
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Governor Walker Shares Upbeat Message With Fairbanks

Governor Bill Walker is striking an optimistic tone despite tanking oil prices that are reducing state revenue. Speaking to the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, Walker pointed to opportunity. Download Audio

Scientists ID Two Bat Species Never Before Seen In Alaska

Scientists are in a race to learn as much as they can about bats in Alaska. And that race has led to the discovery of two new species previously unknown in the state. The Hoary bat and the Yuma bat were both found in Southeast Alaska. Download Audio

Chevron Pulls Back On Beaufort Sea Drilling Plans

Chevron has leases in Canadian waters and notified the Canadian government Wednesday that developing its EL 481 lease tracts would not be competitive in the company's anticipated future markets.

Sikuliaq Headed To Alaska Waters

The 261-foot vessel had trials in the Great Lakes. It went through the Panama Canal, and on to Hawaii, Guam, and should arrive shortly at the navy submarine test center in Behm Canal outside of Ketchikan before crossing the Gulf to Seward and a commissioning ceremony.

Federal Spending Bill Appropriates $100 Million for Missile Defense in Alaska

The federal omnibus spending bill that awaits President Obama’s signature contains $100 million for missile defense in Alaska. It's the only major funding for military construction work in Alaska this fiscal year. Download Audio

Governor Cuts Funding for Mining Road Project That is Subject of 2-Day Meeting in Fairbanks

Tribal leaders and stakeholders representing communities that could be impacted by a proposed 220-mile industrial road gathered in Fairbanks to discuss cultural, environmental and social impacts of the road’s potential construction. The meeting is happening at time when the state is facing difficult budget decisions that could hamper the project. Download Audio

Togiak Clinic Remains Closed After Monday Night Burglary

The Togiak Health Clinic was damaged in an apparent burglary earlier this week, and two young men have been identified as the suspects. The only health clinic for the village of 900 residents remains shut down on account of the damages. Download Audio

President Obama Bans Drilling Lease Sales in Bristol Bay

President Obama today extended an executive action that puts Bristol Bay off-limits to oil and gas development. Download Audio

State Hires Project Lead for Medicaid Expansion

The Department of Health and Social Services has created a new position to help the state work toward the goal of expanding Medicaid. The job is “Medicaid expansion project director” and it's being filled by Chris Ashenbrenner, who spent two decades working for the department and came out of retirement to take on this challenge. Download Audio

North Slope-Bound Tanker Wrecks, Spills 1,200 Gallons of Diesel, Catches Fire

A fuel tanker headed to the North Slope wrecked at a remote spot along the Dalton Highway Sunday and overturned, spilling 1,200 gallons of diesel. The wrecked rig later caught fire and burned up. Download Audio

UA President Announces Retirement Date

University of Alaska President Pat Gamble will step down at the end school year. Vice President of University relations, Carla Beam says Gamble announced his plan to retire June 1st 2015, to UA Regents, during an executive session Friday. Download Audio

Bethel Winter House Reopens with New Rules

After a bumpy start, Bethel Winter House has opened its doors once again, with new rules. The all-volunteer shelter’s board, organized under a Lion’s Club, met Thursday to sort out problems that closed it last week. Download Audio

One Kuskokwim Traveler’s Body Recovered, Search for Others Continues

Bethel Search and Rescue searchers Sunday found the body of Ralph ‘Jimmy’ Demantle, one of three people who disappeared while traveling by four-wheeler from Bethel to Akiak. Searchers continue to search for another man and a woman

Congress Passes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill

It’s been a big week for Alaska in Congress. Lawmakers removed the Alaska exemption in the Violence Against Women Act, a significant gain for advocates of tribal authority. Download Audio

SAGA to Cease AmeriCorps Program, Hopes Another Org Will Save It

Nineteen AmeriCorps volunteers throughout the state were told this week their positions, including stipends and benefits, could end on Monday. Download Audio

University of Alaska Regents Approve Tobacco Ban

The University of Alaska Board of Regents has approved a policy banning smoking and other tobacco use on its campuses statewide. Download Audio

Anchorage Massage Parlor Owner Charged With Felony Sex Trafficking

Counts come after a four-year investigation by FBI, IRS, U.S. Attorney's Office, APD and State Department of Law looking into promotion of prostitution.

Congress Gives Fishermen 3-Year Reprieve from EPA Regs

The U.S. Senate and House on Wednesday passed a Coast Guard bill that includes a three-year moratorium on vessel discharge regulations for boats 79 feet and smaller. Both Alaska Senators spoke in favor of it. Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat, argued from the Senate floor for a permanent fix but she says other lawmakers insisted on a temporary moratorium. Download Audio

Assistant District Attorney Killed In Barrow

A state attorney was shot and killed in Barrow last night. Deputy Attorney General for the Department of Law's Criminal Division Rick Svobodny says Brian Sullivan was killed some time before midnight. Barrow police are leading the investigation. Download Audio

Bill to Remove Alaska Exception to VAWA Passes in U.S. Senate

A bill to remove Sec. 910 from the Violence Against Women Act cleared the Senate today. But it's unclear whether the bill can pass the House before Congress adjourns this week. Download Audio