
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Interior Communities Seek Donations For Flood Recovery

Specific items are being requested to help flood impacted communities in the interior, including Galena, where the most severe and wide ranging break up damage occurred. State Division of Homeland security and emergency management spokesman Jeremy Zidek urges people wanting to help to consider what’s needed before making donations. Download Audio

IRS Seizes Douglas Inn After Failing To Pay Taxes

A Douglas man and his business owe a million dollars in back taxes that have been due since 1999. The Internal Revenue Service in May seized P-P’s Douglas Inn, formerly known as Louie’s. The agency plans to auction off the downtown Douglas property to recoup some of the money owed to the federal government. Download Audio

New Tool Used To Combat Elodea

The invasive aquatic plant elodea is growing in a few Alaska fresh water sites, and work continues to fight it back. Download Audio

Cruise Ship Fails Surprise Health Inspection In Skagway

A cruise ship that failed a surprise health inspection while in Alaskan waters is making national news after it was discovered food was being stored in unsanitary conditions.

Arctic Shipping On the Rise

It’s shaping up to be a busy year for Arctic shipping. The Russian government has already granted 218 vessels permission to transit the Northern Sea Route this summer -- four times as many as made the trip last year.

Four Survive Floatplane on Prince of Wales Island

A floatplane crashed on Wednesday on Prince of Wales Island, and all four aboard are expected to survive. The DeHavilland Beaver was owned by Promech Air of Ketchikan.

Man Convicted Of 1st Degree Murder For Shooting, Killing Girlfriend

Wednesday, a jury convicted an Anchorage man of first degree murder for killing his girlfriend by shooting her in the eye last year. The defense for James Marquez, 36, argued for manslaughter, saying Marquez committed the act in a fit of rage. But the prosecution argued the act was done deliberately.

Man Who Crashed JBER Gate Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison

A five year prison term and more than $78,000 restitution is the sentence for the man who crashed a pickup through Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson last January. Kyle Hansen, 26, of Wasilla, was convicted of assaulting a federal officer who was knocked down at a roadblock at the base's gate as Hansen drove out. Hansen had a long chain of DUI convictions behind him.

2013 Sadler’s Alaska Challenge Mini-Doc

The Sadler's Alaska Challenge is the toughest and longest Handcycle race in the world. The 7 stage race was held in Alaska, July 15-21. The Alaska Teen Media Institute documented the race. Read more.

GCI and ACS Form Alaska Wireless Network

Alaska's two largest mobile service providers create joint venture to take on Verizon and AT&T. Download Audio

FEMA Admin Keeping Close Eye On Yukon River Disaster Response

FEMA Region 10 Administrator Ken Murphy is in Alaska this week to keep an eye on disaster response for Yukon River flood victims. Murphy spoke with APRN on Wednesday on the agency’s ultimate goal of providing services to disaster survivors to get them back on their feet as soon as possible. As of July 21, FEMA has paid out over $1 million in awards to individuals and households in the damaged areas. Download Audio

Galena, CCHRC Work Together To Rebuild Homes

The Fairbanks based Cold Climate Housing Research Center is working with Galena residents whose homes were damaged and destroyed by the flood. CCHRC President Jack Hebert is visiting Galena on Wednesday to share home designs based on past village housing projects, and get feedback from Galena. Download Audio

Water-Starved Alaska Village Gets Last-Minute Help

Last-minute help has arrived for a remote village that is down to its last drops of treated water. Download Audio

Bill Would Allow Road To Prince of Wales Mines

A bill making it easier to build a road to Prince of Wales Island mines has gotten some attention in the nation’s Capitol. Download Audio

Grad Student Discovers New Insect Species On POW

An entomology student working on a project on northern Prince of Wales Island found a strange insect. Turns out, it’s an ancient, and previously unidentified species, which she and her adviser have given a Tlingit name. Download Audio

Whittier Mayor Poised To Retain Seat Following Recall Election

Lester Lunceford is still the mayor of Whittier – at least for now.  According to the unofficial results, the long-time mayor is poised to keep his position following Tuesday’s recall election. The recall stems from this year’s hiring of a permanent city manager. Download Audio

Warm Weather Kills Hatchery Chinook Near Petersburg

Over a thousand hatchery king salmon died at Blind River rapids sometime last week. The Chinook were returning to the Crystal Lake Hatchery on southern Mitkof Island, south of Petersburg. Warm water temperatures appear to be the culprit. Download Audio

AVO Looks To Improve Ash Forecasting With Online Tool

All of Alaska’s currently active volcanoes are hundreds of miles from the scientists responsible for warning us of potentially hazardous activity or the likelihood of ash clouds that disrupt air traffic. Satellite imagery and seismic sensors give researchers a look into what’s going on, but they depend heavily on citizen scientists for eyes and ears on the ground. The Alaska Volcano Observatory aims to improve the quality of ash forecasts through a new online tool. Download Audio

Administration Commissioner Rejects Judge’s Decision

Alaska Administration Commissioner Becky Hultberg is sending a decision on a multi-million-dollar furniture contract back to the judge.

Day of Swimming Ends Tragically in Death of 14-Year-Old Boy

A 14-year-old Kodiak boy drowned in Lake Gertrude at Fort Abercrombie on Tuesday night. The Alaska State Troopers report Rex Matautia was swimming with friends around 8 p.m. when he began struggling and slipping underwater. The other boys attempted to save him, but couldn’t hang on.