
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Gubernatorial Candidates Answer Student Questions

Middle schoolers from across Anchorage had a chance to hear from Gubernatorial candidates on Wednesday about a variety of issues the state is facing. Download Audio

Alaska Sen. Dennis Egan won’t seek re-election

Alaska Sen. Dennis Egan won’t seek re-election this year due to poor health. Early contenders to seek his seat include Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association CEO Larry Cotter and possibly Juneau Assemblyman Jesse Kiehl. Listen now
A wide waterfall with bears hunting salmon

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, October 2, 2020

Lawyers argue Alaskans shouldn't need a witness to sign their ballot during a pandemic. And, needy Alaska communities get connected with fishermen unable to sell their fish. Plus, scientists say climate change is leading sea urchins to devour reefs in the Aleutian Islands.

Murkowski keeps faith in Kavanaugh hearing

With new uncertainty over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Sen. Lisa Murkowski is again the focus of attention. As for his views on the legal status of Alaska Natives, she says they spoke and he allayed her concerns. Listen now

RUNNING: State House, District 25 Anchorage

Mike Doogan (D), Harley Brown (L) and Thomas Higgins (R) are running for State House in District 25, Anchorage in Alaska’s General...

Brown Bear Cubs Captured in Sitka

Three brown bear cubs have been captured, and a fourth has died, after their mother was possibly killed in a Sitka neighborhood. Officials...
A row of post boxes in a deep snow bank

Governor issues disaster declaration for storms in Southeast Alaska

That disaster declaration opens a pot of money for communities, federally recognized tribal organizations and some private nonprofits to apply for reimbursement for funds they spent combating the storms. 

Federal Budget Cuts Funds for Alaska Programs

President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2010 severely trims funding for Alaska programs. Ellen Lockyer, APRN - Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

Volunteer veterinarians at the Kuskokwim 300

Many of the veterinarians who check sled dogs before the annual Kuskokwim 300 volunteer for the race each year. Some come from distant places in the Lower 48; for others, it’s a family affair.

RUNNNING: Anchorage Assembly, Seat A

Here is audio from the second night of RUNNING with Anchorage Assembly candidate in seat A, Debbie Ossiander. Candidate Joshua Roberts did not participate in...

As Education Bill Nears Vote, Lawmakers Brace For Funding Fight

On Friday, state representatives will vote on a sprawling education bill that deals with everything from school budges to teacher tenure to the establishment of charter schools. Some lawmakers are already preparing for a marathon session.

Man In Custody After Hours-Long Standoff

A long standoff between police and an armed man in Fairbanks ended with the suspect being taken into custody alive this afternoon. Download Audio

The operators of the flight crashed last week, killing 5, had 3 other incidents in 2019

Yute Commuter Service, whose plane crashed and killed five people last week, including the pilot, is owned by a family whose aircraft were involved in several incidents last year.

Biologists Return to Rat Island to Find Dead Gulls and Eagles

Rat Island, in the Aluetians, may almost be considered rat-free, but spreading poison there might have had unintended consequences. When biologists returned to the...

In Haines, a race to harvest fruit before bears do

Fruit trees are an easy target for black bears, who can become accustomed to easy food in residential areas.

US House Republicans Plan To Reject Payroll Tax Cut Extension

Republicans in the U.S. House are rejecting a plan to extend the popular payroll tax cut Americans are now getting.
a Petersburg fire

Fire at Petersburg’s Catholic church traced to maintenance work

Petersburg’s fire marshal said the July 6 fire at the St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church was accidental in nature.

Department of Law to report on fuel price-fixing investigation

Alaskans can get a look at two investigations into high energy prices tomorrow at a meeting of the House Judiciary Committee in Anchorage. The...

Legislators Look for Clarifications Directly from the Governor

State House and Senate leaders will meet with Governor Palin on Thursday of this week to try to better understand her position on some...

Alaska News Nightly: August 29, 2014

State Ferry Union Averts Strike; Juneau Police Reach Community One Cup Of Coffee At A Time; Comment Period on FEMA Disaster Declaration To Close; Cold, Wet Front Drops 3 Inches of Snow On Deadhorse; 'You've Got To Defend It' - Denali Celebrates Wilderness Act 50th; NSF Earmarks $1.5M for Native Students Studying STEM Subjects; AK: Haines Songwriter Dreams Big, Courts Her Inspiration's Ear; 300 Villages: Anvik Download Audio: