
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

New Agreement Moves NPRA Opening Process Another Step Forward

An agreement between two federal agencies on Monday leaves only one formal step in the process to open the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska – or NPRA -- for development.
a snow patch surrounded by trees

Tribal groups call for halt to logging at ‘sacred and culturally historic’ site near Yakutat

Yakutat elder Victoria Demmert says her ancestors harvested salmon at Humpback Creek for hundreds of years.

Court rules against Klukwan, conservation groups in permitting lawsuit

On Friday, a federal court ruled that the Bureau of Land Management does not have to consider future impacts of mine development before approving activities for mineral exploration in the Chilkat Valley.

Post-Ferguson, APD stands by civil unrest preparation plans

The Anchorage Police Department says they are ready if civil unrest breaks out in Alaska's largest city, like it did in Ferguson, Missouri earlier this month. But their main tactic is being as transparent and open as possible so that riots don't happen in the first place. Download Audio:

Elders and Youth Conference Kicks Off in Anchorage

The First Alaskans Institute is hosting the Elders and Youth Conference in Anchorage this week. The conference gives elders and youth from around the state a chance to learn from each other and pass on Native cultures.
Three women hold up skis on podiums

Anchorage-based nordic skier Rosie Brennan notches back-to-back World Cup wins

Despite a field reduced by COVID worries, coaches say Brennan's victory was a big deal.
Wrangell's Heritage Harbor

Wrangell’s newest harbor needs a pricey add-on to stop corrosion

Harbor pilings are protected from corrosion with anodes. But Wrangell’s Heritage Harbor, updated in 2009, never had them installed.
water near mountains

Anchorage trail projects seen as modest but positive steps in 500-mile Alaska Traverse plan

The three Chugach State Park projects that won legislative funding were chosen strategically and they survived the governor’s veto pen.

Alaska Division of Public Health short on nurses in Bethel

Three public health nurses left Bethel in the past four months, and it’s taking a while to train and bring new ones up to speed.
musk oxen near Nome

Troopers remind hunters of harvesting obligations after reports of animals wasted near Nome

State law says all edible meat must be salvaged from big game animals except brown bears, wolves and wolverines. Any furbearer must be harvested.

Alaska’s Capital City Changes With The Times

As the State of Alaska has grown, the Capital City of Juneau has adapted and grown along with it. Two former legislators on Tuesday discussed those changes and the challenges Juneau has faced over the years. The talk was part of the Alaska Legislature Centennial Commission program, which took place in the Capital City this week to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Alaska Legislature.

Marine Science Symposium – LIVEBLOG – Sunday

LIVEBLOG PREVIEW: This is the week when a whole lot happens in Arctic science. The latest results from last year's field season begin to go public, by way of hundreds of speeches, powerpoints and poster presentations before about 800 people in downtown Anchorage. It's more information than anyone could possibly absorb, but they'll try.

Investigation into loss of Alaska Ranger begins

A formal inquiry into the sinking of the Alaska Ranger got underway this morning in Unalaska. Several high-ranking Coast Guard officers, joined by representatives...
a woman in a mask pulls vaccine from a vial

Another booster? A vaccine for omicron? Here’s what could be next for COVID vaccines.

Federal health officials are convening with outside advisers April 6 to talk about a vaccine plan, whether that's another booster in the fall, an omicron shot or one that targets more than one strain.

Jewel Surprises Karaoke Bar

Aaron Selbig, KBBI – Homer Have you ever been really, really impressed by a karaoke performance? So much so that you thought the amateur...

‘A lot of things have changed’: Eielson Air Force Base to resume tours

The tours came to a halt in early 2020 as COVID-19 spread globally.

Native Leaders Meet With Secretary of Indian Affairs

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Alaska Native leaders from across the state met with assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs Larry EchoHawk in Fairbanks Monday morning. ...
A close up of a red KN95 mask on a person's face

Coronavirus FAQ: What’s the best way to protect school-age kids from COVID?

Even as case rates are plunging in some areas, multi-layered strategies are still necessary.

As Trump pulls down Republican Congressional candidates, two Alaska independents out-raise GOP incumbents

As national opinion turns against President Donald Trump and threatens to trickle down to Republican Congressional candidates, two Alaska independents have continued to out-raised the GOP incumbents they're challenging, according to new figures released Wednesday.

Anchorage Wants Consumers to Lower Thermostats

This week the municipality of Anchorage wants residents to lower their thermostats and take other energy saving measures...well, at least for two hours. Len Anderson,...