
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

A white woman in yellow sitting at a seat

Anchorage’s top library administrator was being investigated for workplace complaints. Bronson fired the investigator.

Heather MacAlpine started looking into what she called “disturbing” allegations about the work environment under Deputy Library Director Judy Eledge shortly before she was fired, emails and interviews show.

Recalled Wrangell Hospital Board Members Want Suit Dropped

Six recalled Wrangell hospital board members are asking a judge to dismiss a lawsuit filed against them by the borough’s government. They’re also asking the court to require Wrangell to pay all expenses and legal fees. Attorneys for the members listed those terms in an August 10th response to the municipality’s lawsuit, which was filed in July.
Bowe Bergdahl

Judge vacates desertion conviction for former U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl

Bergdahl was serving with an Alaska-based unit when he was captured by the Taliban in 2009. His 2014 release ignited a political firestorm.

Second test on Quinhagak girl suggests false positive

After a girl under the age of 10 reportedly tested positive in the Southwest Alaska village of Quinhagak, health officials now say that they believe that test result was incorrect.

Tribal Fish Commission Seeks Management Role

The path to unified management of Kuskokwim salmon stocks is uncharted, but along the way, the newly established Kuskokwim River Inter Tribal Fisheries Commission wants involvement at each step. That begins with tribal consultation in preparations for another summer of sacrifice. The commission’s inaugural meeting concluded Wednesday in Bethel.

Bill Allen takes the stand in Ted Stevens trial

The government’s star witness took the stand today in the trial of Senator Ted Stevens.  Bill Allen was once a respected businessman in Alaska,...

Parnell Moving to Implement Part of Health Care Act on State’s Terms

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC One year after President Obama signed the sweeping health care act into law, Alaska’s Republican Governor is...
Flared natural gas is burned

A satellite finds massive methane leaks from gas pipelines

A satellite has detected massive leaks of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, from natural gas plants and pipelines. Most of these releases are deliberate, resulting from sloppy pipeline repairs.
Vladimir Putin

After a quarter century in power, Russian President Putin isn’t going anywhere

Vladimir Putin was reelected with 87% of ballots, in a three-day election derided by Russia's opposition and the West as neither free nor fair.

Yup’ik artifacts spared in Bethel school fire

Emergency responders in Bethel have a raging school fire under control, but not before it caused substantial damage to the building. Download Audio

Rural Energy Conference Aims To Cut Bush Power Costs

Rural Alaska power costs are skyrocketing.. that fact is not in dispute This week, energy providers are gathering in Anchorage to find ways to help bring down costs (while investigating new projects that could work in the state.) The goal of the Alaska Rural Energy Conference is to create a forum to share ideas aimed at finding solutions for energy - challenged Alaskans.

S&P downgrades Alaska’s credit rating, citing oil prices

Alaska’s credit rating dropped a notch Tuesday from AAA to AA+. During a press conference, Gov. Bill Walker says that isn’t likely have a short-term impact on the state using bonds to fund capital projects or other state spending in the future.

Fire Burns Bethel Alcohol Treatment Center Construction Project

Officials are investigating a large fire in Bethel that started just after 8 o’clock Monday night, behind the Bethel post office. The Fire destroyed an alcohol treatment center under construction by the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation. Download Audio

Alaska Municipal League Wraps Up in Sitka

Meetings of the Alaska Municipal League wrap up Friday. About 100 mayors, city administrators and other community leaders are in Sitka for the organization’s summer conference, where it lays out priorities for next winter’s legislative session.

Melted ice cream and uneaten crab: misery aboard the ferry LeConte

A power failure aboard the LeConte kept the doors from opening and passengers couldn’t disembark in Angoon. During that time, they were fed the galley’s melting ice cream, a fatal dog fight ensued and a seafood dinner donated by a local lodge ended up uneaten in the ship’s freezer. Listen now

National Catholic Lay Board issues report on sexual abuse

A National Board, appointed by the president to review the Catholic Church’s handling of sexual abuse by clergy has issued a 5-year report. The...

Fishing Vessel Runs Aground In The Aleutians

Alexandra Guitierrez, KUCB – Unalaska A fishing vessel was grounded in the Aleutian Islands yesterday, in the same area where the Selendang-Ayu went aground...

New guidelines for Hawk Inlet draw criticism

Alaska’s Department of Environmental Conservation is working on new guidelines for Hawk Inlet — the location of Hecla’s Greens Creek Mine. Listen Now

ACLU of Alaska and Dunleavy for Alaska file lawsuit challenging state road advertising ban

The lawsuit follows the state Department of Transportation recently removing political signs. Listen now

Home Sales Up, Prices Down in West

According to the National Association of Realtors, the 13 state Western region is showing an increase in the number of home sales that took...