
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

April Breaks Rain Record in Petersburg

The month of May clearly brought more sunshine to the Petersburg area. It is especially noticeable after April, which broke the record for being the rainiest.

Gov. Walker signs SLAM bill for Kashevaroff, Foster

Gov. Bill Walker signed a bill this morning officially naming the new State Libraries, Archives and Museum Building after Father Andrew P. Kashevaroff. The signing took place in the historical library in Juneau’s State Office Building.

Byron Mallott: B.C. officials ‘sincere’ about safe mining

Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott says British Columbia officials seem “sincere” about protecting transboundary rivers near provincial mines.

Feds to Manage 2015 Kuskokwim King Run

Federal staff will again manage king salmon on the lower Kuskokwim River after requests from tribes. Earlier this year, a handful of tribal governments asked the federal subsistence board to implement federal management. The Federal Subsistence Board deferred last month, but at a Friday meeting of the Kuskokwim River Salmon Management Working Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service leaders announced a plan for federal management.  Download Audio:

Rural Sanitation Series: Innovating Beyond the Honey Bucket

What if you didn't have piped water and sewer, and the government wasn't picking up the tab to get you some. How would you find a low-cost system that you could keep running through the winter? In the fourth segment of "Kick the Bucket," find out how experts are looking for answers to rural sanitation issues in Alaska. Download Audio:

Building A Community, One Story At A Time

Think about being sixteen, in high school, and standing in front of a group of friends and strangers telling a story. Your story. That's what a new Anchorage organization called StoryWorks is teaching local students to do--and helping them build community at the same time. Download Audio:

Epidemiologists Confirm First Case Of PSP In 2015

State epidemiologists have confirmed the first case of paralytic shellfish poisoning in Alaska this year.

Governor’s Revised Budget Restores Some Funding For Sexual Assault Prevention

Alaska tops a lot of lists, like best whale watching and cleanest air quality. But the state also ranks highly in something else. Sexual assault and domestic violence.

APOC Expediting Complaint Against Berkowitz Over Ad Using News Footage

Document alleges Berkowitz improperly used copyrighted material in campaign without disclosing any corporate donation.

To Plan Port’s Future, City Looks to Current Users

Unalaska is preparing to spend tens of millions of dollars to upgrade the aging Port of Dutch Harbor. The hope is to serve bigger ships and more of them -- but the companies that use the dock right now aren’t so sure that big changes are needed.

Forestry Jobs Lost But Haines May Retain Part Of Office

Two forester jobs in Haines and two in Ketchikan are wiped out in the state budget approved by the legislature earlier this week. Gov. Bill Walker’s proposed changes to that budget would add some money back into the Department of Natural Resources, but they wouldn’t bring back Southeast forester jobs. However, the two-person Haines State Forest office won’t be completely lost.

U.S. House Panel Advances Fisheries Law

The U.S. House Natural Resources Committee today moved a bill to renew the Magnuson-Stevens Act. The sponsor, Alaska Rep. Don Young, says the bill makes minor changes to the fisheries law. But some fishermen and conservationists say it undercuts environmental protections and the requirement of science-based management.

ASD’s revised budget cuts 57 filled positions

The Anchorage School District plans to cut 57 currently-filled positions next year because of a $16.7 million funding cut from the state legislature. They will also eliminate the pilot programs but keep sports.

Campaign Silent on Revelations of Military Service, Divorce, Forgery

New documents are coming to light that complicate the biography of Anchorage mayoral candidate Amy Demboski.

Legislature Votes To Allow Hearings Outside Of Juneau

While Gov. Bill Walker has ordered the Legislature hold its special session in Juneau, lawmakers may have found a workaround: He can’t control where they hold their committee meetings, or how often they have their floor session.

Troopers: Both Men Involved in Talkeetna-Area Shooting Have Died

The Alaska State Troopers say that both men involved in an overnight shooting on April 18 have died.

City Council Protests Two Liquor Store Licenses

It’s been four decades since Bethel had a liquor store, and for now that status will continue. The Bethel City Council voted Tuesday to protest two liquor store license applications from the Bethel Native Corporation’s Bethel Spirits and the Alaska Commercial Company. The debate now leaves city hall as citizens gear up for a new advisory vote.

Public Broadcasting Budget Cut Almost 25 Percent

Alaska’s public broadcasters dodged a bullet when the legislature’s regular session ended Monday. House and Senate negotiators decided on a 23.5 percent budget reduction. A proposed cut more than twice that size could have forced at least five stations off the air. It also would have dramatically reduced programming at other outlets.

Walker Denies Request To Move Special Session To Anchorage

For days, the executive and legislative branches have been stuck on education funding, Medicaid, and the fundamental responsibility of paying for government. Now, they are disagreeing on where they want to disagree.

Bethel City Council Votes To Protest Liquor Licenses

It’s been four decades since Bethel had a liquor store, and for now, that status will continue. The Bethel City Council voted Tuesday to protest two liquor store license applications from the Bethel Native Corporation’s Bethel Spirits and the Alaska Commercial Company