
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Running 2013: Anchorage Assembly Seats F, D, H, and J

Host Michael Carey and Panelist Daysha Eaton talk with candidates for Anchorage Assembly Seat F (Andy Clary and Dick Traini), Assembly Seat D (Ernie Hall), and Assembly Seat H (Paul Honeman).

Running 2013: School Board Seat A

Host Michael Carey and Panelist Daysha Eaton talk with candidates for Anchorage School Board Seat A: Bettye Davis and Donald Smith.

Running 2013: School Board Seat B

Host Michael Carey and Panelist Daysha Eaton talk with candidates for Anchorage School Board Seat B: Eric Croft, Stephanie Cornwell-George, and David Nees.


It’s not every scientist who decides to study a certain population of animals only to watch it go extinct. But for biologist and author Eval Saulitis, that’s what is apparently happening. A pod of Killer Whales in Prince William Sound it unlikely to be able to sustain itself after the Exxon Valdez oil spill of more than twenty years ago. She’ll tell her story next Tuesday, on Talk of Alaska. KSKA: Tuesday, April 2 at 10:00am Download Audio

Anchorage Choose Respect Rally

Bagpipers led Choose Respect marchers in Anchorage today. The annual event is aimed at heightening awareness of Alaska's blight of sexual assault while gathering support for the state administration's campaign against domestic violence. KSKA's Ellen Lockyer followed the march and brings us this report.

Young Responds to Ethics Investigation

Congressman Don Young says he's not worried about an investigation into whether he violated ethics rules. Download Audio

Panel Discusses Alaska Tribal Courts

A panel of experts met last night at the University of Alaska Justice Center to discuss Tribal Courts in Alaska.

Permafrost Tunnel Undergoing Expansion

In the early 1960’s, engineers dug a tunnel into permafrost roughly 16 miles north of Fairbanks. They were testing underground excavation methods. The US Bureau of Mines also used part of the original tunnel to test mining techniques in permafrost. On March 15th, personnel with the Army Corps of Engineer’s Cold Climate Research and Engineering laboratory, or CRREL, wrapped up a months’ worth of digging as part of a project to build a new tunnel that will eventually join the older one. Download Audio

Kuskpuk Friday In The Legislature

On Fridays on Alaska’s Capitol Hill, many female legislators are wearing Kuspuks – the traditional and comfortable Eskimo garment not often seen in boardrooms. It’s also being adopted by some men in the capitol. Download Audio

Gov. Parnell Declares March 29 Vietnam Veteran’s Day

Governor Sean Parnell has signed legislation designating tomorrow, March 29th, Vietnam Veteran’s Day in honor of those who served more than 40 years ago in that conflict. Anchorage resident Ric Davidge is the national chairman for government affairs for Vietnam veterans in America. He is a veteran of the U.S. Army. He went to Vietnam in 1965 as a 19 year old medic. Download Audio

Four Propositions on April 2nd Muni Ballot

There are four different bond propositions on the upcoming municipal election ballot. The bond propositions on the Anchorage ballot would pay for education, emergency services, public safety, public transportation and road and park projects. Download Audio

First Herring Opening Yields Roughly 2,100 Tons

The herring fleet gathered about 2,100 tons of fish during Wednesday’s first opening of the Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery. Those are the preliminary numbers from the Alaska Department of Fish & Game. Wednesday’s opening lasted just over three hours, from 3 p.m. to 6:05 p.m.

Vietnam Veterans Day Signed Into Law

Friday will be the first Vietnam Veterans Day in Alaska. Gov. Sean Parnell has signed legislation designating March 29 of each year as a day to honor those who served in Vietnam. The law takes effect immediately.

Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame: Thelma Langdon

As part of Women’s history month, Alaska Public Media brings you the voices of influential Alaskan women who have helped shape and define the social, cultural and political discourse in Alaska. 15 women were recently inducted into the Alaska women’s hall of fame at a ceremony in Anchorage. Former lt governor Fran Ulmer was inducted herself in 2009. She introduced one of this year's inductees-the late Thelma Langdon who was honored for her work in education, mental health and elder care. Her daughter Mel Langdon accepted the award. Download Audio

Feds Outline Chukchi, Beaufort Sea Drilling Regulations For ConocoPhillips

Federal regulators said today that ConocoPhillips will need to meet the same standards they set for Shell for drilling in the Chukchi and Beaufort Sea. At an Anchorage field hearing of Senator Mark Begich’s Oceans Subcommittee today, Tommy Boudreau, head of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, was asked if that means a containment dome for blowouts, such as the one BP used at the Macondo Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Speaking by teleconference due to federal budget constraints, Boudreau told Begich the same standard would be used. Download Audio

Arctic Winter Sea Ice Extent is Sixth Lowest on Record

The National Snow and Ice Data center based in Colorado report Arctic sea ice reached its maximum extent for the winter on March 15. Download Audio

Senator Murkowski Speaks On DOMA

Senator Lisa Murkowski says her opinion on gay marriage is still evolving. Murkowski addressed the topic today at a chamber of commerce luncheon in the Anchorage suburb of Eagle River. Download Audio

Oil Companies Testify On Tax Reform Legislation

The major oil companies in Alaska testified last night to the state House Resources Committee about the latest version of Governor Sean Parnell's oil tax reform legislation. The bill passed the Senate last week. It represents a major tax break for the oil companies. The state estimates it will cost Alaska $6 billion in tax revenue over the next five years. Download Audio

Fewer Alaska Kids May Have Access To Pre-School

Education advocates have long promoted pre-school as a way of closing the achievement gap between rich and poor students, and this year the president named expanding early education programs as one of his top priorities in his State of the Union address. But here in Alaska, fewer kids could have access to pre-school due to budget cuts. Download Audio

Girl Scout Troop Uses Cookie Funds For Unique, Futuristic Purpose

It’s Girl Scout cookie time. The troops sell the cookies to raise money for all kinds of activities. APRN’s Dave Waldron found a troop in Anchorage that uses the funds for a unique and futuristic purpose. Download Audio