
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

State Vehicles Block Abortion Protesters in Front of the Capitol Building

Protesters with the anti-abortion Center for Bioethical Reform held up large signs across from the state capitol building in Juneau this week, depicting graphic images of aborted fetuses.

Judge Tosses Stevens’ Prosecutors’ Suspensions

An administrative judge reversed the suspensions of two prosecutors in the botched corruption case against former Senator Ted Stevens.

Legislature Votes Vince Webster Off The Board Of Fisheries

A joint House and Senate vote today (Monday) approved almost all of Governor Parnell's appointments to various state boards and commissions, all but one. Vince Webster, Parnell's choice for re-appointment for a third three year term on the state Board of Fisheries, was turned down by a one- vote margin.

Audit Deems KABATA Project “Unreasonably Optimistic”

An audit of the Knik Arm bridge finds that the agency handling the project has "overstated" its traffic forecasts. Government auditors expect substantially less toll revenue as a result, leaving the state at risk of having to make up the shortfall.

Legislature Considers Bill On Derelict Vessels

A bill that would give cities and boroughs in Alaska the ability to deal with derelict and abandoned vessels is on the move in Juneau. On Friday House Bill 131 received a unanimous vote in the Alaska House.

Court Decision Has Big Implications For Tribal Lands

A D.C. district court decision quietly released on Easter Sunday, has huge implications for Alaska tribal and state lands jurisdiction. The court found the Secretary of Interior has the authority to take land into trust for Alaska tribes.

Snow Totals Downgraded For Latest Storm

The National Weather Service is downgrading it's forecasted snow amounts for the latest April storm to hit the Anchorage area.

Technology Is Changing How Food Is Gathered In Rural Alaska

Modern technology, like snow machines, boats, and cell phones have changed how Alaskans gather their food - both in urban and rural areas.

From ‘Bring It On’ To ‘I Can’t Take It Anymore,’ Anchorage Residents React To Snow

Just a few short days ago, spring looked pretty promising in Anchorage with forty degree weather, sunshine and snow melting. But with a foot of new snow on the ground and another significant snow dump underway, April is looking more like mid-winter.

A Polar Bear Named Kali

Today we meet the newest addition to the Alaska Zoo: a baby polar bear named Kali. The cub was recently put on display for its very first media photo shoot. Click for more.

Independent Lens: The House I Live In

Eugene Jarecki's provocative "The House I Live In" examines America's 40-year war on drugs, which has resulted in more than $1 trillion in government spending, 45 million arrests and an incarceration rate that's the highest in the world. TV: Monday, April 8 @ 9:00 p.m.

Anchorage Braces for More Snow

The National Weather Service said Anchorage residents could see significant snow - between 12 and 18 inches - cover the area beginning Monday morning. Between seven and 10 inches fell on Saturday.

Call the Midwife – Season 2 – Episode 2

See how the death of a newborn affects Cynthia’s work and health. TV: Sunday, April 7 @ 7:00 p.m.

Doc Martin – Better the Devil

Season 4 opens with Martin questioning why he remains in Portwenn. He also reunites with an old girlfriend from his medical- school days and is stunned when Louisa, who left town after he called off their marriage, returns with unexpected news. TV: Saturday, April 6 @ 7:00 p.m.

Marvin Sentenced To 198 Years

John Marvin, Junior has been sentenced to 198 years in prison for the murder of two Hoonah police officers. The 47-year old Hoonah resident will essentially spend the rest of his life in prison for gunning down two officers in front of their families, and then holding other officers at bay in a stand-off for more than a day.

More Snow On The Way For Anchorage

The National Weather Service is predicting another round of significant snow for Southcentral Alaska, from the Mat-Su Valley down to the Kenai Peninsula, this weekend. The storm is expected to hit Saturday afternoon, with the heaviest snowfall Saturday evening into Sunday morning.

Northern Edge Cancelled

Another major military exercise has been cancelled. The Alaskan command announced this (Friday) morning that it will not hold Northern Edge 2013. The event, held every other year was scheduled for the last 2 weeks of June.

Ice Rescue

A Fairbanks man survived a crevasse fall on a glacier near Delta Junction yesterday (Thursday). As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports, he was rescued unscathed, despite a long fall and hours trapped in the ice.

AK Moose Federation Breaks New Ground

The Alaska Moose Federation is working with an Alaska Native entity on a moose diversion project near Big Lake. The Federation has announced a partnership with the Alaska Operating Engineers and Employers Training to use heavy equipment to spur willow growth on up to 200 acres of land owned by the Knikatnu [ Knik AT noo ] Native Corporation.

U.N. Passes Global Arms Treaty That Faces Opposition in Senate

The United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly passed the Global Arms Trade Treaty this week. The three no votes came from North Korea, Iran and Syria. But there's more opposition in the United States Senate.