
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Energy Providers Gather To Discuss Costs

Rural Alaska power costs are unsustainable.  And this week, energy providers are gathering in Anchorage to find ways to help bring down those costs.   The goal of the Alaska Rural Energy Conference is to create a forum to share ideas aimed at finding solutions for one of the biggest problems facing the state. Download Audio

New Film Covers Former Governor Wally Hickel

The colorful and often controversial former Governor, the late Wally Hickel is the subject of a new film entitled, “Alaska, the World and Wally Hickel.” Consulting producer Paul Brown says the film covers everything from Hickel’s resolve to rebuild downtown Anchorage after the devastating 1964 earthquake, to his firing by President Richard Nixon when he served as Interior Secretary and disagreed with Nixon over the war in Vietnam. The former Governor was around 78 years old when Brown met him. He says Hickel was still youthful in his vision. Download Audio

Saudi Oil Minister Welcomes U.S. Energy Boom

Saudi energy official said he has no concerns over growing U.S. energy supply. Download Audio

Shell Names New Head Of Arctic Operations

Shell has named a replacement for its outgoing head of Arctic operations, David Lawrence, who is leaving by mutual consent after numerous problems with the company's Chukchi and Beaufort Sea exploratory operations and a federal report that blamed the company for poor oversight of its contractors.

Fairbanks Utility Applies To State For Service Area

Fairbanks public gas utility has applied to the state for a service area. It’s an initial step for the entity created by the North Star Borough assembly last fall. Download Audio

Muni Denies A037 Referendum, Next Stop, Court

The city of Anchorage has rejected a second version of an application to hold a referendum to repeal a new ordinance that limits unions. And it looks like whether the referendum goes forward will be decided in court. Download Audio

Alaska Cultural Connections: Whaling

The spring whaling season is underway on Alaska’s North Slope. The Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission reports St Lawrence Island whaling crews are having success with four bowheads landed by Savoonga hunters and two for Gambell. Whalers on the mainland coast are ready and waiting. Download Audio

Making of a Refuge: Jute Bay to Amber Bay

After passage of the Alaska Lands Act in 1980, biologist Edgar Bailey and volunteer Nina Faust surveyed a 200-mile section of the Alaska Peninsula coast from Jute Bay to Amber Bay, checking almost all the bays and nearly all of the islands along the way. Today, USFWS does not let personnel do surveys in this fashion as it is considered too dangerous. Learn more.

The Dust Bowl: Reaping the Whirlwind

Conclusion. How many families sought refuge from the Great Plains in California; and how government-led conservation efforts worked in conjunction with a break in the drought in 1939 to stabilize the soil and inject new life into farms. TV: Tuesday, April 30 @ 7:00 p.m.

Signature Collection Starts For Oil Tax Referendum

With the signature booklets hot off the printers, opponents of a controversial tax cut for oil companies should be able to start gathering support for their referendum Tuesday. Download Audio

Court Clarifies Order To Redistricting Board

The state Supreme Court gave the state Redistricting Board the clarification it was looking for last week. It said its order requiring the Board to draft a map of legislative districts based on the criteria of the state Constitution should involve all districts, not the few in which there is a federal concern to preserve Native voting power. Download Audio

Weak Chinook Returns Expected For Yukon River

Another weak Yukon River Chinook salmon return is forecast for this summer. It would be the latest in a decade’s long trend of below normal returns, and fishery managers anticipate another season of harvest restrictions. Download Audio

Crowley, UIC Form Joint Venture In Arctic

Long time marine transport providers Crowley Marine Services and Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation or UIC Bowhead have formed a joint venture to help meet the growing demand for services in the Arctic. Download Audio

Canister Containing Toxic Compound Washes Ashore Near Kodiak

A series of aluminum canisters have been washing up on the shores of Southeast Alaska, and more recently in the Kodiak Archipelago. Two were discovered on Afognak Island earlier this month and last week another was found on Queer Island, near Kalsin Bay. Download Audio

Delta-Area Farmer Determined To Rebuild After Fire Wipes Out Poultry Barn

A Delta Junction-area farmer is cleaning up from a barn fire that killed hundreds of chickens and other livestock that provided most of her livelihood.  Brandy McClean is seeking help in an effort to save her business. Download Audio

Sealaska Canoe Lost En Route To Wrangell

Several canoe groups are paddling down the Inside Passage to Wrangell for the Shakes Island Rededication event this week. Download Audio

Southeast Inter-Island Ferry Authority To Run Short On Cash

Southeast’s Inter-Island Ferry Authority will soon be short on cash. The authority sails between Prince of Wales Island and Ketchikan. Download Audio

Alaska Cultural Connections: Los Anchorage

Chances are you’ve heard the saying, the great thing about Anchorage is that its only 15 minutes from the real Alaska. If you don’t live in the state’s largest city, maybe you agree. Then there’s the other question: how long do you have to live here before you’re an Alaskan? Are you an Alaskan if you spend only summers here? Is it when you get your first PFD? Is it a length of time, or a state of mind? Download Audio

Backyard Chicken Blogging

Today we’re talking chickens. Mara Bacsujlaky is a bit of a chicken expert. In addition to raising her own chickens, she hosts workshops, handles them for her job at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. And, she writes a blog dedicated to them. She is a fan.

In My Family: “It’s Okay”

This week on “In My Family,” Khan teaches teaches Raven how to say “It's Okay,” in Gwich'in.