
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

‘Violence Against Women Act’ Reauthorization Slows In Congress

A reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act has slowed in Congress. The House and Senate have passed their own versions of the bill, and if the two chambers want to reconcile the two bills, they’ll need to address issues of native sovereignty and tribal courts.

Rescued Walrus Calf Dies At Alaska SeaLife Center

One of three walrus calves rescued from the Barrow shoreline and taken to the Alaska SeaLife Center didn't make it. The calf was pretty emaciated and died within a day of being brought in July 30. A second calf remains in critical condition, while a third is now stabilized in the Center's critical care unit, which has a windowpane for the public to be able to look inside.

Construction And Fishing Named Most Dangerous Occupations In Alaska

Alaska is once again near the top of the list in workplace injuries and fatalities in the country. The state’s construction and fishing industries contribute to the bulk of the incidents.

Klukwan Native Corporation Files For Bankruptcy

The Native village corporation Klukwan Inc. in Southeast Alaska filed for bankruptcy this week. The corporation filed a voluntary petition for Chapter 11 which allows for reorganization, meaning the debtor usually proposes a plan to keep its business alive and pay creditors over time, or the court will determine how the debts will be settled.

APD Officers Cleared In Deadly July Shooting

An investigation of July shooting incident has cleared the two Anchorage police officers. The state Law Department Office of Special Prosecutions and Appeals says officers Michael Jones and Bryan Heinz were justified for shooting Harry Smith on July 1 when he pointed a BB gun that looked like a regular pistol at them.

Peter Maassen Named Supreme Court Justice

Peter Maassen will be the new state Supreme Court Justice, replacing Morgan Christen, who moved up to the federal Ninth Circuit Appeals court. Maasen is an Anchorage attorney in private practice.

Great Performances: Tanglewood’s 75th Anniversary

Watch Tanglewood 75th Anniversary Celebration Preview on PBS. See more from Great Performances.

Located in the beautiful Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts, Tanglewood is one of the world’s most beloved music festivals and serves as the summer home for the famed Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO). Tanglewood 75th Anniversary Celebration will feature the BSO, the Boston Pops Orchestra and the Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra, under the direction of conductors John Williams, Keith Lockhart and Andris Nelsons. Alaska Public Television. Friday. August 10, 9:30 pm

JBER Soldier Killed In Afghanistan

An Alaska-based paratrooper from Idaho has been killed in Afghanistan. U.S. Army Alaska says that Spc. Ethan Jacob Martin of Lewiston, Idaho, died Tuesday when his unit was attacked by small arms fire in Koragay, Afghanistan. Three other soldiers also were injured.

Company Proposes Oil Pipeline Through Alaska Waters

Enbridge Inc. is proposing to build a pipeline that would transport oil sands crude 730 miles from Alberta, Canada to the coast of British Columbia. From there, the pipeline would fill supertankers headed primarily to China. The fastest route takes them straight through Alaskan waters. KSTK’s Anne Hillman has more about how the proposed project could impact the state.

Communities Gather To Celebrate Eagle Preserve Anniversary

There’s a reason the Chilkat Valley is called the Valley of Eagles. Thousands of bald eagles thrive in the valley near Haines and the Tlingit village of Klukwan. The communities gathered recently to honor the anniversary of a preserve created to protect the eagles and their habitat.

Fish and Game Closing Some Mat-Su Silver Fishing

State Fish and Game authorities will close sport silver salmon fishing in some Matanuska Valley creeks on Friday. The order comes on the heels of Northern District set net restrictions announced Thursday. The Friday closure affects the Little Susitna River, while further restrictions are in effect for other Knik Arm drainages.

Ferry Changes Due For Some Southeast Cities

This year’s summer ferry season has more than a month to go. But the marine highway has already drawn up next season’s sailing plan. Officials are distributing copies of a draft schedule and taking comments through later this month.

Coastal Overflights Finding Styrofoam On Beaches

A comprehensive survey of the outer coastline got underway before the expected bulk of tsunami debris arrives in Alaska waters. But observers have already spotted items pushed by North Pacific winds coming ashore, and some of that debris may be unhealthy if consumed by coastal wildlife.

Renewable Energy Fair Saturday in Anchorage

Biodiesel, composting and saving on your electric bill - they're all topics covered in workshops at the 8th Annual Renewable Energy Alaska Project, or REAP, fair is taking place Saturday in Anchorage. This year they'll be 19 presenters from around the state.

Juneau Airport Seeks $2-Million In Left Over FY ’12 FAA Funds

Juneau International Airport is asking the Federal Aviation Administration for $2-million dollars to install additional approach lighting at the east end of its main runway.

Scientists Research Ecosystem Downstream From Drill Sites

A group of scientists aboard the Coast Guard icebreaker Healy are heading to the Arctic to study an important ecosystem downstream of drill sites in the Chukchi Sea.

Two Die After Canoe Capsizes On Eagle River

Two women perished when their canoe hit a logjam in Eagle River and capsized Wednesday. Their names have not yet been released. There were two survivors - one a man who was in the canoe, and the other a man who was kayaking with them.

Pilot In Fatal Helicopter Crash Identified

The pilot of that helicopter that crashed near the Pogo gold mine Tuesday has been identified as James Hopper, 63, from Missouri. Hopper was alone in the aircraft and was killed when it crashed. He had been on his way to transport workers from the mine.

Team Sent To Contain Oil Sheen From Sunken Boat

State fishery managers on Tuesday spotted a mile-long oil sheen coming from a seine boat that sank north of Sitka. The 50-foot Evening Star sank while fishing on Aug. 2. The vessel is in Solcum Arm, about 40 miles northwest of Sitka, along the western coast of Chichagof Island. The vessel reportedly had 1,000 gallons of diesel aboard.

Alaskan Long Jumper Wins Bronze Medal

Longjumper Janay DeLoach of Eielson High School has a bronze medal. Wednesday she made a jump of 6.89 meters, which is 22 feet, 7 and a quarter inches to get third place in the event. Brittney Rose of Team USA took the gold, Elena Sokolava of Russia the silver.