
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Conference Tackles Arctic Issues

Melting sea ice in the Arctic is opening the door to increased maritime traffic, which brings with it risk, opportunity and the need for safe harbors and services such as search and rescue. Those are a few of the issues participants are tackling at a conference hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Institute of the North in Anchorage.

Submersible Finds Seine Boat Tangled In Own Net

A fishing boat that sank earlier this month north of Sitka appears to be tangled in its own seine net. The Evening Star, a 50-foot seiner, is now in nearly 400 feet of water.

Permit Review Underway for Anchorage Wastewater Treatment Plant

When you flush the toilet or toss kitchen waste down the drain, where does it go? If you live in Anchorage, you may be surprised to learn it eventually ends up in Cook Inlet. A recent visit to the wastewater treatment facility was an eye opening education in what is and isn’t taken out before it dumps into the water.

Analysis Reveals Alaska’s Workforce More Racially Diverse Than National Average

The workforce in Alaska is much more racially diverse than the nation as a whole according to some new analysis from the Alaska Department of Labor.

Juneau Plays Good Neighbor, Loans Ambulance To Skagway

Capital City Fire and Rescue is lending a helping hand to one of Juneau’s neighbors. On July 10th, a Skagway Fire Department ambulance crashed on the Klondike Highway, seriously injuring four volunteer paramedics.

Bear Checks Out Ketchikan Lodge

A bear walked into Cape Fox Lodge this morning, checked out the coffee shop and visited the women’s restroom before it was ushered back outside by hotel staff.

Seal Pup Begins Training Regimen At Sealife Center

The Alaska Sealife Center welcomed the birth of a new harbor seal pup in June. Since then Kobuk has been steadily growing and getting healthier. Once the chubby seal weaned off his mother’s milk, the Center began his training regime, which will help the center take care of him. Having a well-trained harbor seal can also help educate the public about Alaskan sea life.

Crab Pot Nearly Gets The Best Of Sport Crabber In Canoe

A Coast Guard boat crew came to the aid of a fisherman who got one of his legs tangled in crab pot gear on Monday. Coast Guard Petty Officer Brent Flanick says they initially got a call from a Juneau resident saying that their friend was overdue.

Recalled Wrangell Hospital Board Members Want Suit Dropped

Six recalled Wrangell hospital board members are asking a judge to dismiss a lawsuit filed against them by the borough’s government. They’re also asking the court to require Wrangell to pay all expenses and legal fees. Attorneys for the members listed those terms in an August 10th response to the municipality’s lawsuit, which was filed in July.

Big Savings Prompt Alaskans To Seek Health Care Elsewhere

Alaska has some of the highest health care costs in the country. And employers in the state are starting to encourage their health plan members to seek care in the Lower 48 for some of the most expensive surgeries and procedures. The companies say the savings are significant and hope the practice puts pressure on prices in the Alaska health care market.

Fairbanks School Board Approves Licensing Agreement For ‘APPTrack’

The Fairbanks North Star Borough School District is in the software business. The school board approved a licensing agreement Tuesday with two district employees who developed APPTrack, a program for managing Apple devices and applications.

State Stomps Spud Sprouts

China is importing Alaska-grown seed potatoes, and some state agricultural officials have hoped for a seed potato industry to sprout in the Delta area and the Matanuska Valley. But a state audit indicates that is not to be. Alaska is not producing enough spuds to meet demand, while other factors have put a damper on a seedling industry.

Judge Considers Bringing Jury Trials To Dillingham

A local judge in Dillingham is considering bringing grand jury trials to the community.

Historic Ketchikan Building Closer To Restoration

The historic Yates building in downtown Ketchikan is one step closer to restoration. Historic Ketchikan, a non-profit that works to preserve historic properties in the city and the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska signed a Memorandum of Understanding to move forward in seeing if rehabilitation is possible.

Hawaii Gas Applies For Permit To Import LNG

A Hawaii-based utility is applying for a federal permit to import liquefied natural gas. It’s unlikely to encourage development in Alaska anytime soon.

Coast Guard Catches Up To Illegal Fishing Vessel Across The Pacific

The high-seas driftnetter the U.S. Coast Guard chased across the North Pacific Ocean has been turned over to Chinese Fishery Law Enforcement.

Woman Drowns In Prince William Sound Boating Accident

A boat with five people aboard sank after hitting a rock in Prince William Sound Sounday. A man and three children were rescued by the Coast Guard but a woman drowned. She is identified as Cathleen Powell. The 32-foot craft hit the rock off Crafton Island outside Eshamy Lagoon.

Inside Fenway Park: An Icon at 100

Watch Inside Fenway Park: An Icon at 100 - Preview on PBS. See more from pbs.

Fenway Park is celebrating its centennial birthday and this program looks at the parks long history as a venue for sports and a public space. Alaska Public Television. Tuesday, August 14. 9:00 p.m

Salazar Announces Obama Administration Plan For NPR-A

It looks like there will be not be a decision this week after all on Shell’s Arctic Ocean drilling plans. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar spent the weekend in the Arctic. He did not return with a decision on Shell, but he did announce another decision involving oil and gas – the Obama Administration’s leasing plans for the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.

Scientists Expect to Find New Species During First Chukchi Sea Trawl Survey

The first comprehensive survey of the Chukchi Sea ecosystem got underway last week. Scientists will spend the next month collecting samples and cataloguing life in the northern waters.