
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

FTC Investigation Into Hilcorp, Marathon Deal Closed

The energy company Hilcorp has announced another step toward finalizing its acquisition of Cook Inlet assets from Marathon. The transaction had been under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission, but that investigation has closed and the deal will move forward as South Central Alaska braces for a possible natural gas shortage in the coming years.

Stevens Joins New Senate Majority

The new Senate majority now has 12 members. Sen. Gary Stevens of Kodiak has joined the majority, and will be chairman of the Senate's Education Committee. Stevens had been Senate president for the last four years when the bipartisan coalition held power.

Andrew Guy Reinstated As Calista President

Andrew Guy has been reinstated as Calista’s President and CEO. The corporation announced the move this afternoon after a special meeting of the new board of directors today.


Grab is an intimate portrait of the little-documented Grab Day in the villages of the Laguna Pueblo tribe, who annually throw water and food items from the rooftop of a home to people standing below. A community-wide prayer of abundance, thanks, and renewal, Grab Day exists at the intersection of traditional Native and contemporary Western cultures. Luther's film follows three families as they prepare for the annual event, chronicling their lives leading up to this day. TV: Thursday, 11/8 at 8:00pm

Election Shakes up Anchorage with Tight Races Yet to be Determined

The Election shook up the Anchorage political scene. The final results are still out on Senate District J, but it appears Democrat Hollis French narrowly retained his seat, beating out Republican Bob Bell. There is a new Republican Senator in District M, Anna Fairclough, who ousted long-time Democratic Senator Bettye Davis.

State Senate Announces New Organization

Last night’s election has shifted the balance of power in the State Senate toward the Republican Party. At least six members of the bipartisan working group will not be returning to the legislature in January. Members of the Senate have been meeting today to discuss its leadership and have just announced the plan for reorganization at a news conference on the west side of Anchorage.

Bell, French Race Remains Close, Awaits Absentee Ballots

The most expensive Alaska Senate race was also the closest last night. Incumbent Democratic Senator Hollis French eked out a win for a newly drawn district that includes Sand Lake and West Anchorage. With 100 percent of precincts reporting, French has about 51 percent of the vote compared with 49 percent for his challenger, Anchorage businessman Bob Bell. They are separated by 247 votes and there are still more than 1,500 absentee ballots to count.

Republicans Win Four Interior House Races

Republicans also won four of six races for House Districts lying within the Interior, with North Pole Mayor Doug Isaacson presiding over the most lopsided win. Incumbent Republican Eric Feige also cruised to victory in District 6 with just over 72 percent of the vote over Jamie Duhamel. Republicans Tammie Wilson and Pete Higgins also won elections in District 2 and 7.

New Player May Enter Field For North Slope LNG

There’s another company looking at producing liquefied natural gas on the North Slope. The move could broaden Fairbanks access to the cheaper, cleaner burning fuel.

Moose Researcher Studying Calf Mortality

Moose calf mortality is a big concern among state wildlife managers. Alaska Fish and Game has data indicating that 83 percent of collared moose calves died in one Kenai game unit alone. But moose researcher Vic Van Ballenberghe, who has spent more than three decades studying moose in the Denali Park area, has his theory of how a strong calf can be the result of choices a cow moose makes long before that calf is conceived.

14 Bids Accepted In NPR-A Lease Sale

The Department of Interior conducted its own lease sale today, as well. The Bureau of Land Management accepted 14 bids in the NPR-A. The 160,000 acres bid on today is a fraction of the 4.5 million that were available.

State Announces Winners Of Oil, Gas Rights Lease Sales

The State of Alaska announced winners of oil and gas rights in a lease sale held in Anchorage on Wednesday. The state took in more than $14 million.

The Scam “Toner Phoners” Reach The Y-K Delta

Bethel may be 400 miles off the road system, but it’s no stranger to fraud. Most recently, there have been office supply scams. Bethel Native Corporation was approached last week with a Xerox scam, but President Ana Hoffman suspected something was amiss.

Interior Senate Democrats Fall in General Election

Two interior members of Alaska Bipartisan Senate Coalition fell to Republicans Tuesday. Incumbent Senators Joe Paskvan and Joe Thomas were defeated by Senator John Coghill and Former Legislator Pete Kelly.

Bryce Edgmon Will Represent House District 36

Nearly 98-percent of the vote is in and Bryce Edgmon from Dillingham has won another term in the Alaska House of Representatives. He will represent the newly redrawn District 36.

Stedman Wins Senate District Q Seat

Republican Bert Stedman won his re-election bid Tuesday, and will return to the Legislature as the new District Q senator. Stedman, the former District A senator from Sitka, beat his opponent, Democrat Albert Kookesh of Angoon, the former Senator from District C.

House District 34: Kreiss-Tomkins Holds Small Lead Over Rep. Bill Thomas

It’s still too close to call for Republican state Representative Bill Thomas and Democratic challenger Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins in Southeast’s House District 34. With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Thomas trails Kreiss-Tomkins by 44 votes. That’s less than a full school bus of voters. Absentee, early and questioned ballots will have an impact in this race.

House District 33: Wilson Wins Handily

Incumbent Peggy Wilson will represent the newly-created House District 33. The new district includes Wilson’s hometown, Wrangell, Ketchikan and northern parts of Prince of Wales Island. The Republican captured 58 percent of the vote on Election Day. Initial numbers out of Wrangell put her ahead with 642 votes to Olsen’s 90 and Johansen’s 56.

New Faces Coming To Alaska Legislature

Alaska was assured of new faces in the Legislature, as redistricting pitted incumbents against one another. But that was just the beginning of the changes. As usual Alaska went overwhelmingly Republican for President, and only one state-wide office was in contest. Republican Congressman Don Young had no trouble defeating Democrat Sharon Cissna and will go on to pass Ted Stevens record of 40 years representing Alaska.

Fairclough Ousts Davis for Seat

Anna Fairclough, swept Senate race M ousting longtime Senator Bettye Davis, the only African American in Senator in the state, from her seat. Fairclough came in with 60 percent of the votes. The final tally was Davis: 5,350 votes and Fairclough: 8,149.