
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Sullivan Wins Amendment to Let States Prosecute Mann Act

Sen. Dan Sullivan added an amendment to the human trafficking bill the U.S. Senate passed today. It addresses a problem he faced as Alaska’s attorney general, when the feds declined to prosecute Bill Allen on sexual abuse charges. Download Audio

Rep. Young Advocating For Transfer Of Air Force Land To Galena

The Yukon River community of Galena could be relocated out of flood danger if a land transfer being pushed by Alaska Congressman Don Young goes through. The village, which is still recovering from a major flood 2 years ago, will likely approach moving with multiple steps over time. Download Audio

As Budget Negotiations Continue, Lawmakers Defend Position On Education Cuts

Outside of a 20-minute Senate floor session, the only scheduled activity that took place on Tuesday was a Senate Finance committee press conference.

Lawmakers Still Searching For Elusive Budgetary Compromise

It is Day 92 of the legislative session, and lawmakers still have not reached a compromise on the state’s budget. APRN’s Alexandra Gutierrez joins us from a very quiet Capitol. Download Audio

Snaring Death Of Denali Wolf Prompts Push For Protection

There’s renewed push for greater protection of declining Denali National Park wolves. The effort follows news that a Park wolf was discovered dead last month from a snare injury. Download Audio

As Spending Talks Continue, House Takes Crack At Capital Budget

After a day of stalled and canceled meetings, the Alaska Legislature made small advances on a capital budget.

Bill Establishing Marijuana Control Board Poised To Become Law

In spite of the session extension in Juneau, the status of new legislation dealing with commercial marijuana for the year ahead is clear. Download Audio

Federal Government Proposes Taking Humpback Whales Off Endangered Species List

The federal government is proposing to remove most humpback whales from the endangered species list. Forty-five years after the whales were first listed, federal scientists say that most humpback populations - including those common in Alaska - are stable and growing. Download Audio
Erin Merryn, a victim of sexual abuse as a child, testified last year in the House Education Committee on House Bill 233, also known as Erin’s Law. Rep. Geran Tarr is the bill sponsor. (Photo by Skip Gray/Gavel Alaska)

Erin’s Law Stuck In Senate Education Committee

The House passed a version of Erin’s Law on Saturday. Now, three versions of the child sexual abuse prevention bill are stuck in the Senate Education Committee as the legislature winds down for the year. Majority leadership has indicated there’s no rush to pass the bill. Download Audio

With No Deal On Budget, Legislative Session Goes Long

The hold up is a vote to draw from the constitutional budget reserve to fill a multi-billion-dollar deficit. Without support from the Democratic minority, the Legislature is short at least three votes to tap the rainy day fund.

After Tense Lead-Up, Legislature Confirms Walker’s Cabinet

Most of the high-level appointments made it through with unanimous support. But Attorney General Craig Richards saw significant -- though not fatal -- pushback from the Legislature.

Key Issues Linger As Legislative Session’s End Closes In

The Alaska State Legislature is scheduled to gavel out on Sunday, before the stroke of midnight. But many of the issues lawmakers have delved into – the budget, Medicaid, marijuana – are still unsettled. APRN’s Alexandra Gutierrez joins us to talk about what the end game for the legislative session looks like. Download Audio

Arctic Priorities Questioned on Eve of U.S. Chairmanship

The United States assumes chairmanship of the Arctic Council next week, kicking off a two-year window to assert American priorities in the region. The U.S. and other member nations have committed to making the Arctic a “zone of peace.” But now, some Arctic watchers wonder if the U.S. needs to add an item to its Arctic priority list: get tough with Russia. Download Audio

Refined Fuel Tax Measure Heads To Governor’s Desk

Though discussion of new revenues hasn’t gone far in the Legislature this session, the Senate on Friday passed a measure taxing refined fuels. Download Audio

State’s New Child Adoption Rules Signal Thaw With Native Groups

With the president of the Alaska Federation of Natives by his side, Walker announced at a press conference that the state would make it easier for Alaska Native children to remain with extended family or with tribal members in adoption cases.
Alaska Gov. Bill Walker speaks to reporters during a press conference Jan. 27, 2015. (Photo by Skip Gray/360 North)

As Deadline Looms, Gov. Walker Says Legislature Could Gavel Out On Time

With the legislature scheduled to gavel out by midnight on Sunday, Governor Bill Walker has seen very few pieces of legislation make it to his desk. APRN's Alexandra Gutierrez sat down with Walker yesterday afternoon to get his take on how the session is progressing. Walker said he thinks it's still possible for lawmakers to get their work done on time. Download Audio

Walker Commands Lawmakers To Act On Appointments

The executive proclamation comes days after legislative leadership cancelled their confirmation session -- and days after the governor sent a six-page letter reiterating that he would veto a contentious gasline bill and urging lawmakers not to override him.

State House Moves To Freeze Public Employee Salaries

The Alaska House has narrowly passed a bill that would claw back raises for many state workers.
An aerial shot of a yellow cedar stand. (U.S. Forest Service photo)

Federal Agency Reviewing Yellow Cedar For Protection

Based on a petition submitted about a year ago by a coalition of conservation groups, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced last week that protection for the Alaska yellow cedar tree might be warranted under the federal Endangered Species Act. Download Audio

Murkowski Campaign Shows Financial Might

Sen. Lisa Murkowski is up for re-election next year, and her fundraising is going strong. Her campaign today reported she raised $700,000 in the first three months of the year, and has $1.5 million on hand. Download Audio