
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Japanese Skiff Lost In Tsunami Washes Up Near Metlakatla

A Japanese fishing skiff, thought to be debris from the March 2011 tsunami there, has washed up on an Annette Island beach, near Metlakatla in Southeast. Michele Gunyah and her husband Mark were beachcombing Saturday when they saw the boat, beached on the south end of the island.

IRS Threatens Alaska’s Air Taxi Operators

One of Alaska’s U.S. Senators is questioning recent threats from the IRS to the state’s air taxi operators.

Yukon River Communities Cope With Low King Runs

Yukon River communities are getting creative in coping with another poor king salmon return. A fish sharing arrangement between Yukon River fishermen is aimed at protecting the king stock, while still providing some of the prized fish for subsistence.

Searches Called Off For Hyder, Wrangell Residents

Alaska State Troopers say they ended separate searches for two missing Southeast residents because they ran out of options. Spokeswoman Megan Peters says there’s no more information on the whereabouts of Wrangell’s Colin Buness and Hyder’s Cathleen Currie.

State Revamping Animal Health Care Regulations

The state has been working for nearly a year to revamp its animal health care regulations. The Office of the State Veterinarian hosted the last in a series of public workshops Monday to discuss the draft.

Taco Bell Delivers 10,000 Tacos To Bethel

The isolated city of Bethel has no roads in or out, but that didn’t stop a major fast food chain from delivering enough food to feed the entire town. Much of the town witnessed one of the grandest spectacles in the community’s recent memory: a Taco Bell truck flying in by helicopter.

54 Mushers Sign Up On First Day Of Iditarod Registration

Fifty-four mushers are already signed up for the 2013 Iditarod. Registration began Saturday. So far, the field includes nine rookies and plenty of familiar faces.

Inner Compass

The fifth season of the interview series exploring how people make their decisions about an ethical, religious, or social justice issue. Guests include authors, activists, religious leaders, and other engaging thinkers from around the world. Without asking beforehand about guests' religious background, the two alternating hosts openly explore the values and motivations of their guests' life work. Episodes cover areas such as Arab Spring, Christianity, working environments, social media, activism, organic farming, heaven, hip hop, and education strategies. This week, according to anthropologist Sherry Turkle, people are growing more receptive to robots taking the place of some human relationships as we become more accustomed to our narrowing human interactions.

Masterpiece Mystery! Endeavor

Watch A Scene from Endeavour on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.

Before his signature red Jaguar, before Inspector Morse, there was the rookie Constable Morse, deductive powers already running in high gear. Shaun Evans (The Take, The Virgin Queen) portrays Endeavour Morse, the low man on the force returning to Oxford with no track record and his future on the line. TV: Sunday, 7/1 at 8 pm

Rundown of a Busy Week in D.C., What it Means for Alaska

Congress is wrapping up a heavy legislative week before the week-long 4th of July recess. And it was a big week for Alaska. APRN's Peter Granitz in Washington D.C. joins Daysha Eaton to talk about how Alaska fared. Granitz says one of the biggest wins for the state came in the transportation bill. Download Audio

Small businesses Worry About Health Law’s Unknowns

When the Supreme Court decided to uphold most of the Affordable Care Act, it raised a whole batch of new questions about how the legislation will play out -- and it's those unknowns that have some small businesses on edge. Download Audio

Greenpeace Makes Way Toward Unalaska

Greenpeace is making its way north as part of its campaign against Arctic drilling. Greenpeace had initially timed the trip so that the Esperanza would shadow Shell’s drill ships as they did exploratory work in the Arctic. But because of persistent sea ice, Shell is delaying their drilling schedule. Download Audio

University of Alaska President Proposes Tuition Hike

University of Alaska president Pat Gamble is proposing a two percent tuition hike for the 2013-2014 school year. The increase, if approved by regents, would be the smallest at UA in over a decade. Associate Vice President for student and enrollment Saichi Oba says the hike reflects increased fixed and labor costs, and the burden of higher tuition. Download Audio

Salmon Fishing Restrictions Down

As the Sockeye and Chum runs pick up on the Kuskokwim River, salmon fishing restrictions have eased for lower river fishers. Download Audio

Free Tacos Because of Hoax

The community of Bethel is getting a fast-food treat this Sunday in the form of tacos, thousands and thousands of tacos. The Chief Executive Officer of Taco Bell is sending Bethel this free gift, along with a film and video crew, because of a hoax. Download Audio

AK: Ionia

Among thick spruce forests just a few miles offshore of Cook Inlet near, Kasilof about 40 people have been carving out their own version of an Alaskan life. It's called Ionia- not a commune exactly, but a place where residents can live a different kind of life. Now in its third decade on the Kenai Peninsula, the community continues to grow, and not just in numbers. Download Audio

300 Villages: Bettles

This week we're heading to Bettles, a tiny community on the edge of Gates of the Arctic National Park. Jamie Klaes works at the Bettles Lodge. Download Audio

Fiscal New Year Starts With Low Income

Where the budget’s breakeven point for 2012 was about $85 a barrel, a $93 oil market price is good. But with the 2013 budget’s breakeven point of $104 a barrel , that same price is troubling. Download Audio

Mariachi High – PBS Arts

In a part of America that rarely makes headlines, there is a small town with a group of teenagers who will inspire, surprise and bring you to your feet with their astonishing musical virtuosity and the music they make. MARIACHI HIGH spends a year in the life of the champion mariachi ensemble of Zapata High School on the Rio Grande in south Texas. TV: Friday, 6/29 at 9:30pm

Transportation Bill Would Give Alaska Railroad $31 Million

Congress is set to vote on a transportation bill by the end of the week. The plan will fund construction projects for the next two years, and both parties are touting it as a major jobs package.