sonny Lindner, Aliy Zirkle and Jeff King.

DEC Commissioner Says Future Sulfolane Spill Liability Shouldn’t Preclude Sale Of Flint Hills’ Refinery

The Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation says the issue of liability for future sulfolane spills should not preclude Flint Hills from selling its North Pole refinery. Download Audio