
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Recovery Process Continues On ‘Sandbar Mitchell’

A Michigan based team in Fairbanks is recovering and restoring what’s left of an historic aircraft known as “Sandbar Mitchell.” Before starting their work, the group placed a plaque at the site of the plane crash that occurred on a Tanana River sandbar near Fairbanks 44 years ago. It remembers the Mitchell B-25 bomber that went down while in service as a fire fighting air tanker on June 27th 1969. Download Audio

Details Released On Rescue From ‘Into The Wild’ Bus

The events leading up to Christopher McCandless’ death were compiled in the book Into the Wild, which was later made into a motion picture. Since the release of the book and movie, many have trekked down the 20 miles of the Stampede Trail to visit the former Fairbanks city bus where McCandless died.

Lawmakers Visit Alaska

Alaska is hosting some Washington visitors this week. Monday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano visited Coast Guard facilities, and House Speaker John Boehner is touring some Western Alaska communities with Representative Don Young and will appear at a Republican fundraiser on Tuesday. Also in town is former Representative Gabby Giffords, campaigning for expanded background checks for gun sales.

Art Comes as a Refuge for June’s End of School Puzzles

John Singer Sargent - In a Levantine Port (1906) The Brooklyn Museum of Art is a short subway ride from Midtown and although it competes with Manhattan’s museum trifecta: Metropolitan, Guggenheim, and MoMA, lately it’s been packing a mean punch. John Singer Sargent could paint anything, as noted in his seafaring compositions where canvas sails soften wooden boats which lap up reflections from the water. Read more.

Oil Sheen Spotted Leaking From Sunken Tender In Bristol Bay

A large response effort is underway to deal with a Trident Seafoods fishing tender that sank Sunday morning near the mouth of one of the major salmon producing rivers in Bristol Bay. Download Audio

Redistricting Board Hears Questions, Concerns On New Maps

Every 10 years, Alaska's political lines are redrawn to reflect changes in population. In an ideal world, the state's redistricting board takes the results of the U.S. census, tries to divide the state into regions with equal population, and finalizes a map before the next election cycle. That didn't happen this go-round. It's been nearly three years since the redistricting board first came together, and Alaska still doesn't have its political boundaries settled. Download Audio

Rate for Subsidized Stafford Loans Doubles

Congress fails to prevent increase in rate for essential student loan. Download Audio

Employees Worry About State-Imposed Office Space Standards

The State of Alaska is implementing new work areas in Juneau and Anchorage office buildings. Officials claim new universal space standards will save money and create a better work environment, but some state employees think otherwise. Download Audio

Bill Puts $35 Million Toward Residential Housing For ANMC

Governor Sean Parnell signed into law a bill last week that’ll put $35 million toward construction of residential housing with a sky-bridge to the Alaska Native Medical Center, a move supporters say will save the state millions of dollars a year. Download Audio

3 Killed In Nunam Iqua House Fire

A house fire in the Yukon River village of Nunam Iqua killed three people over the weekend and injured others. The fire broke out in a three-bedroom home during a party that lasted into the morning hours. Download Audio

150 March In Support of ‘Fairbanks Four’

About 150 people marched Saturday in Anchorage from Town Square to a powwow at Delaney Park Strip in support of the “Fairbanks Four.” Those are the four Alaska Native or American Indian men convicted in 1999 of murdering teenager John Hartman in Fairbanks. Download Audio

Adak Seeks Processing Plant Operator

Last week, the City of Adak and the Adak Community Development Corporation bought $2 million worth of fish processing equipment at auction. Now, they’re looking for someone to operate it. Download Audio

Centennial Denali Expedition Reaches Summit

History was repeated last Friday when the Centennial Denali expedition reached the summit of North America's highest peak. The summit team is made up of four men representing the first party to reach the summit of Denali as well as four guides from Alaska Mountaineering School. Download Audio

Plane Crash Near Cantwell Claims 3 Lives

An airplane crash Friday near Cantwell killed three people. The remains of pilot 61-year-old Dale Hemman Steilacoom, Washington, as well as 74-year-old passenger John Ellenberg and 52-year-old Laura Buckner, both from South Carolina, were recovered from the crash site.

Tender ‘Lonestar’ Capsizes In Mouth Of Igushik River

A large vessel, used to transport sockeye salmon from the fishing grounds to a processing facility, has capsized in the mouth of one of the major salmon producing rivers in Bristol Bay. Download Audio

I Am A Hooligan Fisherman

Alaska is known for its abundant salmon fisheries, but few outsiders have ever heard of the yearly hooligan runs. These fish earned the name "candlefish" from being so fat during spawning, with up to 15% of total body weight in fat, that if caught, dried, and strung on a wick, it can be burned as a candle. Click for more.

House Passes Bill To Increase Offshore Oil, Gas Drilling

The U.S. House passed a bill this morning that aims to increase offshore oil and gas drilling. The bill has no chance in the Senate. Download Audio

Polar Star Headed For Arctic Ice Trials

The United States’ only heavy icebreaker will soon be back in service after a four-year, $90 million renovation. The USCGC Polar Star is scheduled to leave Unalaska Friday to undergo several weeks of ice trials in the Arctic. Download Audio

Village Consortium Discusses Regional Impacts Of Development

A consortium of 10 Arctic, coastal village corporations recently formed the Bering Sea Alliance and invited Shell, ConocoPhillips and Statoil to a meeting in the community of Wales. The Seward Peninsula village is northwest of Nome. Download Audio

Steller Sea Lion Pup Arrives

The Alaska SeaLife Center is celebrating the birth of the Steller sea lion pup they’ve been anxiously awaiting. The female pup was born at 5:35am on June 20th, with no complications. Both pup and mother are healthy. Download Audio