
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Anchorage schools to allow flexibility in distancing policy following new CDC guidelines

District officials say the current mitigation strategies are working as intended.

Trump lifts ban on Arctic offshore drilling

The president has signed an order lifting a ban Obama imposed on drilling off Alaska’s Arctic shores. Environmental groups say the ban is permanent. Expect a lawsuit. Listen now

Brevig Mission Man Arrested After Shooting At House

State Troopers have arrested a man who was firing shots at a house in a Brevig Mission. Nome Trooper Ann Sears says that 53-year-old Roy Henry of Brevig Mission fired three shots Wednesday night at around 10:30 into his neighbor’s home.

Tree Buried By Volcanic Eruption Could Reveal Seismic Secrets

You probably already know about mountain ash trees. They’re all over Southeast, known for their red berries that attract flocks of birds. Here’s a story about a different kind of ash tree, one recently discovered in a big pile of volcanic debris. Download Audio

Young Wins Handily; Senate Seat Drama Begins

Staff, APRN – Anchorage Lisa Murkowski appears to have beaten the odds.  And by a margin larger than anyone expected.  As of this morning,...

Alaska’s three electors vote for Trump with little incident

Alaska’s three Electoral College members have cast their ballots for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for president and vice president of United States of America. Listen Now

Seal Pup Population Declining in Pribilofs

Alexandra Gutierrez, KUCB – Unalaska The National Marine Mammal Laboratory has released the results of its most recent Northern fur seal pup count in...

Federal Agency Says Halibut Catch Sharing Plan Needs More Input

A federal agency wants the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council to provide more input before implementing a controversial catch sharing plan for halibut in Southeast Alaska and the central Gulf.
the Alaska State Capitol

School district leaders react to Dunleavy’s partial veto of proposed K-12 funding increase

Administrators said they’re disappointed and concerned by the cut, the biggest single veto from this year’s budget.

Army Seeks ‘Data Gaps’ Over Cleanups At Old Chem/Bio-warfare Site Near Greely

Environmental officials are reviewing cleanup work conducted at a former military test site south of Delta Junction. The Gerstle River site was used by the Army to test chemical and biological agents during the height of the Cold War. Download Audio

Coast Guard Commandant Investigating Possible North Slope Installations

Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Bob Papp is in Alaska. He arrived along with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who left Wednesday. But the Commandant remains in Barrow, looking into what sort of installation the Coast Guard might put there, now that the Interior Department has awarded the permits for Shell to drill in the Beaufort Sea.

Shell’s Fennica Sets Sail for Alaska

Police disbanded the protest late this afternoon, and the Fennica set sail for Alaska. But not before a federal judge found Greenpeace in contempt for blocking the path of an Arctic-bound drilling vessel. Download Audio

3A, 4A Basketball Championships Wrap Up

Photos and Story by Josh Edge, APRN – Anchorage The 3A and 4A state high school basketball championships finished up in Anchorage on...

AFN keynote, Haida master weaver talks on family, heritage

Alaska Natives from all over the state are in Anchorage for the annual Alaska Federation of Natives Convention, Oct. 15-17. The keynote speaker is Haida master weaver Delores Churchill and her grandson, Haida master carver Donald Varnell. This fall, Churchill was in Petersburg to hold a weaving workshop. Download Audio

Federal cuts prompting change for Tongass

Forest Service managers and employee representatives are negotiating a reorganization plan for the Tongass National Forest in Southeast. Matt Lichtenstein, KFSK - Petersburg
Cars in a line with a person in a blue gown talking to someone through the window

Alaska reports 53 COVID-19 deaths

Most of the deaths happened in September, which was already the deadliest month of the pandemic.
a wolf

No deer, no problem: Sea otters become main course for this Southeast Alaska wolf pack

On a tiny, remote island in Southeast Alaska, scientists recently made a surprising discovery: Wolves are eating sea otters.
Soldotna City Hall

Sterling man sues Soldotna, citing rights violated during 2021 investigation

Martin Anderson is seeking half a million dollars from the city in a federal suit filed in May, claiming police violated his constitutional rights.
two men pose for a photo outside, in front of homes

AmeriCorps to increase investment with tribes in rural Alaska

“We’re looking to figure out how we can go deeper into places of greatest need,” said AmeriCorps CEO Michael Smith.

Ravn postpones Unalaska community meeting to focus on ‘A’ season travel

Ravn and Alaska Airlines had been planning to hold a public meeting on the island in early December amid intense community criticism over their handling of air service in the wake of October's fatal plane crash.