
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

They’re holding a town hall, with or without delegation

Alaskans alarmed by the Trump White House are pressuring the state’s congressional delegation for a town hall meeting in Anchorage this week. They've organized one, but none of the three lawmakers has agreed to come. Listen now
a cruise ship

Passengers evacuated after fire breaks out on cruise ship in Glacier Bay

Nearly 70 passengers were evacuated after a Monday engine room fire disabled UnCruise’s Wilderness Discoverer in Glacier Bay.

Coast Guard personnel to receive Dec. 31 paychecks despite government shutdown

According to an update posted on Coast Guard All Hands, the official blog for Coast Guard workers, meeting payroll in January “will require a fiscal 2019 appropriation, a continuing resolution, or passage of an alternative measure.”

Report Paints Bleak Picture of Alaska’s Hunger Problem

A new report is painting a bleak picture of Alaska’s hunger problem. The study shows 74 thousand people in Alaska receive food aid each...
A man holds prescription drugs.

Alaska cancer treatment centers struggle with shortage of common chemo drugs

Two common chemotherapy drugs are in short supply in Alaska – cisplatin and carboplatin. Oncology centers across the country are struggling to keep the drugs in stock.
Cooked turkey on top of a cutting board, next to trays of orange and white platters of food.

For pandemic Thanksgiving, a growing group of Anchorage restaurants are cooking

Amid months of uncertainty and pandemic disruptions, Anchorage restaurant owners say demand for Thanksgiving dinner to-go has been an unexpected boost for business.

Obama’s Supreme Court nomination draws criticism and praise

President Obama Wednesday nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. Both of Alaska’s U.S. senators issued written statements reaffirming their support for the Senate’s Republican leaders, who are refusing to hold a hearing or a vote on the nominee. Download Audio

New addition will help food bank store even more food than before

The Southeast Alaska Food Bank celebrated an increased capacity during an open house Saturday. The new addition allows the food bank to give away even more food than before. Listen Now

Hunting Interests Appear to Win Seats on Advisory Panel

All eight vacant seats on the Anchorage Fish and Game Citizen Advisory Committee have been filled, and indications are that hunting interests have...

Storm Kills Two Travelers

Angela Denning-Barnes, KYUK – Bethal A harsh North Storm that hit the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta last weekend killed two travelers. Others lost the trail and...

Helen of Troy

Acclaimed presenter of historic documentaries, Bettany Hughes, embarks on a journey across the eastern Mediterranean to discover the truth about Helen of Troy, the woman blamed for causing the Trojan War. Following weapons experts, the film shows how the conflict in Helen's name would have been fought, unraveling the reality from the myths and putting flesh on "the face that launched a thousand ships." Alaska Public Television. Sunday, August 12. 8:00 pm
a person hiking in the mountains

State of Alaska plans to sue feds over trail corridors across public land

The state intends to sue to gain title to rights of way in the Yukon-Charley Preserve.

District 40 primary fight heads to Alaska Supreme Court

The Alaska Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday in a lawsuit over the Democratic primary in House District 40, which stretches from Kotzebue to Kaktovik.

Legislator requests details of Department of Law’s investigation into price fixing

Anchorage Representative Pete Peterson has requested the Department of Law’s input into the federal investigation of price fixing among ocean shipping companies. ...

Three Anchorage schools put in “stay-put” mode following FBI tip

Three schools in Anchorage went into "stay-put" mode today after a threat was received by the FBI. Officials are saying there's no evidence any of the schools are in danger, but took steps out of an abundance of caution.
A pair of gloved hands holding a box labeled "Ivermectin"

Ivermectin does not prevent COVID-19 hospitalization, a new study says

In the large study, researchers in Brazil studied more than 1,300 patients, half of which received ivermectin and the other half a placebo.
Jesse Bjorkman

Alaska Legislature passes bill enabling employers to use saliva tests for drugs, alcohol

If Gov. Mike Dunleavy signs SB 196 or allows it to become law, employers using saliva tests would be legally protected.

Senate President dismisses Allen/Kohring election connection

U.S. Attorney Joseph Bottini yesterday said he intends to show the federal jury that former VECO chairman Bill Allen's influence over former legislator Vic...

Judge Denies Bid To Block Port MacKenzie Rail Spur

A federal judge has denied a bid to block the Port MacKenzie railroad spur project. Monday U.S. District Court Judge Ralph Beistline handed down his decision, saying that extensive environmental studies were conducted over a period of years regarding the project, and that the benefits of the project are great, while further delay in construction would not be in the public interest.
line one logo

Line One: Acupuncture

The use of acupuncture and alternative medicine techniques has greatly increased over the last several decades in the United States, particularly in the treatment of chronic pain. What are the common uses for acupuncture and herbal medicine, and how is it used in combination with Western medicine? Join host Dr Justin Clark. As he explores these topics on this episode of Line One: Your Health Connection.