
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.


It started modestly enough with Joe Redington and a few others wanting the old mail trail to the gold mines retraced. Now the whole world watches the Iditarod. It’s Iditarod time again on the next Talk of Alaska. KSKA - Tuesday, 2/26 at 10:00am

Anchorage School Board Passes Budget, Restores Some Counselors

The Anchorage School Board passed their budget last night with one amendment restoring some counselors. The Board heard final public testimony then passed budget passed 6-1.

Masterpiece Contemporary: Page Eight

Watch Page Eight Preview on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.

An aging spy stumbles on an international scandal that could bring down the British government. But will it bring down his own career first? Bill Nighy (Love Actually) stars, with Michael Gambon (Harry Potter), Ralph Fiennes (The English Patient), and Rachel Weisz (The Constant Gardener), who plays the agent's mysterious next-door neighbor. Written and directed by Sir David Hare (Oscar-nominated adapter of The Reader and The Hours). TV: Sunday, 2/24 at 8:00 p.m.

Coast Guard Clears Kulluk to Depart for Unalaska

The Coast Guard lifted an order restricting movement of Shell’s Kulluk drill rig Thursday morning. Petty Officer David Moseley says the company had to provide information about assessments of the rig and their tow plan to the Coast Guard for review.

Senator Murkowski Outlines Off Shore Revenue Sharing Plan

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski says she’ll soon introduce a revenue sharing bill for off-shore energy production. Speaking to the Alaska state legislature this morning, Murkowski said she’s still working out final details of the bill with Louisiana Democrat Mary Landrieu.

Power Back on in Tuluksak

The village of Tuluksak regained power early this morning after a two-day outage. It took some help from of the Alaska Energy Authority to finally get the lights back on. The lights went out in Tuluksak around 4pm Monday afternoon, when its only generator stopped running.

Alaska House Passes Resolution Opposing Genetically Engineered Salmon

The Alaska House of Representatives has come out against genetically engineered salmon, or as critics call it, “Frankenfish.” Representatives unanimously approved House Joint Resolution 5 on Wednesday. It urges the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to reconsider a preliminary finding that genetically modified fish would not significantly impact the environment. The resolution also urges the agency to require labeling for GM salmon, if the product is ultimately approved.

Task Force Report Reveals Ways to Help Victims of Sex Trafficking

The scope of Alaska’s sex trafficking problem remains unclear, but there’s plenty that can still be done to help victims -- that’s the conclusion of a report issued by astate task force charged with studying the issue.

Lawmaker Pushes Photo ID for Voters

A measure that would require voters to show photo identification at the polls got its first hearing today (on Thursday). Rep. Bob Lynn, a Republican from Anchorage, sponsored the bill, and he views it as a simple way of preventing voter fraud.

AVCP Wants Tribes To Be Able to Prosecute Non-Members

The Violence Against Women’s Act that is making its way through Congress has the support of the Association of Village Council Presidents for the most part. However, the Native non-profit organization which represents 56 tribes in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta is opposing part of the legislation, the part that doesn’t allow Alaskan tribes to prosecute non-tribal members.

Alaska Permanent Fund Hits All-Time High

Alaska's oil wealth portfolio has hit an all-time high: $45 billion. The Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. announced the fund hit the mark Tuesday.

Legislation Proposed to Clean Up Derelict Vessels

The State of Alaska has a problem with derelict vessels and lawmakers in Juneau are looking at how to address it. Municipalities would be given greater authority to deal with derelict and abandoned vessels under a bill introduced by Homer representative Paul Seaton. Seaton introduced HB131 on Wednesday.

Tugs in Kulluk Response Effort Collide

Two tugs scheduled to tow a damaged Royal Dutch Shell PLC drill barge collided while maneuvering in a bay off Kodiak Island. KTUU-TV reports the collision happened Friday when the tug Corbin Foss hit the other tug, the Ocean Wave.

Labor Slams Ordinance at Work Session, Public Testimony Next

Attorneys representing labor unions made a presentation to members of the Anchorage Assembly at a work session at city hall Wednesday (3/20). They outlined their concerns about an ordinance to limit unions that was recently proposed by Mayor Dan Sullivan. The Mayor also launched a media campaign supporting his proposal. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has the story.

Power Out In Tuluksak

Power has been out in the village of Tuluksak the past few days. The village is located 50 river miles upstream of Bethel.

School Voucher Resolution Will Be Heard In Judiciary, Finance Committees

The normally dry subject of committee referrals is creating a bit of a stir in the Capitol. Last week, a group of five senators introduced a resolution to amend the Alaska Constitution to allow for a school voucher program. The measure was supposed to be heard in the education committee. That is, until it suddenly wasn’t, as Sen. Gary Stevens – a Republican from Kodiak and chair of the education committee – discovered while traveling in Kentucky on business.

Bypass Mail Likely Target Of Postal Reform Bill

The U.S. Postal Service recently announced an end to Saturday delivery. People will stop receiving letters on Saturdays by the end of summer. A postal reform bill is expected before then, and bypass mail will likely be targeted for reforms.

Fish & Wildlife To Survey WWII Debris, Contamination On Attu

Attu Island is overdue for some spring cleaning. Seventy years after World War II, the island is still littered with shards of old Coke bottles, lead-based batteries, leaking fuel drums and unexploded artillery.

Alaska Innovators Share Success Stories

We’ve all heard politicians talk about how businesses need to change to succeed in today’s marketplace. A group of Alaska entrepreneurs shared their success stories, in hopes of inspiring others, at last week’s Innovation Summit in Juneau.

Tanana Chiefs Conference Discusses Yukon Chinook Stocks

The Tanana Chiefs Conference has gathered leaders from interior Alaska Native villages in Fairbanks to talk about Yukon River salmon. There’s frustration with the depressed state of Yukon River Chinook stocks.