
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Scientists Studying ‘Slow Quakes’

Earthquakes are a daily occurrence in Alaska, but most go unnoticed by the general public. The unfelt quakes include a slow variety unknown to scientists until about 10 years ago. Stanford University professor of geophysics Gregory Beroza, says ultra sensitive seismometers and GPS measurements detect the gradual but powerful movements of the earth’s crust.

Game Board Rejects Denali Wolves Buffer Zone

The Alaska Board of Game has rejected an emergency request for a buffer zone protecting wolves that leave Denali National Park and Preserve. Board Executive Director Kristy Tibbles says six members determined the request did not meet criteria for an emergency order.

Ceremony Aims To Raise Awareness of Domestic Violence

Many times, in a Southeast Alaska community, a pole raising means a carved totem pole unveiled to honor a family, place or event. But last week several dozen gathered in Haines to unveil a different kind of pole in awareness of domestic violence.

Haines, Skagway Residents Deal With Loss of Family, Friends

The communities of Haines and Skagway recently lost several residents in a short amount of time. Haines author Heather Lende has this commentary about dealing with the passing of longtime residents and the sudden loss of friends and neighbors in a such a small community.

Hundreds Without Power In Anchorage

Chugach Electric is reporting that approximately 1,800 customers are without power. An estimated 1,200 of those are located in Anchorage, with the largest area outage being near Rabbit Creek and Goldenview - affecting 1,066 customers.

All Era Flights Resume After Replacing Outdated Flight Recorders

ERA Air says all its planes are flying again. The carrier had to cancel flights and re-route passengers in order to replace flight recorder equipment. The replacement was happening at the same time that windstorms were disrupting air travel, and ERA had to do a lot of apologizing.

Anchorage Manhunt Ends

The Anchorage manhunt is over. Tuesday evening Bukurim Miftari surrendered and was charged with attempted murder and assault. The young man took off into the woods when police tried to talk to him about the attack on Kristen Reid, who was found clinging to life along a South Anchorage street Monday. The charges allege that she was his girlfriend and she wanted to end their relationship.

Energy Relief Is Not Accompanying PFD

The annual PFD could have been accompanied by energy relief for Alaskans, but the idea died before it ever made it to Governor Sean Parnell’s desk last spring. Two Interior democrats say Parnell could still call a special session later this fall to address the state’s energy crisis.

Jack-Up Rig ‘Endeavor’ Lowers Legs Into Kachemak Bay

Buccaneer Energy’s jack-up rig “Endeavor” was originally supposed to be in Kachemak Bay for only six days before moving on to drill near Tyonek on the west side of Cook Inlet. Due to work being done to the massive rig, however, it has been in place outside the Homer harbor for almost a month. And now, the rig has done something that is normally not allowed in Kachemak Bay – it has lowered its 410-foot legs down to the sea floor.

Continued Heavy Rain Results in Flooding

FLOOD WARNING in effect until 6:00 pm Thursday for Seward, Kenai Lake, 20 Mile near Portage, Kenai River at Cooper Landing. FLOOD ADVISORY in effect until 6:00 pm Thursday for Mat-Su Valley for the Little Susitna River FLOOD ADVISORY in effect until 10:00 am Friday for Anchorage including Campbell Creek, Chester Creek and Ship Creek.

Click for more links and information.

Tanacross, Dot Lake Still Without Power After High Winds

Line-repair crews have restored power to most of the Tok area, and work continues in Tanacross and the Alaska Highway community of Dot Lake, which are still blacked-out due to damage inflicted by Sunday’s storm.

Scientists Connect Record Arctic Sea Ice Loss With Unusual Weather

The Arctic sea ice will hit its minimum any day now and freeze up will begin again. But the extent of this summer’s melt has already smashed the previous record set in 2007. Scientists are starting to draw a link between Arctic ice retreat and unusual weather around the world.

Judge Throws Out Lawsuit Challenging Wishbone Hill Permits

Last week, federal judge John Sedwick dismissed a lawsuit over Usibelli Coal’s mining permits for the Wishbone Hill mine near Sutton. The suit had been filed in federal court in May by groups opposed to the mine.

Sitka Adds Teacher To Keep ‘K’ Classes Small

Baranof Elementary School in Sitka has more kindergarteners than it planned for this year. As a result, district officials hired an extra teacher, just five days before the start of school. They say the scramble was worth it, as the first days of school are among the most important in a student’s education.

APD Seeks Person Of Interest In Connection With Assault

Early Monday morning a woman was found badly injured near a blood smeared vehicle stopped in the middle of a street in South Anchorage, and police are seeking a man in connection with the assault.

2012 PFD Amount Will Be $878

The Permanent Fund Dividend this year is $878. Revenue Commissioner Bryan Butcher announced the amount this morning at a news conference at the Dividend Information Office in Anchorage. Butcher noted the amount was low compared to recent years, but not even close to the historical low in 1984 when the PFD amount was $331.

JBER F-22s Head To Guam For Training Exercises

Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson's F-22 fighter jets have been deployed to Guam. The move was disclosed in a brief press release from the base. The jets will be involved in training exercises, the release says. 40 of the nation's 195 F-22's are based at JBER.

Technical Issues Plague Shell Drilling Plans

Shell will not drill for oil this summer as originally planned. The company will drill several top-hole wells this year, but technical failures are preventing them from drilling down thousands of feet to oil rich levels.

Interior Cleaning Up After Wind Storm

The same storm that left relatively little damage in Anchorage hit parts of the Interior hard. Golden Valley Electric Association crews have been working since early this morning repairing power lines damaged by wind felled trees.

Weekend Storm Causes Flood In Southcentral

The weekend’s predicted big windstorm in the Anchorage area, didn’t hit as hard as the storm two weeks earlier, but heavy rainfall from Talkeetna to Seward has caused many Southcentral creeks to overflow their banks, and has raised concerns of flooding.