
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Alaskan Officials Rip Feds on NPR-A

Alaskans in D.C. tell Congress to alter NPR-A plans. Download Audio

Ice Jam Above Fort Yukon Loosens

A massive ice jam 12 miles upriver from Fort Yukon partially let loose early this morning. National Weather Service Hydrologist Ed Plumb says the ice sheet hasn’t broken entirely, but water backed up behind it is starting to move downriver. Download Audio

Fairbanks Green Up Likely Latest On Record

Another sign of this year’s slow arrival of spring: green up will likely be the latest in Fairbanks recorded history. Download Audio

JBER Soldier Competing In Best Warrior Competition

A Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson soldier is competing this week in the Pacific Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition in Hawaii. The week-long competition began Saturday and will end with the awards ceremony Thursday. Download Audio

Cloud Cover Making Pavlof Observation Difficult

Heavy cloud cover over the Alaska Peninsula is making it tough for scientists to monitor Pavlof Volcano. The Alaska Volcano Observary hasn’t been able to get a clear picture of the peak by satellite for almost two days. Download Audio

KABATA Wants Independent Source To Review State Audit

The Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority, or KABATA, wants an independent source to review findings of a state audit of revenue projections that almost swamped the Knik Arm Bridge project in the waning hours of this year’s legislative session. Download Audio

State To Appeal Dismissal Of Roadless Rule Lawsuit

The Parnell administration says it will appeal the dismissal of its lawsuit over the roadless rule in the Tongass National Forest. Download Audio

Bering Sea Factory Trawler Catches Fire

A factory trawler that frequently participates in the Bering Sea pollock fishery caught fire Monday afternoon.

Fourteen Shareholders Run For Sealaska Board Of Directors

Ten Sealaska shareholders are challenging four incumbents for the regional Native corporation’s board of directors. That’s the largest number of independent candidates in five years, although some earlier ballots came close.

Parnell Blocks Fund Transfer From Hoonah Dock To Sitka Pool

Governor Sean Parnell left Southeast Alaska project funding intact when he signed the capital budget Tuesday, but he blocked the transfer of money from one older project to another.

Assembly Postpones Public Testimony Decision

Tuesday night, the Anchorage Assembly voted unanimously to postpone indefinitely an ordinance that would have changed the way that public hearings are conducted. Download Audio

Opponents of Oil Tax Reform Say They’ll Keep Fighting

Protesters and petition gatherers lobbied outside Anchorage's Denaina Center while Governor Sean Parnell was inside signing SB 21, the state's oil tax reform legislation. Opponents of the bill are seeking petitions to get a referendum on the 2014 state election ballot.

Governor Parnell Signs Energy Bills

Governor Sean Parnell signed into law Tuesday two bills that he says will have a huge impact on young Alaskans and on Alaskans of the future. SB 21, the hard fought oil tax reform bill, and HB 4, a bill authorizing an in - state gasline, were created to increase oil production in the state and to give Alaskan's access to the state's natural gas resource.

Governor Signs Budget

Gov. Sean Parnell approved the state's budget today, and he was light with his veto pen. Download Audio

Executives Push Feds for Export Approval

Energy company chiefs and politicians rip into Department of Energy for timely permitting process. Download Audio

Ice Jam Above Fort Yukon Could Mean Disaster

A massive sheet of winter ice is holding back hundreds of thousands of gallons of silty Yukon River ice roughly 12 miles upriver from Fort Yukon. Download Audio

Yukon River-Area Villages Voice Concern Over Flooding Threat

Other villages in the middle Yukon River region are bracing for high water and breakup-related flooding as the weather starts to warm in interior Alaska. Download Audio

Kulluk Hearing Continues In Anchorage

The hearings about the grounding of the drilling rig Kulluk continued today in Anchorage. In the morning, the investigators heard from the contractor who towed the rig up last summer without incident. In the afternoon, Shell emergency response executive Norman “buddy” Custard returned for more questioning. Download Audio

Emotions Run High As Fishermen Testify On Religion

The Kuskokwim fishermen trials continued today at the Bethel Court House. More fishermen were found guilty for illegal fishing last summer during King salmon closures. The fishermen’s defense attorney continued to ask the court to dismiss the cases and the judge continued to find the fishermen guilty. The fishermen took turns on the stand, some breaking down when they talked about what subsistence meant to them. Download Audio

Bail Denied For Defendant In Coast Guard Killings

A federal judge has denied bail for a 61-year-old man accused of killing two men at the Coast Guard station on Kodiak Island. Download Audio