
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

US House Passes Bill Speeding Up Alaska Oil Lease Sales

The U.S. House passed a bill this morning that would replace President Barack Obama’s outer continental shelf drilling plan. The bill would speed up existing lease sales in Alaska.

Air Force Lifts F-22 Flight Restrictions

The Air Force has lifted the flight restrictions on the F-22 fighter, saying it has resolved the problems that were depriving pilots of sufficient oxygen during maneuvers and at altitude. A large part of the F-22 fleet is based at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

Wishbone Hill Mining Permits Called Into Question

The federal Office of Surface Mining has questioned the validity of the Usibelli coal mining permits for the Wishbone Hill mine near Palmer. In a letter to the state Department of Natural Resources, division of mining, land and water, OSM’s Kenneth Walker states that the federal agency finds “gaps” in permitting information furnished to OSM by the state. OSM has requested that the division of mining, land and water conduct a file review on the Wishbone Hill mining permits and to provide OSM with further information.

AVCP Requests Clemency For Cited Kuskokwim Subsistence Fishermen

The Association of Village Council Presidents is officially asking for clemency for Kuskokwim River subsistence fishermen cited during closures. AVCP represents 56 tribes in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.

New Webcam Streams Video Of Katmai Bears

At midnight last night, Katmai National Park and Preserve switched on newly installed webcams around Brooks Camps. And by early afternoon, viewers from all over the world were tuned in to a live-feed of the park’s famous grizzlies over the internet.

Greenpeace Impersonates Shell To Protest Arctic Drilling

When Shell secured a court order to keep Greenpeace from protesting near its Arctic drilling expedition, the environmental group decided to strike back — by pretending to be Shell.

Declining Cruise Traffic Has Sitka Considering A Dock

In Sitka, declining cruise traffic has city leaders considering the possibility of building a downtown dock. Right now, visitors arriving aboard large vessels are ferried to shore on smaller boats.

July On Track To Rank Among The Coldest Recorded

This July is on track to be one of the coldest ever in Anchorage. As of today, the average temperature for the month is just 55 degrees, a bit shy of the coldest July on record which came in at 54 point 4 degrees in 1920. The normal average is 58 degrees. David Snider is a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Anchorage. He says the same weather pattern that is heating up the Lower 48 is making it colder than normal over Southcentral Alaska and keeping storms over the area.

Six Alaskans Recognized For Homesteading Efforts

A federal commemoration of homesteading in America recognizes six Alaskans, considered the last to participate in the program. The last woman homesteader and her son gained title to land near Big Delta in 1984.

Rep. Young Endorsing Hirono In Her Democratic Primary

Congressman Don Young is crossing the aisle. And despite that difference in party, Young is endorsing Hirono in her Democratic primary for the United States Senate.

Lawmakers Ponder Options For More Natural Gas-Powered Cars

Lawmakers in Washington are considering what it would take to use natural gas in more cars. There’s some potential for using Alaska’s gas, though there are huge barriers.

Environmental Groups Urge EPA To Block Shell’s Clean Air Act Waiver Request

Environmentalists are urging the EPA to block Shell’s request for a waiver from the Clean Air Act for its Discoverer vessel. Groups have collected hundreds of thousands of signatures opposing the compliance order.

Protestors Gather At Anchorage EPA Office

Protesters also gathered at the EPA office in downtown Anchorage. Fewer than a dozen people showed up in light rain. They held up anti-drilling signs and hoped for encouragement from passing motorists.

Oil Spill Containment Barge Holds Up Shell’s Arctic Plans

The Coast Guard is relaxing certification standards for Shell’s oil spill containment barge. The company convinced regulators the Arctic Challenger should be considered a mobile unit. Among other things, that means its mooring system only needs to be able to weather a 10-year storm, as opposed to the more rigorous 100-year standard for fixed platforms.

Man Mauled By Brown Bear In Eagle River

A man was mauled by a brown bear Sunday in Eagle River. He sustained serious, but non-life-threatening injuries. It was the fourth bear attack in Anchorage this year, one of the highest numbers ever. And the city is on its way to reaching a new record.

Study Says Polar Bear Species Older Than Previously Thought

A new genetic study of polar bears out form the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Monday shows the species is older than previously thought. The study also suggests that intermingling with brown bears could have been in partial response to previous changes in earth’s climate.

Bethel Subsistence Fishermen Get 100 Free Nets

The Community Development Quota (CDQ) program for 20 villages along the Bering Sea recently handed out 100 free nets in Bethel. For most of the summer, subsistence fishermen on the Kuskokwim River have been restricted to smaller nets to protect Chinook salmon. Coastal Villages Region Fund says the nets were gone within an hour, but the nets didn’t change hands without some controversy.

Susitna Watana Dam Studies Put Forward

Studies related to the proposed Susitna Watana hydroelectric dam were put forward last week by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Wrangell Milling Industry Supplying Instrument Makers Around The World

Wrangell’s milling industry is taking a new turn toward niche markets. Ron Franz of Whale Bay Woods is cutting and selling music wood for instrument makers around the world. He spoke with KSTK’s Anne Hillman about what makes Wrangell’s Sitka spruce sing so sweetly.

Sitka Resident Using Facebook To Catch A Thief

You may use Facebook to share photos from your summer vacation or goof off at work. But Sitka resident Rick Armstrong has found a different use for the social network – he’s using Facebook to try to catch a thief.