
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Alleged Bootlegger Banned From Akiak

In a short court decision Wednesday, the Akiak Tribal Court voted to banish an alleged bootlegger and drug trafficker from the village indefinitely.

Some Ballots Thrown Out of Anchorage Election Because of Officials’ Error, New results expected Friday

About 100 ballots from the 2013 Municipal Election were rejected during a public canvas held at city hall last night. The canvas, led by the Anchorage Election Commission, lasted several hours.

Live From Lincoln Center: Josh Groban

Classical crossover star Josh Groban performs selections from his 2013 album "All That Echoes" in this concert from the Allen Room at Lincoln Center. TV: Friday, April 12 @ 9:30 p.m.

Senate Passes “Stand Your Ground” Law

On Thursday night, the Senate passed a bill that would get rid of the duty to retreat if a person feels threatened, so long as that person has a right to be in that place.

Legislature Passes Interior Gas Trucking Plan

The legislature has approved a plan allowing for natural gas to be trucked from the North Slope down to Fairbanks. It's seen as a way of bringing down energy costs in the Interior.

Scientists Study Peculiar Arctic Sea Ice Cracking Pattern

It started with an unusual storm that passed over the North Pole on Feb. 8. The National Snow and Ice Data Center says it caused the sea ice to crack, and the cracks to spread in a curving pattern, from the tip of Alaska to Canada. Similar patterns have appeared in the past, though not of this scale. Download Audio

Measure Changing School District Health Plans Speeding Through Legislature

A measure that would put the state in charge of school districts’ health plans is speeding through the legislature. Download Audio

Alaska’s Senators Fail to Block Gun Debate

The Senate voted Thursday morning to open debate on a new package of gun regulations. Neither of Alaska’s senators supported the procedural vote. Download Audio

Finance Committee Releases Version Of Oil Tax Overhaul

The House Finance Committee today released their version of a bill that would overhaul the state's oil tax policy. It's forecasted to cut taxes by $3.5 billion over the next five years, a smaller amount than the last proposal. That number is expected to appease swing votes on the bill. Download Audio

Kobuk 440 Kicks Off In Kotzebue

The Kobuk 440, Kotzebue’s annual sled dog race kicked off at 12:30 this afternoon. 18 mushers signed up this year and Kobuk 440 board President Liz Moore says this numbers on the high end. She says they did have to make some team changes before the race got started. Download Audio

State, Feds Continue Sparring Over Wildlife Policies

The National Park Service released its compendiums for 2013 this week. They outline this year’s designations, closures and restrictions for national parks and preserves. Some of the changes to Alaska’s compendiums this year come in response to state policies regarding predators like wolves and bears. Download Audio

Yukon-Charley Wolf Population 50 Percent Lower Than Last Fall

In a release today, the National Park Service states the wolf population in the Yukon-Charley National Preserve has decreased by 50 percent since last fall. The Park Service says the decline “coincides with predator control efforts by Alaska Department of Fish and Game conducted near the preserve.” Download Audio

Palmer Farmhouse Added To National Register Of Historic Places

A farmhouse built in Palmer in 1935 has been added to the National Register of Historic Places. The Campbell House was one of the original Matanuska Colony farmhouses. Download Audio

Particulate Pollution Plan Will Likely Include Burn Bans

A state fine particulate pollution implementation plan for the Fairbanks area due out this summer, will likely include burn bans. The yet to be released plan for getting Fairbanks into compliance with federal air quality regulations was previewed this week. Download Audio

Galena Lays Groundwork For Biomass Project

Officials in Galena continue laying the groundwork to fund a community-wide woody biomass project. Download Audio

Wilderness: The Great Debate

Watch Preview on PBS. See more from Wilderness: The Great Debate.

A documentary that explores the needs of the 21st century vs. wilderness preservation, featuring Robert Redford. TV: Thursday, April 11 @ 9:00 p.m.

Senate Passes Bill Blocking Federal Gun Regulations

Earlier this spring, Alaska lawmakers attracted national attention when they introduced legislation that would allow for the arrest of federal agents charged with enforcing gun control laws. On Wednesday, the Senate passed a version of the bill that gets rid of the controversial provision.

Senate Approves Creation of a “Silver Alert” System

A bill setting up a missing persons alert system for seniors with Alzheimer's, veterans with post traumatic stress disorder, and other vulnerable adults passed the Alaska State Senate on Wednesday, after already getting approval in the House.

Senate Confirms Sally Jewell Appointment

The Senate confirmed President Barack Obama’s nominee to lead the Interior Department, Sally Jewell, this evening. Download Audio

Senate To Vote on First Steps in Gun Control Debate

The U.S. Senate will vote Thursday whether to begin debate on a package of new gun regulations. The bill aims to strengthen school safety and stiffen penalties for gun trafficking. Download Audio