
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

After Tight Senate Vote, House Takes On Oil Tax Bill

The House gets its first stab at the Senate’s oil tax package Friday. The bill, which gets rid of a mechanism that raises the tax rate on oil as the price per barrel goes up, will be taken up in the resources committee.

Frank Kearns: American Correspondent

The documentary chronicles the life and work of the former West Virginia University journalism professor and CBS News Correspondent who was based in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Europe in the 50s and 60s. TV: Friday, March 22, 9:30 p.m.

Senate Passes Oil Tax Bill in Tight Vote

After a lengthy debate, the Alaska Senate narrowly passed a bill that would overhaul the state’s oil tax regime. The changes are projected to give oil companies a break of at least $600 million per year. Download Audio

Sally Jewell Breezes Past Energy Committee

President Barack Obama's pick to head the Interior Department, Sally Jewell, CEO of outdoor retailer REI, cruised through a committee vote Thursday morning. Download Audio

Landslide Transforms Mountain Near Matanuska Glacier

A large landslide has transformed a mountainside near the Matanuska Glacier. Locals noticed the landslide in mid-February. It left a black streak of rock and debris on the unnamed mountain at least a mile long. One expert says it's impossible to pinpoint what caused this particular landslide, but they are becoming more common in northern climates. Download Audio

New UAA Sports Complex Named ‘Alaska Airlines Center’

The new sports complex currently under construction at the University of Alaska Anchorage now has a name – the Alaska Airlines Center. UAA and Alaska Airlines announced the $6.3 million partnership on Thursday. Download Audio

Fisheries Board Raises Late-Run Chinook Escapement Goal

Southcentral Alaska sport fishermen are applauding a move by the state’s Board of Fisheries aimed at ensuring escapement goals for Kenai River late – run Chinook salmon. The Board voted unanimously to approve substitute language for a proposal that would have triggered emergency management measures based on the run’s failure to achieve a specific escapement goal of 15,000 fish. Download Audio

Race Marshall Calls Dog Death One Of The Worst Tragedies In Iditarod History

The Iditarod Race Marshall is calling the death of a dropped dog in Unalakleet this year one of the worst tragedies in the race’s history. The Iditarod Trail committee has since launched an investigation into what happened. They’re working with the dog’s owner to develop better dog care standards for the future. Download Audio

Musher Chooses Unique Route To Kobuk 440

The Iditarod is over, but there’s still racing left to be done this season. The Kobuk 440 out of Kotzebue is scheduled to start April 11. One musher is taking the long route to reach the race. Chuck Schaeffer, formerly of Kotzebue and now living in Willow, is driving his dogs from Nenana to Kotzebue for the race, alone. Schaeffer did the trip last year as a way to save the expense of flying his dogs north for the race. But this year, he’s taking time to stop and talk with young people in villages along the trail about personal responsibility and self pride. Download Audio

Construction Company Defends Port Work

After the Municipality of Anchorage sued designers of the botched Port of Anchorage expansion project earlier this month, the designers faulted the construction. But one construction company involved is defending their work. Download Audio

Deadline For ‘Endeavor’ Departure Pushed Back

A major improvement project at Homer’s Deepwater Dock is forcing Buccaneer Energy to move its jack-up rig Endeavor out of the harbor. But the company will now have a little extra time to move the rig.

Ostebo: Sequestration Will Hit USCG In Alaska Less

Federal spending cuts known as sequestration will have less of an impact on the Coast Guard in Alaska than elsewhere in the country. That’s the word from Rear Admiral Thomas Ostebo, who is in charge of the Coast Guard’s District 17, which encompasses the entire state. Download Audio

Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame: Joan Hurst

As part of Women’s history month, Alaska Public Media brings you the voices of influential Alaskan women who have helped shape and define the social, cultural and political discourse in Alaska. 15 women were recently inducted into the Alaska women’s hall of fame at a ceremony in Anchorage. Former lt governor Fran Ulmer was inducted herself in 2009. She was on hand to introduce one of this year's inductees-the late Youth development and child advocate Joan Hurst. Barb Dubahvich accepted the award. Download Audio

Faces of the Oil Patch

Faces of the Oil Patch describes the new visage of the oil patch—the areas in and around Williston, Watford City, Tioga, Stanley, New Town, Parshall, and Fort Berthold—in the words of the people who live and work in these communities. TV: Thursday, March 21, 8:00 p.m.

CONFESSED: Leroy Dick Tells Judge He Killed VPSO Madole

At a first felony appearance before the magistrate at the Dillingham courthouse Wednesday morning, Leroy B. Dick, Jr, 42, of Manokotak, initially refused legal counsel, telling the judge: "To be honest, I could say I'm guilty of the crime." Download Audio

‘Stand Your Ground’ Bill Passes Alaska House

The Alaska House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a “Stand Your Ground” bill on a 33-5 vote. House Bill 24 expands what’s known as the “castle doctrine,” which allows people to use deadly force to protect their homes and businesses from intruders. Download Audio

Oil Tax Debate Continues On Senate Floor

Debate on whether the state’s oil tax system should be overhauled continued in fits and spurts on Wednesday. By early evening, the Senate had considered seven amendments to a bill flattening the tax rate on oil companies and shifting incentives for credits. Download Audio

Muni Sues Port Designers, They Fault Construction

After years of problems, which halted the Port of Anchorage project, the Municipality of Anchorage is suing the designers. Download Audio

Murkowski Introduces New Revenue Sharing Bill

Senator Murkowski introduced a new revenue-sharing bill that faces an uncertain future in the Senate. Download Audio

Group Says It Will Keep Up Logging Road Challenge

A conservation group said Wednesday it will continue pushing federal authorities to more closely regulate muddy logging roads, despite a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that sided with the timber industry. Download Audio