
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Timber Communities Worry Over Fate Of Secure Rural Schools Program

Alaska's congressional delegation have expressed outrage over the requirement that timber communities pay back a chunk of their Secure Rural Schools subsidies as part of sequestration. But in the affected areas, there's mostly a mood of anxiety as towns worry about what the move signals for the future. Download Audio

Tesoro Fined For Clean Air Violations

Tesoro Corporation has been issued a fine of more than $1 million for violating provisions of the Clean Air Act. Download Audio

State Searching For Potential Tustumena Ferry Replacements

In less than six weeks, the Tustumena ferry is supposed to wrap up repairs and set sail to Southwest Alaska. But the shipyard says that delivery date isn’t looking realistic. As the state faces yet another blown deadline for getting the Tustumena back in service, they’ve started looking for other ships to pick up the ferry’s route. And it doesn’t have to be a perfect fit. Download Audio

Sealaska Sells One Business, May Buy Another

Sealaska recently sold its Global Logistics business to 20Cubed, a much-larger firm with offices in about 10 countries.

Miracle Months of Summer

Karen Nickoli is a playful 10-year-old from Russian Mission, a small Yup’ik village near Bethel. She woke up with a fever one day and found out she had cancer the next. Providence houses the only children’s hospital in the state so Karen would be staying in Anchorage for her care. Scared and far from home, Karen and her mom could hardly wait for the rest of their family to join them. Learn more.

Ice Jam Slowly Breaking Up Near Galena

The ice jam that is causing devastating flooding in the Yukon River community of Galena is slowly starting to break up. National Weather Service Hydrologist Ed Plumb says he first saw signs it was crumbling late this morning. He says this afternoon, large pieces were starting to break off the front of the ice jam. Download Audio

Coast Guard Helicopter Crash Survivor Denied Promotion

The sole survivor of a Coast Guard helicopter crash has been denied promotion, possibly ending his military career. Download Audio

2 Tanana Officials Indicted On Federal Wire Fraud, Theft Charges

Two Tanana city officials have been charged with taking federal property for personal gain. Tanana City manager Alfred R. “Bear” Ketzler and city expediter Alfred McQuestion Fabian have been indicted on federal wire fraud and theft charges. Download Audio

UAA Fires Athletic Director Steve Cobb

The longtime athletic director of the University of Alaska Anchorage has been fired. Download Audio

Civilian Department of Defense Workers Begin Receiving Furlough Notices

Civilian workers at Alaska’s military installations are being formally notified that they’ll be required to take up to 11 days off work, unpaid, by Oct. 1, to comply with federal budget cuts mandated through the “sequester” process. Download Audio

States Ordered to Refund Federal Money

The U.S. Forest Service asked governors to return millions of dollars from the Secure Rural Schools program. Download Audio

Alaska Lawmakers Pushing Back Against Federal Royalty Cuts

When resources are extracted from federal lands, states are usually entitled to 50 percent of the royalties. But because of sequestration, their portion is being reduced by 5 percent. Alaska is now joining 10 other states in opposing these cuts to federal royalty payments. Download Audio

Former Marine Speaks About Military Toxins, Potential Health Risks

A former Marine Corps Master Sergeant is in Alaska visiting communities to talk about military toxins and the potential health risks of those exposed. Jerry Ensminger spent 25 years in the Marines, but a local television news story about drinking water contamination that became a super fund site at Camp LeJeune in North Carolina changed his life. Download Audio

UAF Considers Adding Roller Ski Loop

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is considering another addition to its growing array of outdoor recreational facilities: a roller ski loop. Download Audio

Motorcyclist Killed In Crash Near Dot Lake

A motorcyclist died Sunday when her vehicle hit the guardrail on the Alaska Highway near Dot Lake. Gail Erikcsen, of Delta Junction, was 48.

Child Killed In 4-Wheeler Crash Identified

The child who died in a four wheeler crash Monday near Chena Hot Springs Road has been identified as Robyn Blemke, 12, of Two Rivers. No identity disclosed for the second child who had minor injuries.

2013 Togiak Herring Closes After Near Record Season

As of 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, the 2013 Togiak commercial sac roe herring fishery has closed. Fishing through tough weather over the weekend, the gillnet fleet scraped by with a couple hundred tons landed each day, and on Monday the buyers announced they were done buying for the season. Download Audio

Veteran Spotlight: Jim VanOss

Jim VanOss is a U.S. Army Veteran, drafted during the Vietnam War who served as a military police officer and an embassy guard in Saigon during the Tet Offensive. During his Veteran Spotlight interview, VanOss recalls being 20-years-old when he was drafted into the Army after failing a college class. Learn more.

Galena Flooding Forces Many To Evacuate

More than half of Galena’s 400 residents have evacuated as flooding from an ice jam on the Yukon River worsened today. Power has been shut off as a precaution, there is no city water available. Download Audio

Educators Worried Summer School Cut Could Hurt English Language Learners

Normally, students in the Anchorage School District would be starting summer school in the next week or two, but funding cuts have canceled the program for the first time in recent memory. The cuts will impact struggling students most -- especially immigrant, refugee and other students learning English. Download Audio