
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Final Days To Enroll In Health Insurance

The deadline to enroll for health insurance is March 31. If you’re still uninsured after that, you’ll likely not be able to enroll until November. And you’ll also have to pay a tax penalty. Download Audio

Health Insurers Brace For Confusion Over Deadline

March 31st is the deadline for signing up for health insurance. And insurance companies in Alaska are bracing for confusion over the deadline. They worry many Alaskans don't realize they won't be able to buy health insurance anywhere after that date.

Seismologists, Lawmakers Call For Earthquake Early Warning System

In Congress today, a House subcommittee marked the 5oth anniversary of the Great Alaska Earthquake with a hearing focused on what scientists have learned from that event that can prepare the nation for the next big temblor or tsunami. Seismologists and several lawmakers said Congress needs to pony up for an earthquake early warning system. Download Audio

Gov. Parnell Asking For Investigation National Guard Sexual Assaults

Governor Parnell is asking the federal National Guard Bureau to investigate cases of sexual assault in Alaska’s National Guard. In a press release, Parnell wrote he is “deeply concerned by reports of sexual assaults and other behavior creating a hostile environment and culture within portions of the Alaska National Guard.” Download Audio

Choose Respect Campaign Marches Across State

Senator Peter Micciche was leading the crowd at Juneau’s Choose Respect march that started on the steps of the State Capitol on Thursday. Governor Sean Parnell’s Choose Respect campaign is geared towards eradicating domestic violence and sexual assault in the state. Download Audio

Governor Leads Valdez Choose Respect Rally

Governor Parnell led the Choose Respect rally in Valdez today. Download Audio

Court: Reinstate Tongass Roadless Rule Exemption

A federal appeals court issued an opinion today saying the roadless rule should not apply to Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. Download Audio

Murkowski Presses Demand for King Cove Road

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she’s normally not one for drama, but she has stepped up the rhetoric on one issue: The King Cove road. Murkowski says Interior Secretary Sally Jewell is the only person standing between the people of King Cove and their access to an all-weather airport for medical evacuations Jewell went before a Senate panel to defend the president’s budget today and Murkowski seized the opportunity. Download Audio

Two Alaskans, Two Very Different Affordable Care Act Experiences

The deadline to sign up for health insurance is next Monday, March 31st. To accommodate the last minute rush, the Obama administration announced this week you'll be able to enroll as long as you begin the process before the end of the month. After that, you won't be able to buy coverage on, or anywhere, unless you have a qualifying life event, like getting married or having a child. Download Audio

Gasline Bill Could Include Rural Provisions

With less than 30 days remaining in the legislative session, the Alaska House is considering gasline legislation that would advance a line from the North Slope to an LNG export facility in Nikiski. For rural Alaska, the bill includes funding that could send gas to communities hundreds of miles from the pipeline. Download Audio

Murkowski: Clean Water Act Rule a Threat to Development

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a proposal today that critics say would expand the reach of the Clean Water Act to cover most creeks and wetlands across the country. The EPA says the rule would not broaden its jurisdiction. It says the rule just clarifies that most seasonal and rain-dependent streams are protected, as are wetlands near streams. Download Audio

Ex-Secretary of State Endorses Sullivan in Tight U.S. Senate Race

Former secretary of state Condoleeza Rice stars in an ad for Republican challenger Dan Sullivan. The ad aims to quash the argument of a pro-Begich super PAC that Sullivan belongs more to the Beltway than to Alaska. Meanwhile, the Begich campaign is airing an ad showing footage of both the senator and of his Congressman father, campaigning across Alaska by small airplane, four decades apart. Download Audio

Bill Would Help Fund Two Southeast Mines

Two Southeast Alaska mines could get close to $300 million in state support under a bill moving through the Legislature.

Calista Announces Record Dividend

The Calista Corporation is giving out the largest shareholder dividend in corporate history. The Board of Directors approved a dividend distribution totaling $4.65 million.

Congress Subpoenas EPA For Documents About The Pebble Mine

The Oversight and Government Reform Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives has subpoenaed the EPA for documents about the proposed Pebble Mine.

Board of Fish Approves Kuskokwim Dipnets, 25 Fathom Net Restrictions

Kuskowkim fisherman will have the option to use dipnets this summer to target other salmon during periods of king salmon closures.

Board of Fish Approves Kuskokwim Dipnetting

Kuskowkim fisherman will be able to use dipnets this summer to target other species of salmon during periods of king salmon closures. The Board of Fish approved the emergency petition this morning. Download Audio

Witnesses Begin Taking The Stand In Yakutat Homicide Case

Opening statements were held Thursday and the first witnesses took the stand in the case of a man accused of killing his girlfriend at a Yakutat lodge 17 1/2 years ago.

Navy Subs Training In Arctic Ocean

A pair of Navy submarines are on maneuvers in the Arctic Ocean sea ice. One came up from the East Coast and the other from the West Coast.

Lessons from the Exxon Valdez

Twenty-five years ago today, Alaska was about to mark the anniversary of the 1964 Earthquake, and, unknown to all, was less than four days from its next big disaster: the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Today in Washington, environmentalists who’ve been dealing with the spill and its political effects for all these years met to publicize what they say are the lessons of the Exxon Valdez. Download Audio