
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

king salmon

State of salmon is no rosy picture, UAF professor says

Climate change and restrictions on hunting marine mammals mean more salmon predators in the oceans, according to Dr. Peter Westley.
a COVID vaccine worker

Kenai Peninsula health officials talk COVID, vaccine guidance

COVID-19 rates are down in Alaska, but the virus is still with us. Public health officials are urging people to be up-to-date on their vaccines.
a girl and a smartphone

The truth about teens, social media and the mental health crisis

A new wave of generational data links teens' use of social media since 2012 to increases in sleep deprivation and mental health issues.
a person sitting at a table

Former Alaska legislator sues Alaska Airlines over mask-related ban

Former state Sen. Lora Reinbold says the airline violated her constitutional rights and caused her stress and humiliation.
northern elephant seals

Think you’re tired? This animal goes for months with only two hours of sleep a day

Scientists have discovered northern elephant seals are often getting less shut-eye than most others in the animal kingdom.
a man shopping

Fairbanks’ first member-owned co-op grocery marks 10 years in business

Nearly 4,000 Alaskans are current owners of the of the Co-op Market Grocery & Deli, paying a one-time $200 fee to become co-op members.

Kenai’s Hashade continues to see statewide popularity

Hashade, a cannabis-infused lemonade, is Alaska's most popular cannabis product according to its makers at Kenai's Red Run Cannabis Company.
sockeye salmon filets

Bristol Bay fishers fear last year’s record sockeye haul could affect this season’s prices

Marketing agencies are working to sell frozen fish from some 60 million sockeye salmon harvested in Bristol Bay last year.
Deb Haaland

Haaland defends Alaska’s Willow project, says U.S. won’t end oil drilling

“We’re not going to say we’re not going to use gas and oil. That’s not reality,″ Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said Friday.
a woman organizing supplies

‘People are suffering’: Food stamp woes worsen Alaska hunger

Around 13% of Alaskans received Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits in July, before the troubles began.

ALA: Number of unique book titles challenged jumped nearly 40% in 2022

Overall, the American Library Association says that 2,571 unique titles were banned or challenged.
2018 Alaska earthquake damage

Alaska had a quieter year for earthquakes in 2022, new report says

Last year, over 47,000 earthquakes were recorded in Alaska and nearby regions, a slight decrease in seismic activity compared to recent years.
A female television host talks to guest on a screen.

Understanding the Bering Sea snow crab collapse | Alaska Insight

The Bering Sea snow crab season was canceled this year after billions of crabs disappeared – devastating a commercial fishing industry worth $200 million dollars and the livelihoods of those who depend on it.

Antibiotic-resistant microbes lurk in poop of Anchorage moose, UAA research finds

Like other animals in the wild, the big animals that roam Alaska’s largest city are carrying bacteria that cannot be killed by commonly used medicines.
Tim Fulton

Sitka’s airplane equipment maker moves from prototype to production

Former Alaska Airlines "ramper" Tim Fulton's invention, designed to ease loading luggage into airliners, has just been bought by Malaysian Airlines.
Alaska DHSS sign

Months-long backlog for Alaska’s aid programs triggers second lawsuit

An Anchorage resident filed a class action lawsuit to force the state to get cash assistance to vulnerable Alaskans in a timely manner.
Dude Mtn

‘We just kept playing and kept playing’: Ketchikan trio Dude Mtn recaps Juneau Folk Fest tour

KRBD sat down with the Ketchikan-based psychedelic rock trio Dude Mtn, who played four Juneau shows during the weeklong Juneau Folk Festival.
a Yup'ik spelling bee contestant

Native language spelling bee inspires students to learn 

The Yup’ik spelling bee, held in Anchorage, is still going strong and now incorporates Inupiaq — two Alaska Native languages in a fight for survival.
a phone

Twitter erases state-affiliated, government-funded labels from NPR and other accounts

Twitter has stopped labeling media organizations as "state-affiliated" and "government-funded," including NPR, which recently quit the platform.
the Alaska State Capitol

Alaska governor to introduce sales tax bill amid several tax proposals to close budget gap

There are other tax bills filed, including a different sales tax proposal, an income tax proposal and two bills to change to how oil companies are taxed.