
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Baby Skates Identified As Bering Sea Research Priority

In isolated spots in the Bering Sea, there are fields of so-called ‘mermaids’ purses.’ Any beachcomber would recognize them -- small rectangular pods with pointy corners. They’re the protective casing that surrounds the fertilized eggs of skates, and in some underwater nurseries there are hundreds of thousands of them.

USPS To Scale Back Hours At Douglas And Auke Bay Post Offices

The United States Postal Service will scale back hours at two Juneau post offices next month. Notices went up at the Douglas and Auke Bay post offices earlier this week. Starting March 4th, the Douglas station will only be open 1 to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays, and 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. Auke Bay will be open from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays, and noon to 3 p.m. Saturday. That’s a reduction of three and half hours every weekday at Douglas, and an hour and a half at Auke Bay.

Vigils Planned To Mourn 13-Year-Old Kake Girl’s Death

As the investigation into her death continues, candlelight vigils are planned across Alaska tonight (Friday) in memory of Mackenzie Howard. The 13-year-old Kake girl is believed to be a victim of murder in the small, Southeast village on Kupreanof Island.

One Hundred Years of Climbing Denali

The first successful climb of Mount McKinley took place in 1913. Walter Harper, Hudson Stuck and Harry Karstens made history. Now, 100 years later, their family members plan to mark the centennial with a climb of their own. KSKA: Tuesday, 2/12 at 10:00am

Senate Committee Advances Gov. Parnell’s Bill Cutting Oil Taxes

A special Senate committee on oil production has advanced Gov. Sean Parnell’s bill to lower taxes on oil companies without any amendments. But that does not mean the committee is in total agreement with the bill.

Shakespeare Uncovered: Hamlet

Watch Hamlet with David Tennant on PBS. See more from Shakespeare Uncovered.

An acclaimed Hamlet himself in the RSC’s recent hit production (and another recent GREAT PERFORMANCES production), David Tennant meets with fellow Hamlets, including superstar Jude Law, comparing notes on the titanic challenge of playing the most iconic of all roles. He also tries, alongside Simon Russell Beale and Ben Whishaw, to master the meaning of the play and the reason why it is considered the greatest of Shakespeare’s works. Friday 2/8 @ 9:30 p.m.

Shakespeare Uncovered: The Tempest

Watch The Tempest with Trevor Nunn on PBS. See more from Shakespeare Uncovered.

Trevor Nunn, the legendary director who has directed 30 of Shakespeare’s 37 plays and is determined to complete them all before he retires, takes viewers through the magical and mysterious world created in Shakespeare’s last complete play. He considers The Tempest Shakespeare’s farewell from the stage and relates the play to the playwright’s family life. Friday 2/8 @ 10:30 p.m.

Troopers Investigating Kake Teenager’s Death As A Homicide

Alaska State Troopers are investigating the death of a 13-year-old girl in the small Southeast community of Kake as a homicide.

Public Turns Out For Eielson Meetings

The Air Force is wrapping up a series of public meetings in Alaska tonight in North Pole. The scoping sessions are to identify issues to consider in an environmental impact statement for the proposed downsizing of Eielson Air Force Base. The cost savings of moving an F-16 squadron from Fairbanks to Anchorage have faced a range of opposition and questions at meetings in both communities.

Court Hears Arguments In Port MacKenzie Rail Spur Case

Oral arguments were heard Thursday morning in federal district court in Anchorage on a challenge to a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wetlands permit. The case centers on whether or not federal agencies have complied with Clean Water Act requirements for wetlands protection measures in approving the proposed Port MacKenzie railroad spur.

Effectiveness of Oil Spill Dispersants Challenged

This coming May, the Arctic Council will meet in Sweden to finalize an international agreement on oil spill preparedness. In the meantime, questions are multiplying about the adequacy of existing oil spill response technology to deal with arctic conditions. And one of the primary tools, dispersants, are coming under attack from the marine conservation organization, Oceana, in a scientific report that was released this week in Anchorage at the Alaska Forum on the Environment.

Wastewater Upgrades a Focus in Debate Over Cruise Ship Bill

A piece of legislation that would roll back discharge regulations on cruise ships could appear on the Senate floor as early as next week. It’s already passed in the House, and today the Senate finance committee invited the public to comment on it.

Five Teams Vying For Top Spot in Yukon Quest

Hugh Neff and Alan Moore are leading the Quest. But three teams rounding out a group of front runners are confident they can make up the time on the trail.

Lance Mackey Scratches From Yukon Quest

A demoralized and disappointed Lance Mackey pulled his dog team into Dawson this morning and voluntarily scratched from the Yukon Quest.

Cleveland’s New Lava Dome Increases Eruption Risk

After a few quiet months, Cleveland Volcano is waking up. Cleveland’s last recorded eruption was in November. Then, at the end of January, the Alaska Volcano Observatory’s satellites picked up warming temperatures on Cleveland’s surface. And they found a new lava dome growing in the summit crater. It’s 330 feet in diameter -- just shy of a football field.

After Repairs, Massive Cargo Ship Leaves Unalaska

The Shin Onoe cargo ship has left Unalaska ahead of schedule, and without incident. Coast Guard Lt. Jim Fothergill says the vessel passed its sea trials and a Coast Guard inspection, and left Summer Bay around 3 p.m. Wednesday.

13-Year-Old Girl Found Dead Inside Kake Church

Family members have identified the person found dead in the Southeast community of Kake Tuesday night as a 13-year-old girl, Mackenzie H. Howard of Kake. Alaska State Troopers say Howard was found by a member of the community inside the Memorial Presbyterian Church.

‘Stand Your Ground’ Bill Resurfaces In Legislature

Since 2010, the Alaska state legislature has debated the passage of a “Stand Your Ground” law. Versions of the bill have made their way through committee, passed in the House, and then ultimately stalled in the Senate. Now, the bill is back.

Teachers Union Negotiations Begin at ASD

The Anchorage School District and the Anchorage Education Association began bargaining today on a new contract for district teachers at the Anchorage Education Center. Jeannie Mackie is President of the Anchorage School Board. She says she can't discuss details of the negotiations. But she says the district is lobbying for more funding from the legislature.

Obama Nominates REI Chief Exec To Lead The Department of the Interior

President Barack Obama nominated REI chief executive Sally Jewell to lead the Department of the Interior today. It’s a Cabinet position with incredible influence over Alaska. And by virtually every account, the pick surprised everyone.