
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Iditarod Musher Dallas Seavey En Route To Safety, Nome

After completing the mandatory 8-hour layover in White Mountain, Dallas Seavey left the checkpoint at 6:10 p.m. Tuesday on his way to Safety - the final stop on the way to the Iditarod finish line in Nome.

Walker Introduces Medicaid Expansion Bill

After failing to expand Medicaid through a budget item, Gov. Bill Walker is trying again. He has introduced a standalone bill that would allow the state to accept federal funding for Medicaid expansion, while also offering some reform measures.

Feds OK to Process Visas for Roe Technicians

The federal government can once again continue processing H-2b visas, the program that traditionally allows foreign roe technicians to work in Alaska seafood plants.

Premera Warns of Possible Data Breach

If you have a health insurance plan through Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska, your personal information may be vulnerable to a data breach. According to Premera, about 650,000 Alaskans are among the 11 million people potentially affected by a cyberattack of the health insurance company.

Iditabike Racers Reach Nome

In Nome, onlookers welcomed the first racers off the Iditarod trail on Monday – but not for the iconic sled dog race, these racers had wheels.

Tribal Members Move Ahead Toward Unifying Region

Despite having no quorum and no vote, tribal members at the Calista-sponsored Yukon Kuskokwim Governance Convention on Monday decided to move ahead with an interim step toward unifying the regional politically. Leaders put the future of a proposed regional tribal government first in the hands of tribal councils and set a deadline of 30 days for them to vote. If successful, the proposal would then go before individual tribal voters who would vote yes or no on it.

Dallas Seavey First to White Mountain, Maintains Iditarod Lead

Dallas Seavey was the first musher to arrive in White Mountain Tuesday morning. It’s the second to last stop along the Iditarod trail. Teams will take an eight-hour mandatory rest there, before the make the final push for Nome.

Iditarod Front-Runners Headed For White Mountain

Front running teams are making their way for White Mountain Tuesday morning.

Dallas Seavey Leads Iditarod Mushers Out Of Elim

Dallas Seavey is the first musher out of Elim, as he heads to Golovin, then up to White Mountain, where he will take a mandatory 8-hour rest. Download Audio

State Asks Court for More Time on Adoption Case

The state on Monday asked the Alaska Supreme Court for more time in a case involving the adoption of a Yup’ik child, a case that tribes say will determine how the Indian Child Welfare Act, or ICWA, will be implemented in Alaska, and show whether Governor Bill Walker is serious about campaign pledges he made to work cooperatively with tribes.

After Breaking Caucus Rule, Reinbold Stripped Of Committee Assignments

Last week, Rep. Lora Reinbold voted against the operating budget, breaking one of the House.e Majority caucus’ rules for membership. Now, the Eagle River Republican has lost her committee chairmanship, and her seat on all but one committee.

Lease Sale 193 Decision Expected Late March

Secretary of Interior will issue a Record of Decision on Chukchi Lease Sale 193 by the end of March. It will determine if Shell can proceed with its drilling plans for the region this summer.

High Winds, Blowing Snow Expected Along Bering Sea Coast

Iditarod teams that reach the coast at Unalakleet will run into a fierce windstorm and blowing snow.

Burmeister Takes Iditarod Lead Out Of Shaktoolik

eigning Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey was the first into Shaktoolik early Monday morning, but Aaron Burmeister was the first out of the checkpoint. Both are running with 12 dogs as they enter the last 170 miles of the race. leading the charge to Koyuk.

Dallas Seavey Leading The Way To Shaktoolik

After a quick 5 minute stop in Unalakleet, reigning Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey took the lead and is on the way to Shaktoolik.

As They Leave Kaltag, Mushers Say The Real Racing Is Yet To Come

Iditarod teams are making their way for the Bering Sea Coast, after days of travel along the frozen Yukon River and through the Interior’s boreal forest. Download Audio

Medicaid Reform Bill Introduced In Alaska Senate

A Medicaid reform bill has been filed in the Alaska Senate. Many Republican legislators have said reform of the state’s low-income health care program must happen before they accept federal dollars to expand it.

House Passes Leaner Operating Budget

Every state agency saw its non-formula funding reduced compared to the previous budget. The Departments of Commerce, Education, and Military and Veterans Affairs took the greatest hits, with funding cut by roughly a third each.

Board of Game Says No to Denali Buffer Zone

The Alaska Board of Game has turned down an emergency petition to re-establish a buffer zone to protect Denali National Park area wolves. Meeting on Friday in Anchorage, the board voted unanimously to reject the petition from the Alaska Wildlife Alliance, the National Parks Conservation Association, Denali Citizens Council and several individuals, to create a no kill zone on state lands along the northeastern edge of the Park near Healy.

Worker Killed at Port of Anchorage

A worker was killed at the Port of Anchorage earlier today while handling military equipment. Lindsey Whitt is the head of the External Affairs for the Port, and says this morning's incident involved cargo shipping to the 1st Stryker Brigade in Fairbanks.