
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Federal government updates navigability determination for Upper Knik River

"BLM announced that they revisited an old navigability determination on the Knik River, and in doing so, they have essentially reversed their decision on finding that the river is navigable from Friday Creek all the way to the Knik Glacier," Goodrum said.
A headshot of a man wearing a black shirt and metal chain as he looks straight into the camera.

Man wanted in connection to Anchorage double homicide is arrested in New York

Police found the man's wife and daughter dead from gunshot wounds.

Poll: Most Alaskans support state sales tax

Alaskans are increasingly concerned about the $3.5 billion state budget shortfall. And they’re interested in using both state spending cuts and new revenue to close the gap. That’s according to the Rasmuson Foundation’s Plan4Alaska which surveyed 800 Alaskans earlier this month. Download Audio

Higher objectives lower student proficiency percentage

Last Friday, the Anchorage School District announced the results of the federal proficiency tests required under the No Child Left Behind Act. Unlike...

Sailor Attempting to Circle the Americas

Traveling through the Northwest Passage is challenging for any sailor, but Matt Rutherford has decided to take his trip farther than that by continuing on to circle the Americas.
American Indian elders

Survivors say trauma from abusive Native American boarding schools stretches across generations

The traumas inflicted by abusive Native American boarding schools are getting belated attention through a series of federal listening sessions.

Southeast campaign roundup

Seven of Southeast’s eight legislative seats are before voters this year. So far, only two races are contested. But potential candidates still have three...

Pebble Mine Opponents Urge EPA To Kill Project

About 30 opponents of the proposed Pebble Mine met in Washington today with White House and high-ranking EPA staff. They came armed with a new EPA study that found a mine of Pebble’s size would pose a significant risk to Bristol Bay and its valuable salmon fisheries. Now they’re asking the Environment agency to take the next step and kill the project. They didn’t get a definite answer. Download Audio

6.2 Magnitude earthquake felt in Adak

The 6.2 earthquake struck about 50 miles from Adak around 9 p.m. Wednesday.

Heavy winds and wet snow lead to icy streets and power outages in Anchorage

The city saw gusts as high as 82 mph in the Potter Marsh area, leading to power outages for thousands of residents.

Alaskans split on Dunleavy PFD repayment plan

The March 6 public hearing before the Senate State Affairs Committee stretched for more than two hours, with testimony split almost evenly between Alaskans opposed

Alaska first responders train up on urban search and rescue techniques

During an exercise in Juneau, members of the Washington National Guard provided expertise on rescuing victims from buildings collapsed by an earthquake, avalanche or mudslide.

Alaska is first phase of Arctic Ocean fiber optic project

Marine surveying will start again this summer near Alaska's coastal communities in a wide-reaching effort to improve communications by laying a $700 million fiber-optic cable linking Europe and Asia through the Arctic Ocean.

NASA Wraps Up ICESCAPE Mission

NASA may be shutting down its manned space flight program, but it’s increasing its presence in a place that’s almost as foreign to most humans – the Arctic. The agency is wrapping up its first oceanographic mission, ICESCAPE.

Agreement allows Moda to keep selling health insurance in Alaska

The Division of Insurance announced an agreement with insurer Moda Health Monday, that will allow the company to stay on the individual and group markets in Alaska. Download Audio

Anchorage scrambles to find enough housing for the homeless before winter sets in

With the first snow just weeks away, the city is scrambling to pull together housing options for more than 3,000 unsheltered residents.

Tesoro settlement resolves alleged Clean Air Act violations

As part of a settlement with the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Justice, the Tesoro refinery in Nikiski will spend millions of dollars to reduce emissions that are potentially harmful to public health and the environment.

Walker proposes Permanent Fund overhaul to cover deficit

Gov. Walker wants to overhaul the way Alaska uses the Permanent Fund. His plan would turn the state’s various savings accounts into a kind of endowment, using their earnings to fund state operations. Download Audio
a bear stands on the edge of a waterfall

Michigan man wounded in bear mauling north of Glennallen

Alaska State Troopers say 33-year-old Nicholas Kuperus was able to stop the attack using bear spray.

ONC Cancels ‘Cultural and Social Harvest’

The social and cultural harvest of king salmon for Bethel and a subsequent community dinner have been cancelled. The events are sponsored by Bethel’s tribe, Orutsararmiut Native Council, and supported by the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation.