
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Sitka Herring Fleet Goes On 2-Hour Notice

The Sitka herring fishery went on two-hour notice today at 11 a.m. It means if Fish & Game calls an opening, the fleet has at least two hours to make it to the location of the fishery. Download Audio

Researcher Completes Study Of Interior Agriculture

Interior Alaska farmers are losing money, but there’s hope for the industry. That’s the conclusion of a nationally recognized agricultural researcher who recently completed a study of Fairbanks area farming. Download Audio

New Book Offers How-to Tips for Aspiring Homesteaders

How to successfully live off the grid in remote areas, is the subject of a new book called "The Alaska Homesteader's Handbook. Independent Living on the Last Frontier." The book features profiles and how to tips by Alaska homesteaders and offers practical advice on a wide range of topics from How to age game meat to packing horses for the backcountry to safely crossing rivers. Download Audio

Alaska Cultural Connections: Gold Medal Basketball Tournament Focuses On Community

It’s a Wednesday afternoon and the Juneau-Douglas High School gymnasium is full. In Division C – which is roughly ages 32-42 – 7-year defending champ Kake is playing Hydaburg. Tournament co-chair and player Edward Kotch from Klukwan says it’s for more than just the basketball. Download Audio

Ted Stevens Int. Airport Plan Anticipates Growth

A series of public meetings in Anchorage is aimed at gathering input from residents on an update of a master plan for the Ted Stevens International Airport. Federal Aviation Administration regulations require an airport master plan that envisions short, medium and long term plans for airport development. Download Audio

A Commercial Fisherman in the Rap Game

Today we hear what happens when you combine fishing with rap music. Eli Fields was born and raised in Kodiak, and he discovered his love for music early. Fields is just 17 years old, but he already has a proper studio album in the bag. His debut, Paper and Crayons was released earlier this month.

Tenure Bill Rankles State Teacher Unions

A bill that would require a longer probationary period for teachers has attracted opposition from labor organizations, who say it's an attack on job security.

RUNNING: Anchorage Municipal Election

The first Tuesday in April, voters go to the polls to fill seats on the Anchorage School Board and the Anchorage Assembly. Hear from the candidates asking for your vote in this year's Municipal election on Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 pm on KSKA-FM 91.1 and on KAKM -TV Alaska Public Media. Watch Now

Shell Executive Stepping Down

The executive in charge of Shell’s troubled Arctic drilling program is stepping down. David Lawrence was Shell’s vice president for North American exploration. He’s been with the company for almost 30 years. Now, a spokesman says he’s leaving “by mutual consent.” Download Audio

Murkowski Clarifies VAWA Dispute

The recent reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act had many applauding its new protections for LGBT victims and illegal immigrants. Download Audio

Honeman Tries to Slow Labor Overhaul Down

Anchorage Assembly member Paul Honeman is trying to slow down the process to pass a controversial Anchorage ordinance that would limit unions. He introduced a resolution at a work session at city hall Friday. Download Audio

U.S. Arctic Research Commission Meets In Bethel

The U.S. Arctic Research Commission is in Bethel for their 100th meeting. The Commission is an independent federal agency that helps plan arctic research goals on the national level. Download Audio

Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat Students Dance For Their Village Since 100 + Years

Dozens of dance groups will be performing this weekend in Bethel at the annual Cama-I Dance Festival. One of them will be a student group from the village of Quinhagak. The students had to receive special permission from their elders to Dance, after it was banned in the village for decades. Download Audio

AK: John Muir

Muir is one of the most renowned naturalists of the last two centuries. President Theodore Roosevelt turned to Muir when planning America’s first National Parks. In the late 1800s, Muir decided to journey to the far north. And the first stop on his great Alaskan expedition was Wrangell Island in the Inside Passage. KSTK’s Shady Grove Oliver traces the history of Muir in Wrangell from his first steps on the island to his continued influence today. Download Audio

300 Villages: Juneau

This week we’re heading to a city- the capitol city to be more specific: Juneau. Ricardo Worl is CEO for Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority. Download Audio

It’s Kuspuk Friday in the Alaska Legislature

Instead of the usual businesswear worn in the Alaska State Capitol, many female legislators are wearing kuspuks, the traditional and comfortable Inupiat-Yupik garment not often seen in boardrooms. It’s also being adopted by some men in the capitol.

Object Runway 4 Documentary Online Release

The full length Object Runway 4 documentary is now available online on the Alaska Public Media YouTube channel. This wearable art runway show was filmed live at the Beartooth Theater Pub in Anchorage, Alaska in January, 2013.

Interview: Gov. Parnell Talks Oil Tax Overhaul

Over the course of his administration, Gov. Sean Parnell has made an overhaul of the state’s oil tax system a top priority. In previous legislative sessions, his efforts to bring down the overall tax rate on oil companies has been stymied by the Senate. But this week, that body passed an amended version of his plan. On Thursday, he sat down with APRN’s Alexandra Gutierrez to discuss the status of the bill.

Two Dog Races Start In Bethel This Weekend

The Elia Salafie Memorial Sled Dog Race and K300 Camp Out Race are happening this weekend.

Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame: Dorothy Jones

As part of Women’s history month, Alaska Public Media brings you the voices of influential Alaskan women who have helped shape and define the social, cultural and political discourse in Alaska. 15 women were recently inducted into the Alaska women’s hall of fame at a ceremony in Anchorage. Former Anchorage Assembly chair and hall of fame steering committee member Jane Angvik tells us more about one of the inductees-Anthropologist and women's therapy advocate Dorothy Jones. Connie Wolf accepted the award. Download Audio